Fermilab History and Archives Project
Fermilab Business Services Section

Travel Services
Types of Travel - Conference Travel

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conference travel


What is Not a Conference?  


Use Not Applicable (N/A) to designate these events on the Travel Authorization


(Please begin with Purpose of Trip with Operational meetings” and then continue with the purpose of the trip)

  • Operational meetings such as peer reviews, program reviews, and construction project reviews are, generally speaking, not considered a conference because they are aimed at evaluation of discrete program projects or initiatives of DOE. 
  • Another example of an “operational” function is DOE program officials meeting with DOE contractors concerning particular work under a contract. 


  • Fermilab PAC meeting in Aspen, URA visiting Committee, UEC Monthly Meetings
  • CMS associated activities & CMS Week  have special exemption from the Office of Science and is NOT a conference


  • Operational events that focus on being engaged in actually carrying out the work.


* Reminder: Local travel exclusion is no longer considered for purposes of determining whether an event is a conference.


