
2/8 Accomplishments:
GWAS reinstalled and preflighted
NOAA UCATS reinstalled and preflighted
NOAA O3 lamp changed (I miss-stated yesterday that the lamp change was in UCATS) and it and Water Vapor are reinstalled and preflighted.
All other instruments preflighted
Aircraft preflighted

2/9 Plans:
06:30 take-off for second science flight

Instrument teams need to have a representative in the GHOC @ 05:15!!


2/7 Accomplishments:
GWAS determined their pump problem was a frozen bearing.  They think it was because the pump got too hot so they're going to use thermistors to monitor the pump's temperature.
While addressing a noisy pressure sensor NOAA UCATS got indications of a failing mercury lamp.  Pressure sensor was changed, lamp is on the way to be changed tomorrow afternoon
Got approval from all of those required to attempt a Saturday/Sunday science flight.
HU/PCRS removed their gas deck, beefed up a solenoid driver to ensure robust calibrations and reinstalled the unit.
Mini-DOAS had their telescope fairing reworked to address interference issues
SSFR conducted a system vacuum check and calibration
MMS submitted data to the ATTREX archive

2/8 Plans:
Reinstall GWAS pump pallet
Reinstall NOAA O3 and  Water Vapor and UCATS
Perform instrument and aircraft preflights


2/5 Accomplishments:
After some minor issues this morning AV-6 took off at approximately 07:50 to conduct ATTREX's first science flight!  Things are going well.

2/6 Plans:
Land and recover the aircraft.
Refuel the aircraft.
Plan for the next flight.  Some weather is moving into the area on Friday but the plan remains to sneak another flight in before the end of the week.


2/4 Accomplishments:
Instrument and aircraft preflights
Group photo

2/5 Plans:
Conduct the first ATTREX science flight

05:45 Instrument teams to have a representative in the GHOC
06:00 Engine start
07:00 Take-off


1/27 Accomplishments:
UCATS, NOAA WVR, GWAS and DLH bench work

1/28 Plans:
Reinstall UCATS, NOAA WVR and DLH
Preflight instruments
Preflight aircraft

Plan is to fly on Tuesday


1/26 Accomplishments:
UCATS, NOAA WVR, GWAS and DLH bench work

1/27 Plans:
UCATS, NOAA WVR, GWAS and DLH bench work


1/25 Accomplishments:
Saturday flight cancelled due to A/C crew overtime issues
UCATS, NOAA WVR and DLH instruments removed from A/C for bench work
SSFR status packet issues partially resolved
"Social" and "Traditional" Media Day

1/26 Plans:
Instrument bench work


It's ON!!!!!!!!  Range Flight Deux tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

1/17 Accomplishments:
The problem with the power pallet was addressed by loading a previous (fully functional) software version

1/18 Plans:
DLH to arrive at the hangar @ 12:00 for instrument preflight
mini-DOAS and HU/PCRS to arrive @ 02:00 for instrument preflights
Engine start @ 05:30
Take-off @ 07:00 for a 4-5 hour range flight

Instrument teams need to be at the GHOC @ 05:00


1/16 Accomplishments:
Nose gear successfully changed and checked out
Majority of instruments completed preflight preparations
Aircraft preflights

1/17 Plans:
DLH to arrive at the hangar @ 01:00 for instrument preflight
mini-DOAS and HU/PCRS to arrive @ 02:00 for instrument preflights
Engine start @ 05:30
Take-off @ 07:00 for a 4-5 hour range flight

Instrument teams need to be at the GHOC @ 05:00


1/15 Accomplishments:
Successful completion of CST
Removal of not leaking nose gear strut from AV-1
Removal of leaking nose gear strut from AV-6
Installation of AV-1 nose gear strut onto AV-6

1/16 Plans:
Perform nose gear strut servicing and complete functional checks
Preflight aircraft for Thursday 07:00 take-off for range flight

Tentative plan is still to perform science flight on Friday
