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Recovery Partnerships and Collaboration: Highlights from the latest Recovery Month Twitter Chat

14 June 2012 No Comment

Written By: Rashetta Fairnot, Public Health Advisor, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

On Wednesday, May 30, we hosted the May Recovery Month Twitter chat on the topic of “Partnerships and Collaboration: Recovery Services, Systems, and Support.” I was joined by co-hosts Paolo Del Vecchio, Acting Director from the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) and Cathy Nugent, Senior Public Health Analyst, CMHS for a robust conversation centered on recovery-oriented services and support for people in or seeking recovery. The chat also addressed how people in recovery and their families can work together to guide the behavioral health system across the United States.

We would like to thank the participants who contributed to the hour-long discussion through informative and educational comments, questions, or retweets. You helped us reach more than 118,000 people with important recovery messages! We also appreciate those who helped promote the May #RecoveryChat to their followers.

Mark your calendars to join our next Twitter chat on Monday, July 9, from 1:00 -2:00 p.m. EDT about the behavioral health issues that affect military families. We will discuss current efforts to improve the behavioral health care system to better meet the needs of military service members, veterans and their families.

If you were unable to join our May chat, but would like to view the conversation, read the full transcript with highlights below.

Q1: Why is it important for people in recovery and their family members to help shape the behavioral health system?


Q2: SAMHSA’s definition of recovery emphasizes the value of health, home, purpose, and community to support recovery…How can health, home, purpose, and community support people in recovery from mental and/ or substance use disorders?


Q3: How can communities work together to guide the behavioral health system and promote recovery-oriented programs?


Q4: What are ways to aid in implementing effective recovery support & recovery-oriented systems across the nation?


Q5: What tactics and materials are you currently using to support recovery?


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