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Northern Fur Seal Photo Details

jpg thumbnail of image
Rookery maps created by Laura Johnson in Fall 2000 using the 1967 aerial transparencies. Original aerial photograph taken by Unknown on July 8, 1967. Original format: 9.5x10 inch transparency.
Image ID:1695
Collection:Maps & Charts
Series:1967 Rookery Maps
Original Format:CD-ROM (images altered from original transparencies)
Island:St. George Island
Rookery:East Cliffs
Altitude (ft):
Related Group:
Date Photographed:July 8, 1967
Credit:U.S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Low resolution jpg:1280 x 978, 96dpi
Original image:ec1 copy.jpg, 3MB, 5100 x 3900, 600dpi


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