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IEP - Coal Utilization By-Products (CUB)
Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium (CBRC)

The mission of the Combustion Byproducts Recycling Consortium (CBRC) is to promote and support the commercially viable and environmentally sound recycling of coal combustion byproducts for productive uses through scientific research, development, and field testing. The overall goals of CBRC are to:

  • Increase the overall national rate of byproduct use by to ~ 50 % by 2010
  • Increase the number of “allowable” byproduct uses under state regulations by ~ 25%
  • Double of the current rate of FGD byproduct use

CBRC is a unique partnership that integrates the electric power industry, State and Federal regulatory agencies, and academia to form a strong, cohesive consortium to guide the national and regional research priorities of the CBRC. CBRC is managed by the West Virginia Water Research Institute at West Virginia University and is administered by regional centers at the University of Kentucky (Eastern Region), Southern Illinois University (Midwest Region) and the University of North Dakota (Western Region). Primary funding for CBRC is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE-NETL).

The centerpiece of CBRC is its National Steering Committee (NSC) which provides guidance on coal combustion byproduct research priorities and policy objectives, reviews Requests for Proposals (RFPs), recommend research projects for funding, and reviews consortium progress at annual meetings. Membership of the NSC consists of State and Federal agencies, industry, and academia. A minimum of 10 representatives comprise the NSC. Individual CBRC projects have been co-funded by utility companies, the American Coal Ash Association, Interstate Mining Compact Commission, as well as numerous state and corporate sponsors.

Since its inception in 1998, CBRC has issued four Requests for Proposals (RFPs); a total of 37 completed or ongoing research projects have resulted from the first three RFPs, issued in 1999, 2000, and 2001. Six additional projects were selected under the 2002 RFP and will begin work during 2004-05. For research results and additional information on CBRC projects, please visit the CBRC web site.

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