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MP Region Water Supply Allocation

~ Interpreting Water Supply Forecasts ~

Statistical Information
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CVP Quantities/2012 Allocation -New
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Contracts - 2012 Allocation
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Hydro Cond Exec Summ
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Water Delivered  2006 - 2011
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Water Delivery Fact Sheet -New
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Water Transfers 2005-2011
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Water Contracts Fact Sheet -New
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Annual Federal-State Operations Info 2012 (pdf - 58 KB)
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Water Transfer Fact Sheet -New

Annual Federal-State Operations:

2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 |

Water Year 2013 Carry Over Announcement

Mid Pacific Region
Water Year 2013 Initial Water Supply Allocation
February 2013


Sacramento Valley Water Year Type and Percentage of Average Runoff

North of Delta (percentages of contracted water supply)

South of Delta (percentages of contracted water supply)











Conservative Forecast (90%)

Dry 69% of Average









Median Forecast (50%)

Below Normal  94% of Average









5 Yr Average Allocation









Ag = Agriculture   M&I = Municipal and Industrial   R = Refuges   WR = Water Rights  

* North-of-Delta M&I water service contractors who are serviced by Folsom Reservoir on the American River are allocated 75 percent of their historic use.
* Contra Costa Water District, which receives water directly from the Delta, is allocated 75 percent of its historic use amount of 170,000 acre-feet.
**The allocation shown in the table for wildlife refuges applies to Level 2 water supplies.  A full refuge water supply (including Level 2 and incremental Level 4 water) is 555,515 acre-feet.  Level 2 is 422,251 acre-feet which accounts for approximately three-fourths of annual refuge needs.
*** The allocation for water rights contractors are based upon pre-CVP held water rights and wildlife refuge contractors are based upon
pre-established Shasta inflow criteria.

News Release
(click to go to press release)

February 25, 2013

Reclamation Announces Initial 2013
Central Valley Project Water Supply Allocation

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The Bureau of Reclamation today announced the initial Water Year 2013 water supply allocation for Central Valley Project agricultural contractors, municipal and industrial contractors and federal refuges.

The California Department of Water Resources reports that snowpack and precipitation in the Sierra Nevada are below normal with the snow water content statewide at 70 percent of average for this time of year. Additionally, DWR’s February WY 2013 Runoff Forecast indicates a dry water year type for the Sacramento Valley and a critical water year type for the San Joaquin Valley.

The 2013 water year is unfolding in a unique way. Reclamation began WY 2013 (October 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013) with 6.9 million acre-feet of carryover storage in six key CVP reservoirs, which is 98 percent of the 15-year average for October 1. Storms in late November and December resulted in above-average snowpack conditions in Northern California and contributed to above-average storage in Shasta and Folsom Reservoirs; however, the San Joaquin River watershed did not fare as well. This mixed start to the water year was then followed by one of the driest combined Januarys and Februarys on record, leading to what has become a challenging water year.

In addition, water supplies from the state and federal pumps in the south Delta have been reduced significantly this year to protect delta smelt, a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Although Reclamation has operated the CVP in a manner consistent with the biological opinion designed to protect the smelt, unanticipated numbers of smelt have been observed at the pumps. Storms in December 2012 flushed large amounts of sediment into the Delta, which may have set up a situation for elevated delta smelt migration into the central and south Delta well into February. Reclamation began to cut back on pumping operations in late December to protect the smelt, and pumping reductions have been required throughout January and February.

“While we continue to hope for additional precipitation during the remainder of the rainy season, we are also continuing to work with our federal, state and local partners to improve this year’s supply and to find a comprehensive, long-term solution that will achieve the dual goals of a reliable water supply for California and a healthy Bay Delta ecosystem that supports the state’s economy,” stated Mid-Pacific Regional Director David Murillo.

Reclamation determines the allocation of CVP water for agricultural, environmental, and municipal and industrial purposes based upon many factors. This initial allocation, based on a conservative runoff forecast, is driven by very dry hydrologic conditions in January and February, water quality requirements, flow objectives, relative priority of water rights, and endangered species protection measures, including operational adjustments in accordance with biological opinions to protect threatened and endangered fish species.

North of the Delta Contractors
Sacramento River

American River


South of the Delta Contractors

Wildlife Refuges

Friant Division Contractors

Eastside Water Service Contractors

Changes to hydrology and opportunities to exercise operational flexibility of the CVP are factors and conditions that will influence allocations as the water year progresses. Water supply updates will be made as appropriate and will be posted on Reclamation’s website at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/pa/water.

Reclamation has also developed the CVP Water Plan 2013 that identifies actions for WY 2013 to help support water management efforts as hydrologic conditions develop. The plan is also available on the above website.

For additional information, please contact the Public Affairs Office at 916-978-5100 (TTY 916-978-5608) or email mppublicaffairs@usbr.gov.


Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 western states. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at http://www.usbr.gov.



Learn more about the Central Valley Project

Related websites include...
Interactive US Fish & Wildlife Service Logo - click to visit their California website
Interactive National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Logo - click to visit their weather-related website
Interactive Logo for California Department of Water Resources (DWR)

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Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region
2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento CA  95825-1898
Main 916- 978-5100   |   FAX 916- 978-5114   |   TTY 916- 978-5608

Reclamation Officials' Telephone Numbers

Last update: February 27, 2013

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