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  1. The Senate fiscal cliff bill offers no commitment to debt reduction, only a demand from taxpayers to bailout Washington. As taxes rise, freedom diminishes. Without any spending reforms, the debt crisis continues. I cannot support a bill that protects Washington and promotes bigger government at the expense of my constituents and future generations.

    What began in 2011 as an effort to address our n...ation’s debt crisis has been twisted by the president into a mandate to raise taxes. Every effort to reform spending has been bucked in favor of raiding the wallets of hardworking Americans.

    If Congress does not work with more conviction to solve the spending problem, we may soon realize we’re already over the cliff, and in a fiscal freefall.
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  3. On behalf of my family, I wish a Merry Christmas and safe travels to everyone in Georgia. As our country faces great challenges and copes with recent tragedy, I am grateful for the hope and love represented by the birth of Christ and this Christmas holiday. I am also grateful for our servicemen and women abroad who have left the comforts of home to defend our country. May God bless them and their families today.
  4. Julie and I are in prayer today for all those impacted by the unimaginable tragedy in Connecticut. This is truly heart-wrenching, and our family joins the rest of the country in grieving for the victims.
  5. On the November unemployment report that was released today:
    Any private sector job growth is a good thing, but the economy remains fragile and millions of people are still struggling to find work. At this critical time for our economy, we need the president to get serious and end his campaign for a massive tax increase. Georgian families and businesses cannot afford to send more money to Washington. We need to keep taxes low and keep hard-earned pay right here in Georgia so our economy can grow and local businesses can hire more workers.

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