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Leadership and Ethics Workshop / In-Service

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Through lecture, class discussion and small group exercises, this 2-day course examines the ethical standards for law enforcement officers. It stresses the importance of individual awareness and responsibility for ethical conduct within the law enforcement community. A practical definition of ethics is provided along with a discussion of the various influences on individual decisions that law enforcement officers make on and off the job. A general review of current day happenings is provided along with the importance of early intervention when warning signs are detected.

Who Should Attend

Qualified applicants must be full-time, sworn law enforcement peace officers.


This training is open to full time, sworn law enforcement officers (especially first line officers and supervisors including patrol officers, detectives, and narcotics officers and their supervisors). State, local, campus and tribal law enforcement personnel are encouraged to attend.


TUITION-FREE Attendees are responsible for all travel, lodging and meal expenses.

Registration Information

If you prefer to go directly to the registration database, or if you already have an account and password, go to

Additional Information

Call 1-800-743-5382 or E-mail us at and reference the name of the program.

Training Dates

Jackson, MS -- Aug 20, 2013 to Aug 21, 2013