Regularly Review Your Blog Content

Blog improvement—Step 1 of 3

Review your blog regularly to make sure it’s correct and up–to–date. Regular reviews will also help you remember previous posts that you might want to link back to in future posts. Linking to older content involves your readers in everything you’ve done throughout the blog’s history.

  • Review your content at least once a month for:
    • Functionality: Do all links work and go to the expected page? Are there outdated posts, incorrectly categorized posts, spam, or typos? If problems are found, fix them immediately.
    • Quality: Is your writing as good as it could be? Are there best practices you can emulate? What can you do better?
    • Value: Review your content to see how well it lives up to your content goals. Are there areas where you need to expand or improve to stay in line with your original goals?
  • Consider updating older posts to increase traffic and improve search placement.
  • Link to older, relevant posts to increase search rankings. Whenever you write a new post, think about what you’ve published in the past that connects to your current message. This helps people see how a topic evolves over time.
  • Cultivate your audience by maintaining a consistent tone and style.
  • Are you following your original content strategy? If not, get back on track!

Keep your content in tip-top shape, so your readers will learn that they can always count on you to provide high-quality, authoritative information. This will help for you to be viewed as an expert in your field.

Are there other bloggers out there, writing similar content? Are there opportunities to cross-market or cross post? Can you learn any good tips from competitors? Your next step is to get to know the Blogosphere.

Review all steps at a glance on the How to Blog page.


Content Lead: Lisa Nelson
Page Reviewed/Updated: August 6, 2012

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