Appendix B
TEDS Data Elements

TEDS Minimum Data Set
TEDS Supplemental Data Set

TEDS Minimum Data Set

Client or Codependent/Collateral


- Has an alcohol or drug related problem

- Has completed the screening and intake process

- Has been formally admitted for treatment or recovery service in an alcohol or drug treatment unit

- Has his or her own client record
   A person is not a client if he or she has completed only a screening or intake process or has been placed on a waiting list.

- Has no alcohol or drug related problem

- Is seeking services because of problems arising from his or her relationship with an alcohol or drug user

- Has been formally admitted for service to a treatment unit

- Has his or her own client record or has a record within a primary client record

GUIDELINES: Reporting of Codependent/collateral is optional. If a record does not include a value for this field, it is assumed to be a substance abuse client record. If a substance abuse client with an existing record in TEDS becomes a codependent, a new client record should be submitted indicating that the client has been admitted as a codependent, and vice versa.

TRANSACTION TYPE Identifies whether a record is for an admission or a transfer/change in service.

GUIDELINES: For TEDS, a treatment episode is defined as that period of service between the beginning of treatment for a drug or alcohol problem and the termination of services for the prescribed treatment plan. The episode includes one admission (when services begin), and one discharge (when services end). Within a treatment episode, a client may transfer to a different service, facility, program, or location. In some data systems, such transfers may generate admissions records. When it is feasible for the State to identify transfers, they should be reported as transfers, not as admissions. When admissions and transfers cannot be differentiated in a State data system, such changes in service should be reported to TEDS as admissions.

The day when the client receives his or her first direct treatment or recovery service.

Describes the type of service the client receives.

Identifies client’s age at admission. Derived from client’s date of birth and date of admission.

Identifies client’s sex.

Specifies the client’s race.

GUIDELINES: If a State does not distinguish between American Indian and Alaska Native , both should be coded as American Indian . If a State does not distinguish between Asian and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander , both should be coded as Asian or Pacific Islander. For States that collect multiple races: a) when a single race is designated, the specific race code should be used; b) if the State collects a primary or preferred race along with additional races, the code for the primary/preferred race should be used; c) if the State uses a system such as an algorithm to select a single race when multiple races have been designated, the same system may be used to determine the race code for TEDS. When two or more races have been designated and neither (b) nor (c) above apply, the TEDS code for Two or more races should be used.

Identifies client’s specific Hispanic origin

GUIDELINES: If a State does not collect specific Hispanic detail, code Ethnicity for Hispanics as Hispanic (specific origin not specified).

NUMBER OF TREATMENT EPISODES Indicates the number of previous treatment episodes the client has received in any drug or alcohol program. Changes in service for the same episode (transfers) should not be counted as separate prior episodes.

GUIDELINES: It is preferred that the number of prior treatments be a self-reporting field collected at the time of client intake. However, this data item may be derived from the State data system if the system has that capability, and episodes can be counted for at least several years.

Specifies the highest school grade the client has completed.

GUIDELINES: States that use specific categories for some code numbers should map their codes to a logical number of years of school completed. For General Equivalency Degree, use 12 . For Bachelor’s Degree, use 16 .

Identifies the client’s employment status at the time of admission or transfer.

GUIDELINES: Seasonal workers are coded in this category based on their employment status at time of admission.

Describes the person or agency referring the client to the alcohol or drug abuse treatment program.

These fields identify the client’s primary, secondary, and tertiary substance problems. USUAL ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY SUBSTANCES)
These fields identify the usual route of administration of the respective substances. FREQUENCY OF USE (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY SUBSTANCES)
These fields identify the frequency of use of the respective substances. AGE OF FIRST USE (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, OR TERTIARY SUBSTANCE)
For drugs other than alcohol, these fields identify the age at which the client first used the respective substance. For alcohol, these fields record the age of first intoxication. OPIOID REPLACEMENT THERAPY
Identifies whether the use of methadone, LAAM, or buprenorphine treatment is part of the client’s treatment plan.

TEDS Supplemental Data Set

Specifies whether the client was pregnant at the time of admission.

Identifies whether the client has served in the uniformed services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, Coast and Geodetic Survey, etc.). PSYCHIATRIC PROBLEM IN ADDITION TO ALCOHOL OR DRUG PROBLEM
Identifies whether the client has a psychiatric problem in addition to his or her alcohol or drug use problem. DSM CRITERIA DIAGNOSIS
The diagnosis of the substance abuse problem from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders . DSM-IV is preferred, but use of the Third Edition or ICD codes is permissible.

Describes the client’s marital status. The following categories are compatible with the U.S. Census.

Specifies whether the client is homeless, living with parents, in a supervised setting, or living on his or her own. SOURCE OF INCOME SUPPORT
Identifies the client’s principal source of financial support. For children under 18, this field indicates the parents’ primary source of income/support. HEALTH INSURANCE
Specifies the client’s health insurance (if any). The insurance may or may not cover alcohol or drug treatment. EXPECTED/ACTUAL PRIMARY SOURCE OF PAYMENT
Identifies the primary source of payment for this treatment episode. DETAILED “NOT IN LABOR FORCE”
This item gives more detailed information about those clients who are coded as "Not in labor force" in the TEDS Minimum Data Set item Employment Status. DETAILED CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFERRAL
This item gives more detailed information about those clients who are coded as "Court/criminal justice referral/DUI/DWI" in the TEDS Minimum Data Set item Principal source of referral. DAYS WAITING TO ENTER TREATMENT
Indicates the number of days from the first contact or request for service until the client was admitted and the first clinical service was provided. GUIDELINES: This item is intended to capture the number of days the client must wait to begin treatment because of program capacity, treatment availability, admissions requirements, or other program requirements. It should not include time delays caused by client unavailability or client failure to meet any requirement or obligation.

These fields identify, in greater detail, the drug problems recorded in the TEDS Minimum Data Set item Substance problem .

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