Press Releases and Statements

Sensenbrenner: "Further Legal Machinations by Vice President Gore Will Only Undermine the Bush Presidency…"

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Washington, Dec 5, 2000 -  

(Washington, DC) – Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Menomonee Falls) today made the following statement concerning the ongoing presidential election challenge: 

I share the nation’s frustration with the current state of affairs regarding the election of the 43rd President of the United States.  A number of issues have been raised during this election, particularly in Florida.  In the forefront is the issue of manual ballot recounts.  The Bush campaign appealed the Florida Supreme Court’s ruling extending the deadline for recounting the state's ballots to the United States Supreme Court.  The United States Supreme Court ruled, “that there is considerable uncertainty as to the precise grounds for this decision,” delivering a message to the Florida Supreme Court that it must have greater legal grounds for justification of its decision. 

I support the Bush campaign’s efforts in this matter.  In light of the United States Supreme Court’s ruling, and in light of the finding of fact in favor of George W. Bush by Judge Sanders Sauls, I believe Vice President Gore should conclude his challenge and concede the election.  Further legal machinations by Vice President Gore will serve only to undermine the Bush presidency at a time when we need national unity more than ever following the closest election in our nation’s history. 

I am also deeply concerned about the significant number of absentee ballots from military personnel that are being disqualified in Florida and the Gore Campaign’s active efforts to disqualify these military ballots.  It is outrageous that anyone seeking to be the military’s Commander-in-Chief would engage in a targeted effort to deny this right to the very men and women in uniform who risk their lives to protect our freedoms and rights, including the right to vote. 

Currently, federal law does not require a postmark on overseas military ballots.  I support federal legislative efforts to have to overseas military ballots considered in the final state certified counts retroactively if the ballots were received in a timely fashion, pursuant to state law, but were disqualified because of the lack of a postmark.  When Congress reconvenes shortly, it is anticipated that such legislation will be introduced and considered.  It will have my full support. 

Another issue raised is the role of states in national elections.  I believe the framers of our Constitution left the conduct of elections to the state and local governments.  I am a strong supporter of states’ rights and support state retention of election responsibilities.  The Constitution, however, does provide for a congressional role in presidential elections through the certification of the Electoral College votes, which will occur in January. 

Like most citizens, I find it painful to watch this on-going legal and state battle; however, I have confidence in the Bush campaign’s handling of the current situation.  I will continue to monitor all aspects of this election and will act when appropriate. 

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