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Map of US with nine Op-Model test states highlighted: Test states are: Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, and New Jersey.

CSA Operational Model Test

Nine states joined the CSA Operational-Model Test (Op-Model Test) as of October 2009: Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, and New Jersey.

What Is The Timeline for CSA?

In February 2008, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) launched a field test of the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) Operational Model in Colorado, Georgia, Missouri, and New Jersey. In 2009, FMCSA added Delaware, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota and Montana to the test group. New interventions were applied to all interstate and hazmat motor carriers domiciled in these States utilizing all government resources on the test.

After listening carefully to all stakeholders including Operational-Model Test (Op-Model Test) participants, enforcement staff, and industry safety experts, FMCSA developed a revised schedule for the rollout of CSA in line with its commitment to launch this program in the most effective way possible. The rollout schedule was designed to methodically step Federal and State enforcement staff, as well as the motor carrier industry, into the program one stride at a time - increasing the safety benefits through better understanding and increased accountability for good safety performance. The rollout timeline is outlined below:

  • April 12 - November 30,2010 - Motor carriers can preview their own data by seeing their roadside inspections/violations and crash events organized by Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC).
  • Summer 2010
    • June 30 - The Op-Model Test ends.
    • July - The four Test States partially applying the CSA Model (Colorado, Georgia, Missouri, and New Jersey) fully switch over to CSA, bringing total CSA Test States to nine.
    • August
      • The Safety Measurement System (SMS) Methodology is modified to increase its effectiveness.
      • Motor carriers can see an assessment of their violations based on the new motor carrier Safety Measurement System (SMS) which replaces SafeStat later in 2010.
  • Fall/Winter 2010
    • SafeStat is replaced by the SMS. The SMS is available to the public, including shippers and insurance companies.
    • FMCSA/States prioritize enforcement using the SMS.
    • FMCSA begins to issue warning letters to carriers with alerted BASICs.
    • Roadside inspectors use the SMS results to identify carriers for inspection.
  • 2011
    • Safety Fitness Determination Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) is scheduled to be released.
    • Enforcement staff will continue to be trained and new interventions will be implemented State-by-State.