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The Week of October 5, 2012


FHWA Staff Examine Dutch Project Acceleration Methods

Hari Kalla, director of the FHWA Center for Accelerating Innovation, and Rob Griffith, assistant administrator of the FHWA Ohio Division, participated in a project acceleration workshop in the Netherlands coordinated by FHWA and Rijkswaterstaat, part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. FHWA is planning a late fall Web conference on the Dutch approach to innovative contracting to accelerate project delivery.


Workshops Cover Programmatic Agreements

Practitioner workshops in Boston and Washington, DC, focused on using programmatic agreements to save time on projects by establishing streamlined approaches for handling routine environmental requirements. The September workshops featured general discussions on programmatic agreements and sessions on specific topics, including Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Endangered Species Act issues such as cofferdams, culverts, and road crossings. A Web conference is planned for December to provide updates on the programmatic approaches teams are investigating. More programmatic agreement workshops in other parts of the country are scheduled to start after January 2013.


California Passes CM-GC Bill

The California State Legislature passed a bill that allows the California Department of Transportation to implement the construction manager-general contractor project delivery method (CM-GC) on a limited basis. The legislation, which takes effect January 1, 2013, authorizes a six-project CM-GC pilot program. It allows the agency to use construction contractors as consultants during the design of highway projects to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of construction.


Warm-Mix Asphalt Event Set for Colorado

The National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University will present a Denver, CO, workshop in late October on warm-mix asphalt (WMA). This technical session will support efforts to improve implementation of WMA as an Every Day Counts initiative in Colorado.


Florida to Hold Intelligent Compaction Open House

The Florida Department of Transportation will host an October 18 open house in Cocoa, FL, on intelligent compaction, a technology that accelerates project delivery while improving pavement quality through the use of special rollers on transportation projects. The purpose of the event is to educate the construction industry, designers, and Florida highway agency staff about the process and encourage its use on State and local projects. The open house will include a demonstration of intelligent compaction systems and GPS equipment.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Opens Bridge Early

Using accelerated bridge construction techniques enabled the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) to open the Frenchtown Brook Bridge in East Greenwich a month earlier than planned. The agency received an FHWA Highways for LIFE grant to use innovation to replace the 57-year-old bridge. The scheduled closure was for no more than 65 days, but accelerated bridge construction allowed RIDOT to demolish the old bridge, assemble the new structure using precast concrete components, and reopen the road to traffic in 33 days. RIDOT included a $3,000-per-day incentive clause in its contract with the contractor for opening the bridge early. RIDOT will evaluate all future bridge projects to determine if they can be built using accelerated bridge construction techniques.

The Week of September 28, 2012

Hawaii Project Includes EDC Initiatives

The Hawaii Department of Transportation is incorporating several Every Day Counts initiatives into its project to improve a 10–mile segment of Saddle Road, an east–west route across Hawaii Island. They include a geosynthetic reinforced soil integrated bridge system (GRS–IBS), the option to use warm–mix asphalt, and a pavement Safety EdgeSM. Alternate item bidding allowed contractors to choose between building a GRS–IBS or concrete box culvert bridge. When the project bids were opened, the GRS–IBS option reflected an apparent project cost savings of $2 million.

CMGC Project Wins Top Award

FHWA’s Point Bonita Lighthouse Bridge Project won ENR California’s 2012 Top Project Award for Best Small Project under $10 million. The $1.9 million project, the first completed by the Central Federal Lands Highway Division using the construction manager–general contractor (CMGC) delivery method, replaced a 156–foot timber pedestrian suspension bridge in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Project challenges included a limited construction window, difficult site access, harsh marine climate, and long lead times for specialized materials.

Maryland Group Learns About GRS–IBS

About 50 engineers, planners, designers, contractors, and suppliers participated in a full–day discussion on the use of adaptive signal control technologies (ASCT) in Puerto Rico. FHWA, the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA), and the Puerto Local Technical Assistance Program collaborated on the August 16, 2012, event. PRHTA presented its plans to pilot ASCT in Mayaguez and to improve and replace all signal systems in Puerto Rico over 16 years. Several suppliers delivered presentations on available ASCT products.

Utah Applies High–Friction Surface Treatment

The Utah Department of Transportation has started work on two high–friction surface treatment (HFST) projects as part of FHWA’s Evaluation of Low–Cost Safety Improvements Pooled Fund Study. HFST, a new Every Day Counts initiative, increases pavement friction at critical roadway locations with high crash rates. It provides motorists with greater vehicle control and reduces vehicular skidding and hydroplaning. Utah’s project is part of a nationwide study on using HFST.

The Week of August 31, 2012


California Showcases Safety Edge Project

A Highways for LIFE demonstration showcase drew more than 30 transportation professionals to observe the paving of a Safety EdgeSM on Mountain Ranch Road in Calaveras County, CA. The participants also attended a workshop on the Safety Edge, a paving technique that mitigates pavement edge drop-offs. The August 23, 2012, event was California’s second Safety Edge showcase. A California Department of Transportation policy that takes effect in October 2012 requires the Safety Edge on all paving projects, except where the technique is not needed or cannot be used.


Connecticut and Ohio Sign Programmatic Agreements

New programmatic agreements in Connecticut and Ohio are designed to shorten the time it takes to deliver highway projects. An agreement signed August 23, 2012, will streamline the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process by delegating to the Connecticut Department of Transportation the authority to classify two categories of projects as categorical exclusions without further FHWA approval. The Ohio agreement, executed August 24, 2012, will shorten part of the environmental process and improve project delivery times by reducing the amount of review time FHWA needs and allowing for concurrent agency reviews. It will apply to the majority of NEPA Section 4(f) determinations processed through the Ohio Department of Transportation's Office of Environmental Services.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Holds Adaptive Signal Control Technologies Symposium

About 50 engineers, planners, designers, contractors, and suppliers participated in a full-day discussion on the use of adaptive signal control technologies (ASCT) in Puerto Rico. FHWA, the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority (PRHTA), and the Puerto Local Technical Assistance Program collaborated on the August 16, 2012, event. PRHTA presented its plans to pilot ASCT in Mayaguez and to improve and replace all signal systems in Puerto Rico over 16 years. Several suppliers delivered presentations on available ASCT products.

The Week of August 17, 2012


Indiana Uses Intelligent Compaction Technology

The Indiana Department of Transportation has begun its first quality control/quality assurance soils project using intelligent compaction. The project involves the U.S.31/U.S. 35 interchange, part of the U.S. 31 Kokomo Bypass. The embankment contractor, Fox Construction, will use rollers equipped with sensors (accelerometers) that can determine the relative stiffness of the soil to map the embankment as it is constructed. The rollers will also use Global Positioning System technology that can determine the coverage of the rollers over the embankment area.


Bridge in a Backpack Featured in Michigan

More than 50 transportation professionals attended an August 13, 2012, showcase in Harbor Beach, MI, to learn about a new bridge construction technique called Bridge in a Backpack. The Michigan Department of Transportation, Advanced Infrastructure Technologies, and FHWA sponsored the event showcasing the M-25 bridge replacement project. The $1.6 million project is Michigan's first application of the technology, which can reduce construction time and result in a low-maintenance structure with an extended service life.

New York

New York Focuses on Design-Build Quality Assurance

To help New York State prepare for upcoming design-build megaprojects, FHWA hosted an August 21, 2012, workshop on design-build quality assurance. The projects represent more than $10 billion in estimated procurements in the next 6 to 12 months from the New York State Department of Transportation, New York State Thruway Authority, and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Texas Department of Transportation staff joined FHWA staff to deliver the training, which emphasized the development a quality assurance plan that addresses how quality assurance and verification oversight will be conducted.


Ohio Holds Adaptive Signal Control Technology Workshop

Ohio Department of Transportation staff attended an Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) and Systems Engineering Workshop in Columbus. The August 14 and 15, 2012, workshop included a review of how to apply the Model Systems Engineering Documents for ASCT Systems to a program of projects. The workshop also covered classifying ITS projects using a risk management approach and the flexibilities available in the systems engineering documentation process. Participants found the workshop a great information source as they consider expanding ASCT and the use of programmatic approaches as part of Every Day Counts.

The Week of August 13, 2012

New York

New York Pilots Planning and Environment Linkage Training

FHWA’s New York Division will offer a pilot training session August 22 and 23, 2012, on planning and environmental linkages. The class is designed for New York State Department of Transportation planners and designers and metropolitan planning organization staff. Discussions will cover the benefits of linking planning and environmental considerations to streamline the project development process, as well identification of improvement opportunities and methods to achieve linkages. The plan is to provide the course at several New York locations in the fall.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Signs Programmatic Agreement

Puerto Rico has its first programmatic agreement implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The agreement, signed July 31, 2012, involves the Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office, Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority (PRHTA), Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and FHWA. It establishes a streamlined process for PRHTA handling of routine actions with little or no potential to affect historic properties and makes PRHTA responsible for most steps in the Section 106 review process. It covers sidewalks, roadside barriers, resurfacing, pavement markings, traffic signals, lighting, bridge preservation, and operational projects.

The Week of August 7, 2012

Washington State

Updated Statewide Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Signed

On August 2, 2012 the Second Amended Programmatic Agreement Implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for the Federal-aid Highway Program in Washington State Administered by the Federal Highway Administration was executed. The agreement, as the title indicates, is the third Statewide Section 106 agreement for Washington State. The first version was signed in 2000, the second in 2007. The agreement is between WSDOT, the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and FHWA. While none of them are signatory to the agreement, all 29 federally recognized tribes in the state of Washington and five out-of-state tribes were invited to consult on this agreement, and 16 tribes met with us or provided written comments. Tribal comments have been incorporated into the Agreement. This version enhances the agreement and streamlines activities based on our five years of experience with the First Amended PA. This Second Amended PA allows WSDOT Cultural Resources Specialists more discretion to exempt WSDOT projects from additional DAHP and tribal review, while at the same time requiring that all exemptions under the agreement be reviewed by a qualified Cultural Resources Specialist, ensuring that all of the exemptions receive proper review. The PA also clarifies the roles and responsibilities of WSDOT, DAHP, and FHWA in completing the Section 106 process for FHWA-funded projects, allowing WSDOT to act for FHWA for many steps in the process. The new agreement has been uploaded to the FHWA Environmental Discipline Sharepoint Site’s MOU/MOA/Programmatic Agreement Library.

The Week of July 27, 2012


Connecticut Considers Intelligent Compaction Use

After viewing a video conference on the second round of Every Day Counts initiatives, Connecticut’s State Transportation Innovation Council decided to consider use of intelligent compaction technology. During discussion of the new initiatives, a Connecticut Construction Industries Association representative talked about a multitude of fines being levied on contractors for not meeting compaction requirements on projects. The group proposed looking into intelligent compaction to help mitigate this issue.


In May 2012, the Indiana Department of Transportation advertised a design-build contract to construct a 3,000-foot extension of Old Salem Road and a 170-foot bridge. The bridge will cross over the proposed SR-265 extension leading to the East End Crossing Bridge of the overall Louisville Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges project. The apparent low bidder was Gohmann Construction, Inc., of Clarksville, IN, with a bid of $3.19 million, compared to the engineer’s estimate of $3.47 million. Groundbreaking is expected in August 2012.


Design-Build Interchange Project Advances in Kansas

The Kansas Department of Transportation plans to begin Phase 2 of the Johnson County Gateway project 2 years ahead of schedule to take advantage of low bid prices for materials. Phase 1, under construction, is scheduled for completion in November 2012. Phase 2, the I-435/I-35/K-10 interchange design-build project, is now scheduled to begin in 2014. The Johnson County Gateway is one of the State’s most congested interchanges, serving nearly a quarter million vehicles daily. It is scheduled for completion in 2017. This will be Kansas’ first experience using design-build for a transportation project. For more information, visit

The Week of June 29, 2012

District of Columbia

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) hosted a two-day Senior Executive Transportation and Public Safety Summit on June 26th and 27th, at the USDOT Headquarters Building advancing the culture of Traffic Incident Management (TIM) throughout the country. U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Ray LaHood and Federal Highway Deputy Administrator Greg Nadeau welcomed the group and provided opening remarks expressing the commitment of the entire Department to support safe, quick traffic incident responses on the Nation’s roadways. Those attending this summit include approximately 50 national leaders in the fields of transportation, law enforcement, fire/rescue, emergency medical services and their related associations. The forum of senior-level, multi-disciplinary executives tackled tough challenges and discussed innovative solutions to help enhance TIM strategies related to TIM policies and procedures. The group also discussed the effectiveness of State and local legislation on Safe, Quick Clearance—to decrease the exposure of travelers and responders to secondary crashes—and outreach to TIM practitioners and motorists to ensure maximum public and responder safety and legal compliance. The two day agenda included a discussion of national TIM responder training that prepares practitioners from all stakeholder disciplines to adopt and apply a forward-focused approach too safely and efficiently plan for and execute traffic incident operations.


The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) worked this week (June 25-29) with a Lean Process consultant to re-engineer three of its processes. In short, the Lean/"Kaizen" (Japanese for continuous improvement) process, pioneered by Toyota, is focused on applying lean principles and methods to identify and implement, in Connecticut’s application, the most efficient and valueadded way to provide government services. Tremendous energy and effort was expended this week by three CTDOT teams willing to take a look at existing Departmental processes to re-engineer for the betterment of project delivery, etc. Supporting innovations in project delivery at every level, and wherever we can assist within the organization, four Division members were excited to be invited to be part of this initiative. Together FHWA representatives, Connecticut Department of Transportation decision makers and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection decision makers reviewed three processes CTDOT’s environmental permitting process with CTDEEP, CTDOT’s ROW acquisition process and CTDOT’s DBE Monitoring of Contractor Compliance. Given FHWA’s commitment to EDC, streamlining processes and making innovations in the way we all do business to expedite project delivery is a goal the Division enthusiastically supports via our state partners.


The Florida Division of FHWA participated in the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) annual conference

The gathering of the Florida Association of County Engineers and Road Superintendents (FACERS) is the FAC’s largest event each year and offers an opportunity for hundreds of commissioners and county staff from across the state to come together for continuing education and networking. Representatives from the FHWA Florida Division made presentations on the Everyday Counts Initiative. The Florida Association of Counties or FAC provides a cohesive platform that enables county officials and staff to speak with a unified voice on behalf of all Floridians.


Maine Veterans Memorial Bridge Opening

On Thursday, June 28, 2012, Administrator Victor Mendez visited Portland, Maine to take part in the opening ceremony of the Veterans Memorial Bridge. Completed in 1954, the old bridge had been experiencing rapid structural deterioration which made its replacement a priority. The new bridge, which cost $63 million, and took two years to build, serves as a primary connector between the cities of Portland and South Portland. The new bridge spans 1,600 feet and features multiple scenic overlooks and a 12-foot wide multi-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists. This design-build project was completed slightly ahead of schedule and within budget. During the opening ceremony, a military band played, uniformed military members mingled with local and state officials, and pedestrians and bicyclists took advantage of a spacious walkway.


Secretary LaHood, Congressman McGovern, Lt. Governor Murray Visit Transportation Projects in Worcester, MA

Congressman Jim McGovern hosted United States Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood in Worcester on Monday, June 25th, to highlight ongoing regional transportation initiatives in Worcester. McGovern was joined by Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray, Massachusetts Transportation Secretary Richard Davey, city and state officials, as well as FHWA Division and FTA Region One leadership to discuss several major efforts to continue cementing Worcester’s role as a major local, state, and regional transportation hub. The visit included a tour and discussion of Worcester’s rehabilitated Union Station, which was partially funded with CMAQ funds, expansion of commuter rail service from Boston to Worcester, freight rail growth in Worcester, and improvements to bus services through the Worcester Regional Transit Authority. Congressman McGovern, Lieutenant Governor Murray, Massachusetts Secretary Davey, and FHWA Massachusetts Division 5 leadership also participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kenneth F. Burns Memorial Bridge replacement project over Lake Quinsigamond. This project consists of replacement of the existing structure due to structural deficiencies. In April 2012, a Design/Build contract was awarded to The Middlesex Corporation for approximately $90 million ($72 million federal participation). The project will utilize GANS financing under the State’s $3 Billion Accelerated Bridge Program and is scheduled to be completed in January 2016.


The Oklahoma Division, along with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oklahoma State University (OSU) Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP and TTAP) hosted the June 21, 2012 Every Day Counts Exchange on In-Lieu Fee Programs and Mitigation Banking. The event was held at the Center for Local Government and Technology at OSU-Stillwater, and was well attended by a cross section of local government and tribal officials. The morning session topics were the In Lieu Fee program for the American Burying Beetle, followed by aquatic resource mitigation banking then methodologies on reducing erosion on rural unpaved roads. Mitigation banking and in-lieu fee programs are becoming more popular in Oklahoma. ODOT and FHWA representatives, and a representative of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), discussed experiences (both positive and cautionary) in the use of mitigation banks, the use of commercial for-profit banks, and in-lieu fee approaches on Oklahoma highway projects. The afternoon session was a nation-wide webinar on mitigation banking and in-lieu fee programs broadcast by FHWA headquarters in Washington DC. The webinar provided a national perspective on time and cost saving initiatives. Both the local and national presentations prompted useful discussion of the potential benefits of in-lieu fee programs and mitigation banks in Oklahoma. Tribal representatives in attendance expressed interest in developing an American Burying Beetle In-Lieu program for their IRR projects and the Division has initiated discussions with FLHD to make it happen.

Oklahoma conducts a workshop on "Transitioning to Sustainability"

The FHWA Oklahoma Division, in coordination with the FHWA Resource Centers in Lakewood, CO and Atlanta GA and the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG), the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for the Tulsa metropolitan area, conducted a workshop on Transitioning to Sustainability in Tulsa, OK on June 21-22, 2012. The workshop took place at the INCOG conference Room, and involved local transportation professionals in the Tulsa metropolitan area including engineers, environmental specialists, transportation planners and other transportation development experts. The purpose of the workshop was to provide state and local transportation officials the opportunity to learn more about new approaches to plan and deliver transportation projects in a more effective and financially constrained environment while addressing all the public concerns related to these projects. Kevin Moody and Rod Vaughn of the FHWA Resource Center helped participants to walk through a set of innovative concepts including community cohesion, state-of-the-art implementation strategies, performance measures and other strategies that support the development of partnerships and the implementation of multimodal transportation projects. The discussion also focused on building interagency relationships that can withstand the rigors and public expectations of contemporary transportation project development.

EDC initiatives progressing in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Division, along with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oklahoma State University (OSU) Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP and TTAP) hosted the June 21, 2012 Every Day Counts Exchange on In-Lieu Fee Programs and Mitigation Banking. The event was held at the Center for Local Government and Technology at OSU-Stillwater, and was well attended by a cross section of local government and tribal officials. The morning session topics were the In Lieu Fee program for the American Burying Beetle, followed by aquatic resource mitigation banking then methodologies on reducing erosion on rural unpaved roads. Mitigation banking and in-lieu fee programs are becoming more popular in Oklahoma. ODOT and FHWA representatives, and a representative of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), discussed experiences (both positive and cautionary) in the use of mitigation banks, the use of commercial for-profit banks, and in-lieu fee approaches on Oklahoma highway projects. The afternoon session was a nation-wide webinar on mitigation banking and in-lieu fee programs broadcast by FHWA headquarters in Washington DC. The webinar provided a national perspective on time and cost saving initiatives. Both the local and national presentations prompted useful discussion of the potential benefits of in-lieu fee programs and mitigation banks in Oklahoma. Tribal representatives in attendance expressed interest in developing an American Burying Beetle In-Lieu Fee program for their IRR projects and the Division has initiated discussions with FLHD to make it happen.

Road Safety Audit program presentation given to a multi-state group of GIS professionals

On June 20, 2012, the Oklahoma chapter South Central Arc User Group (OKSCAUG) invited Oklahoma FHWA Safety Engineer to make a presentation on Road Safety Audit (RSA). The (SCAUG) is a nonprofit association of professionals using geographic information systems (GIS) and other spatial technologies to solve challenges in the public and private sectors at the regional, state, and local levels. SCAUG is the foremost GIS user group in the South Central United States promoting the effective use of spatial data and information technologies for the understanding and management of GIS. The OKSCAUG quarter meeting was focus on Public Safety and it was held at the National Weather Center (NWC) in Norman, Oklahoma. There were over 160 attendees registered and attendees were from public to private personnel. Representatives of SCAUG are from Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

The Week of June 15, 2012


The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Secretary has assembled a team of “Innovators” to improve FDOT’s operations

The secretary selected one representative from each of the seven FDOT Districts, one from Florida Turnpike Enterprise, the Chief Engineer, an Assistant Secretary, and a representative from the FHWA Florida Division Office. The team will evaluate and guide the implementation of the bold and innovative ideas that will positively impact FDOT operations. A kick-off meeting was held last week to develop strategies for idea generation, prioritize an existing list of bold ideas, and develop deployment and implementation strategies. In the spirit of Every Day Counts, the Florida Division will look for opportunities to work with FDOT to identify and deploy innovation to reduce the time it takes to deliver projects, enhance safety and protect the environment.

The Florida Division of the Federal Highway Administration participated in the Design Training Expo in Orlando on June 12-14

The Design Training Expo is a comprehensive training event targeted for Department of Transportation employees and consultant staff who design projects for the Florida Department of Transportation Work Program. Workshop topics included Public Right of Way Access Guidelines, Proven Safety Countermeasures, and Project Management Principles. Representatives from the FHWA Florida Division office will serve as presenters for Every Day Counts, Buy America, and LAP Projects.


Ashford-Dunwoody Road Diverging Diamond Interchange

The first Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) in the State of Georgia was opened to traffic on Sunday June 3, 2012. This $4.7 million project includes approximately 1/2 mile of interchange reconstruction on Ashford-Dunwoody Road over I-285 in Atlanta. The project includes a pedestrian walkway with median barrier walls which will be located in the center of the bridge and three 12-ft lanes in each direction. Video detection systems will also be installed to adjust signal timing as traffic conditions change. The project is expected to relieve congestion in the area. This is the first of three DDI interchanges that will be implemented in the Atlanta metropolitan area. The following link illustrates the operation of the Ashford Dunwoody Road DDI: .


Illinois attempts to improve NEPA-404 Merger Process

On May 30 and May 31, the Illinois Division, Illinois Department of Transportation, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service convened with a third party facilitator to work on improving the NEPA-404 merger process on Illinois transportation projects in the Chicago metropolitan region. Illinois has had a NEPA-404 merger agreement with Federal resource agencies since the 1990s to help coordinate the transportation decision-making process with the Section 404 permit process. Over the last few years, it has become increasingly challenging to reach agreement in the Chicago region among the agencies on key project milestones such as Purpose and Need, Alternatives to be Carried Forward, and Preferred Alternative. Recently, a high priority, accelerated schedule, bi-state project with the Illinois and Indiana Departments of Transportation resulted in an impasse on purpose and need. As a result, the Illinois Division Office, working with headquarters, obtained the services of third party facilitator to help identify and resolve the issues with the merger process.


East End Crossing — Louisville Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project

On May 30, 2012, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) advertised a Design-Build (DB) contract to construct a 3,000-foot extension of Old Salem Road and a 170-foot bridge, which will cross over the proposed SR-265 extension leading to the East End Crossing Bridge of the overall Louisville Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges (LSIORB) project. Bids will be opened on or about July 11, 2012, with groundbreaking in August, 2012. Work on this preliminary phase is expected to be completed by June 2013. The bridge will be designed to accommodate heavy trucks that serve the nearby Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville and River Ridge Commerce Center. When the East End Crossing of the LSIORB project is complete, Old Salem Road will connect with an interchange at SR-265, which will be the first Indiana exit north of the new East End Crossing Bridge. This contract does not include any work on the proposed interchange. Limiting the scope of the early work streamlines permitting issues and provides more flexibility to the future contractor that will build the East End Crossing.


Oklahoma opens its first Single-Point Urban Interchange (SPUI)

Oklahoma transportation history reached yet another milestone May 25th as the state’s first single-point-urban-interchange opened to traffic at the I-40/Morgan Road interchange in west Oklahoma City. The $34 million project, which began in February 2011, completely reconstructed the interchange and removed the previous clover-leaf design of the ramps. The first of its kind in Oklahoma, the single point urban interchange includes longer on and off ramps at I-40 and a wider Morgan Rd. bridge. The project’s completion marks a big change in traffic flow for motorists in the area as the new design improves traffic flow and safety by allowing large volumes of traffic to travel the area using a single set of traffic signals on top of the bridge. Additionally, the project reconstructed and made improvements to I-40 between the North Canadian River bridge west of Council Road and Sara Road.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island DOT Hosts Workshop on Paving for Safety

On June 5th and June 6th, the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) hosted a workshop on Paving for Safety. The course instructor was Frank Julian, FHWA Safety Engineer. Included in his presentation was an overview of the Proven Safety Countermeasures, specifically Safety Edge, Rumble Stripes/Strips, and High Friction Surface Treatment. Also discussed, was how these countermeasures could be implemented efficiently throughout Rhode Island in order to decrease the number of roadway departure crashes. The seminar was attended by 25 local, state, and federal personnel from design, construction, maintenance, and materials.

Washington State

WSDOT’s incident response program making a difference

Timely response to highway collisions by Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) crews, State Patrol, and emergency personnel translated into an estimated $10.7 million in savings for highway travelers this year. In the first quarter of 2012, the Incident Response program saved travelers and businesses money by reducing the time and gas they would have wasted stuck in traffic, while at the same time increasing highway safety. WSDOT’s Incident Response Teams (IRT) cost an estimated $1.2 million to operate per quarter, reporting a benefit-to-cost ratio of approximately nine-to-one for the first quarter of the year. IRT responded to 10,588 incidents between January 1 and March 31with an average clearing time of fewer than 14 minutes. Due to severe winter weather in early 2012, the number of over-90-minute incidents increased by 41 statewide compared to the previous quarter with a total of 153 incidents. The average clearing time on these incidents was 187 minutes.

The Week of March 23, 2012


The Deputy Administrator will be the opening Key Note speaker highlighting the Every Day Counts Initiative. He will also be participating in a round table discussion on innovation with contractors, consultants, state and local governments. Participants will include representatives from the Florida Division of FHWA, the Florida Department of Transportation, and other local industry groups.

New York

In-Lieu Fee Agreement Introduced

On Monday, March 26, the FHWA coordinated a presentation, by an industry professional, to introduce the process for the approval and use of In-Lieu Fee agreements as an alternative compensatory mitigation option. Based on expressed interest from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), the presentation is for NYSDOT, New York State Thruway Authority, and Federal Highway Administration staff and will take place at the NYSDOT main office building in Albany, New York. In-Lieu Fee agreements have been identified as an EDC initiative for streamlining project delivery.

The Week of March 9, 2012

District of Columbia

GRS Workshop Held

On February 23, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) held a workshop on Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System (GRS–IBS) technology. DDOT plans to use this technology to construct a bridge in the near future. The workshop topics included design and construction of GRS–IBS and a GRS project specific discussion. GRS–IBS is a key Every Day Counts technology.

North Dakota

Agencies Complete Programmatic Agreement

On March 5, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, the North Dakota Department of Transportation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Central Federal Lands Highway Division, and the North Dakota Division Office completed the execution of a Programmatic Agreement for Wetland Mitigation on Emergency Relief Projects. This unique Programmatic Agreement will expedite the project delivery of emergency and permanent repairs under the emergency relief program and at the same time continue to protect wetlands and natural habitat in North Dakota. The Programmatic Agreement maintains the objective of mitigating impacts to wetlands in the Federal-aid highway program that results in a net gain on a program wide basis. The Programmatic Agreement clearly supports shortening project delivery under the banner of Every Day Counts.

The Week of March 2, 2012


U.S.36 TIGER/TIFIA Challenge Phase I Design-Build Project Moves Forward

State and local owners for the project have received and evaluated the proposals for the $307 million Phase I Design-Build project on U.S. 36 between Denver and Boulder, funded through a combination of State, Federal, local, TIGER, and TIFIA funds. A contractor has been selected based on the Best Value analysis of the proposal. The contract with the successful bidder will be executed by the end of March. This project includes reconstruction of US36 from Pecos Street to Interlocken Loop (at a minimum), the addition of a buffer separated managed lane in each direction, and a bikeway for the same distance. Bus Rapid Transit and ramp stations are a key element of the managed lanes. Active Traffic Demand Management (ATDM) is also a key component of this project. Shoulders will be designed for local bus operations. Construction could start as early as April and will be completed by July 2015. Design-Build contacting is a method of shortening project delivery promoted through the Every Day Counts initiative.


Deputy Administrator Nadeau Visits Minnesota to discuss EDC

Deputy Administrator Nadeau spent a day meeting with MnDOT Commissioner Tom Sorel and other senior leaders from MnDOT to discuss successes and the future of the Every Day Counts initiative in Minnesota. During an afternoon session, the Deputy Administrator met with representatives from several key stakeholder organizations, including AGC, APWA and NACE.

The Week of February 24, 2012

District of Columbia

D-B Contract for 11th Street Bridge Replacement Project Moves Forward

The FHWA’s DC Division Office approved a $90,730,000 contract change on February 21 to complete the 11th Street Bridge Replacement Project. Since the award of the initial $260 million Design–Build to Budget contract, the District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) identified additional funding sources for the completion of the project. The nature of this contract change is to complete the all of the movements identified in the Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decisions that were not included as part of the scope of the initial Design–Build to Budget contract.

Puerto Rico

Workshop Raises Interest in Evaluating Projects for GRS Application

The Puerto Rico Division Office and the Puerto Rico LTAP Center hosted a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) workshop on February 16, as part of the nationwide EDC Exchange on the same subject. The full-day activity introduced the GRS concept to Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works’ engineers, local governments, consulting engineers, academia, and contractors. The training session had about 50 participants, who had the opportunity to learn more about this technology and to evaluate the possibility of incorporating the GRS design in Puerto Rico projects to reduce construction time and costs (as compared to conventional bridge construction). Municipality engineers were impressed with this technology and its benefits, such as reduce cost and construction time. As a result of this workshop and the EDC Exchange, several of the local municipalities will evaluate the potential use of this technology in Puerto Rico.

The Week of February 10, 2012


FHWA Presents Training on Construction Manager/General Contractor

A one day CM/GC training course was held on February 7th. The intended audience included Colorado DOT Project teams (together with all specialty units) and FHWA Operations (Area) Engineers. As part of their participation in this Every Day Counts initiative, CDOT has been very proactive in developing CM/GC as a Project Delivery tool to accelerate project development. Since this is a new project delivery method in Colorado, the CDOT and the FHWA also recognized the need to have trained personnel managing and overseeing these types of projects. Help has been enlisted from the FHWA Resource Center, industry and education experts, as well as experts from the Utah DOT who have extensive experience with CM/GC to make the training both a reality and meaningful. This training will help make CM/GC a viable Project Delivery tool for the future for Colorado.

The Week of February 6, 2012

New Hampshire

State Hosts Regional Safety EdgeSM Forum

On Tuesday, March 8, 2012, in support of the Every Day Counts initiative, the New Hampshire Division Office and New Hampshire Department of Transportation (DOT) hosted a "Safety EdgeSM Forum" that brought paving contractors and Safety EdgeSM device vendors together with State and local pavement design, materials, and construction engineers. The purpose of the forum was to address perceived barriers and issues with the implementation of this technology and level the knowledge-base of all parties involved in its application. The FHWA Acting Division Administrator provided opening remarks and FHWA Resource Center safety and pavement experts provided both a national perspective and outlined experiences among the various States that have achieved success applying this pavement feature. A contractor and facility owner from a neighboring State that had utilized the Safety EdgeSM shared their experience. In addition, Safety EdgeSM device vendors showcased their products and addressed questions about their use. In all, more than 100 people participated and early indications point to the forum being a great success.

Memorial Bridge Replacement Project Awarded

NHDOT awarded its largest contract ever to Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. of Canton, Massachusetts for replacement of the Memorial Bridge between Portsmouth, NH and Kittery, ME. The design-build contract was awarded on the basis of a “best value” total bid of $81,420,000 with a completion date of July 2013. New Hampshire and Maine, which jointly own the Memorial Bridge, will share the cost of the bridge replacement project which included a $20 million TIGER II grant. Demolition of the existing Memorial Bridge began in late January of 2012.

The Week of January 27, 2012


First Construction Manager/General Contractor Project Underway

The first Nevada Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) project procurement is underway. State law was amended to allow NDOT to use the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) option previously reserved for state public works and local public agency projects The full oversight project will reconfigure the I-580/Moana Lane interchange in Reno from a tight diamond to a diverging diamond, the first in Nevada. The EDC initiative is allowing this project to move forward quickly, in concert with a separate, locally-funded effort to widen Moana Lane to the west.

New Hampshire

Warm Mix Asphalt Usage at Record Levels in the State

EDC efforts have led to the increase the usage of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) in NH. Compared to 2010, WMA usage has increased from 14,000 tons to 243,000 tons. The 243,000 tons represents 41% of all pavement placed by NHDOT in 2011. Both the New Hampshire DOT and construction industry have really embraced it to make it an EDC success story.

The Week of January 20, 2012


Roads and Species; A Programmatic Approach to Stewardship and Compliance

FHWA Deputy Administrator Addresses the State's 2011 Pavements and Materials Conference

On January 20, 2012, the FHWA Nebraska Division Office, the Nebraska Department of Roads, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) successfully finalized a programmatic agreement that satisfies Endangered Species Act and Nebraska Endangered Species Conservation Act compliance for the overall federal-aid transportation program in Nebraska. This was part of an ongoing effort among the agencies to streamline the biological review process required for every project. The programmatic agreement provides an up-front concurrence for the majority of the program by applying agreed-to standardized effect determinations based on activity type and habitat characteristics, and by utilizing standardized conservation conditions to be implemented at the project level. When these programmatic conditions are met, coordination with and concurrence from the FWS and the NGPC is not required on a project level for an estimated 80% of the program. This translates into a minimum savings of 5 weeks in the project schedule for a majority of the program. Now, without having to spend as much time on project-level routine coordination and concurrences, the resource agencies and the Nebraska Division Office can focus on higher priority resource impacts and coordination. This agreement also provides for consistency in the program, allowing for more accurate advanced planning and project scheduling, resulting in fewer surprises during the review process. With the agreed upon, up-front conservation conditions, an additional benefit the agreement provides is the ability to improve budgetary planning for mitigation commitments included in contract documents. This up-front programmatic consultation allows all agencies to meet their individual agency missions efficiently and consistently, while significantly decreasing staff workloads and enhancing species conservation on a program level.

New Jersey

State’s Project Delivery Process Accepted as PEL Equivalent

The New Jersey Division worked with the New Jersey Department of Transportation on a successful PEL (Planning Environment Linkages) Equivalents submission for the Every Day Counts initiative. NJDOT’s recently adopted Project Delivery Process meets all of the required criteria and two of the additional recommended criteria for an equivalent approach to the PEL Questionnaire by facilitating a seamless decision-making process that minimizes duplication of effort and promotes environmental stewardship. The project delivery process introduces environmental considerations early in planning and uses documented planning information to inform the environmental review.

The Week of December 19, 2011

New Hampshire

Memorial Bridge Replacement Project Awarded

FHWA Deputy Administrator Addresses the State's 2011 Pavements and Materials Conference

On December 14, 2011, the NHDOT awarded its largest contract ever to Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. of Canton, Massachusetts for replacement of the Memorial Bridge between Portsmouth, NH and Kittery, ME. The design-build contract was awarded on the basis of a "best value" total bid of $81,420,000 with a completion date of July 2013. New Hampshire and Maine, which jointly own the Memorial Bridge, will share the cost of the bridge replacement project which included a $20 million TIGER II grant. Demolition of the existing Memorial Bridge began in late January of 2012.

The Week of November 4, 2011


FHWA Deputy Administrator Addresses the State's 2011 Pavements and Materials Conference

FHWA Deputy Administrator Addresses the State's 2011 Pavements and Materials Conference

Deputy Administrator Gregory Nadeau delivered the opening address for the 2011 Arizona Pavements and Materials Conference held on the campus of Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, AZ, November 15-16, 2011. More than 400 representatives from the public and private sectors, (including Federal, State, and local agencies, materials contractors and suppliers, as well as academia) were in attendance. The theme of this year's conference was "Technology that Makes a Difference," and included nationally-recognized speakers who offered the audience National and State perspectives on pavement technology, recent innovations in asphalt and concrete pavement design and construction management, along with pavement performance research furthered by the FHWA and the ADOT. Also scheduled were various presentations on Every Day Counts (EDC) initiatives such as Warm Mix Asphalt, the Safety EdgeSM, as well as accelerating bridge construction with the use of Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems, and the Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System.


California demos first PCC Safety EdgeSM project

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, marked the first PCC Safety EdgeSM project on I-80 in Emigrant Gap, CA, and joined only a handful of other States in incorporating the Safety EdgeSM with Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). The project included approximately ½-mile of the Safety EdgeSM as a demonstration of constructability and long-term safety performance. The section of Safety EdgeSM included a vertical edge control section, as well as different surface treatments on the Safety EdgeSM to get a comparison of erosion on the shoulder backing material over time.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire DOT Conducts First Statewide Traffic Signal Operations and Maintenance Workshop

With a presentation on EDC Adaptive Signal Control Technology on November 1, 2011, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) conducted what is anticipated to be the first of many Statewide Traffic Signal Operations and Maintenance Workshops. In 2009, staff from the NH Division Office and the FHWA Resource Center conducted a Traffic Signal Operations Assessment at the State and local level. One of the findings was the need for the NHDOT and local municipalities to collaborate more on traffic signal operations across the State and work toward developing standard designs, operations, and maintenance practices where possible. This workshop was the first step toward meeting that goal. The FHWA participated in the planning for and implementation of the workshop, including presenting the Every Day Counts Initiative and ASCT to more than thirty State DOT, local municipality, and consultant traffic signal engineers and maintainers.

The Week of October 21, 2011

Who's Making Every Day Count Report 10/21/20111


Component of EDC within the Chicago Metropolitan Area's Approved CMAQ Program

Improvements to transit, highways, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities within the Chicago Metropolitan Area are being made possible through $411 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program funds. The funds target the next 5 years to support the region's "GO TO 2040" comprehensive plan and the goals of reducing congestion and improving air quality. Projects were selected and reviewed publicly by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning committees comprised of transportation experts and stakeholders. The FHWA and the Federal Transit Administration have issued the determination that all projects in the approved program are eligible for CMAQ funding. The FY 2012-16 CMAQ program includes nearly $107 million in funding that will directly address congestion in the region through advanced technologies, intersection improvements, bottleneck elimination, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Featured within the ITS element of the CMAQ program are five Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT) projects, which support the FHWA's Every Day Counts Initiative. These ASCT projects were developed collaboratively through the Regional Transportation Operations Coalition, a group of transportation system operators formed to address operational issues throughout the region. For information on the MPO's CMAQ program, please go to For information on the Regional Transportation Operations Coalition, please go to

The Week of October 14, 2011

Who's Making Every Day Count October 14

New Mexico

Success with Warm Mix Asphalt

The New Mexico Division Office has completed the review of the NMDOT's significant revision of their Warm/Hot Mixed Asphalt Pavement and Pavement Smoothness Standard Specifications. The specification revisions had been undertaken as a result of previous process reviews which indicated that the current specifications required additional clarification and modification. It is anticipated that the revised specifications should result in lower, consistent bids and overall project costs. The development of the new Warm Mixed Asphalt Specifications will also enable the NMDOT to let 6-8 projects over the next several months which will utilize various warm mix technologies.


Every Day Counts in Oregon: ESA Programmatic Agreement Completed

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Oregon Division of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) completed a Programmatic Biological Assessment (PBA) for the Oregon Statewide Transportation Improvement Program. On October 13, pursuant to Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act (as amended), the FHWA formally submitted the PBA to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), requesting formal consultation on the program. This PBA is directly aligned with FHWA's Every Day Counts initiative, Expanding the Use of Programmatic Agreements, and when executed through the receipt of a Biological Opinion, will expedite project delivery within Oregon. Specifically, the PBA addresses 17 species and 15 designated critical habitats under NMFS jurisdiction, as well as, 19 species and 9 critical habitats under USFWS jurisdiction. ODOT and FHWA facilitated extensive collaboration amongst interested partners that provided clarity and direction for consultation with the services and development of the PBA.


Record of Decision for the USH 41 (Memorial Drive-County M) Approved

FHWA approved the Record of Decision (ROD) for the U.S. Highway (USH) 41; Memorial Drive to County Highway M project in Brown County, Wisconsin. The ROD was signed on October 4, 2011. The development of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for this project was done on a very aggressive schedule, in part to support our Every Day Counts (EDC) initiatives, and was completed in 28 months. The EIS/ROD covers the northernmost section of a major corridor expansion project along USH 41 in Brown and Winnebago Counties. The corridor expansion project is a Federal Major project that is currently under construction in both counties. The northern section of this project underwent considerable design revisions to ensure full Interstate standards for the interchanges, including the USH 41 / Interstate 43 systems interchange. Since these design revisions would result in significant impacts, an EIS was prepared. USH 41 from Milwaukee, WI to Green Bay, WI was designated as a High Priority Corridor on the National Highway System and as a future part of the Interstate System. Improvements as part of this Major project will ensure that these sections of USH 41 meet Interstate standards.

The Week of October 3, 2011


Connecticut DOT Successfully Started their First Placement of Warm Mix Asphalt on Interstate

This week the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) successfully started their first placement of warm mix asphalt on an Interstate. Additionally, this warm mix also included a polymer modified binder, another first for Connecticut on an Interstate project. Up to this point the State had only conducted pilot projects on lower volume roadways using warm mix technology and/or polymer modified binders.

Due to apparent rutting and pavement deterioration along the Interstates, which is attributed to the high volume of truck traffic, CTDOT pursued innovative technologies to address this issue.

With the assistance of the Connecticut Advanced Pavement Lab at the University of Connecticut, polymer modified binders and warm mix technologies were evaluated and a new specification was prepared.

During placement of the final top course of paving for a 3.4 mile project using the polymer modified binder and a wax type warm mix process, it was noted that the temperature of the mix was reduced to 295-300 degrees F in the delivery trucks and there were much less noticeable fumes and odors.

Based on this positive experience, CTDOT has stated that this will be their standard specification for future interstate paving projects and believes incorporating the polymer modified binder and warm mix process will provide a longer lasting pavement able to withstand the heavy traffic on the Connecticut Interstate Highways.


Ribbon Cutting for Adaptive Signal Control Technology Deployment on Riva Road Corridor

On August 16th, 2011 the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board and the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works hosted an event recognizing the deployment of an Adaptive Signal Control System on the Riva Road Corridor in Annapolis, MD. The system, implemented under a CMAQ grant in November 2010, monitors traffic volumes and makes real-time adjustments to signal timing at 11 signals along Riva Road. Travel time has been reduced by 8 percent in the corridor, including an 82% reduction for northbound Riva Road during the evening rush hour.


Section 106 Programmatic Agreement

On July 21, 2011, as part of the Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative, the Nevada Division issued a directive to the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) for activities with no potential to cause effects to historic properties in Nevada. As such, these program projects activities do not require further obligations under the Section 106 process of the National Historic Preservation Act. This will assist in streamlining the implementation of Section 106. FHWA held a two-day meeting on August 15 and 16, 2011, with the Nevada State Historic Office, United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, United States Army Corps of Engineers, and NDOT to produce a state-wide programmatic agreement to streamline Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. FHWA's goal is to have a draft by October 31, 2011 and a final document by April 2, 2012.

The Week of August 18, 2011


Virginia Implements First GRS Bridge Abutment

Funded by FHWA, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (VCTIR), in partnership with Virginia Tech (VT), have just entered into an agreement to implement the first Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) bridge abutment in VA.

Besides assisting VDOT in learning about its implementation, this partnership will monitor and evaluate the performance of this Every Day Counts (EDC) technology in order to make recommendations about its future use in the state. Some of the expected benefits of this new technology are the elimination of the "bump" at the end of the bridge and its fast constructability at a low cost.

GRS abutments are being considered for two upcoming VDOT bridge projects. The assistance provided by VCTIR and VT is estimated to last two years at a cost of about $200,000.


Kansas DOT Plans Construction Manager/General Contractor Project Delivery Method Scan at Utah DOT

During the week of August 22nd, 2011, the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) will be participating in a scan of the Utah Department of Transportation's (UDOT) Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) alternative project delivery method.

In using CM/GC, the State places responsibility for design review/modification and construction with a single contractor, and typically assigns responsibility for cost overruns to that contractor. This method serves as a middle ground between design-bid-build and design-build methods and is one of FHWA's EDC initiatives.

The Week of July 22, 2011


I-93 FAST 14 HfL Showcase July 16-17

Administrator Victor Mendez attended the "I-93 FAST 14 Highways for Life (HfL) Showcase" on July 16 in Massachusetts providing his vision for innovation and shortened project delivery to the workshop participants before attending the afternoon site visit demonstrating the installation of prefabricated superstructure bridge elements.  The Showcase received rave reviews from all who attended the 2-day event. There was a total of 151 attendees for the HfL Demonstration Project, from all sectors of the transportation industry: 63 representatives from 29 State DOTs, 39 attendees from the FHWA, 45 from the private sector, and the remainder from academia. The participants were enthusiastic and many State DOT representatives mentioned projects in their States, where they could implement a similar accelerated bridge technique using prefabricated superstructures. The message from the FHWA, MassDOT and the design-builder was TEAMWORK is the success of this project.  As stated by MassDOT Secretary Mullan, "MassDOT's Accelerated Bridge Program aligns exactly with Every Day Counts (EDC) and Highways for Life – we need to build them faster, with less impact to the public using innovations."  At the weekend's end, Salem Street (under I–93) was open to traffic on Sunday at 5:00 pm and I-93 was open to traffic at 10:54 pm (6 hours ahead of schedule).  The project has now completed 9 bridges in 6 weeks, with all 14 structures to be completed by August 29.

Massachusetts EDC SIT Continues to Move the Initiative at Quarterly Meeting

The Massachusetts (MA) EDC State Implementation Team (SIT) held its second Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, July 14th. The meeting was led by MassDOT Secretary Jeffrey Mullan and FHWA Division Administrator Pamela Stephenson, who serve as the MA EDC SIT Co-Chairs. The SIT is comprised of twenty (21) representatives from MassDOT, FHWA, ACEC, APWA New England, Baystate Roads (LTAP), Construction Industries of MA, MA Highway Association, MA Association of Regional Planning Agencies, MA Bay Transit Authority, MA Port Authority, FTA, US Army Corps of Engineers, and US Coast Guard.  The Co-Chairs of the 11 MA EDC Deployment Teams briefly presented the current status and progress of their respective EDC Implementation Plan Activities. The SIT members asked questions and provided feedback to each of the Teams.

The Week of July 8, 2011


New Regional Army Corps Permit supports EDC efforts in Illinois

On June 16, 2011, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Rock Island District (USACE) issued a Regional Permit that will streamline the delivery of transportation projects in Illinois. The Regional Permit covers two-thirds of the state of Illinois, and allows more transportation projects to advance without an individual permit processed by the USACE, or a separate water quality certification permit from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), which can take up to 12 months to complete. The USACE in cooperation with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), the IEPA, and the FHWA, developed the Regional Permit because of recommendations from a 2010 FHWA/IDOT joint process review on Section 404 permitting in Illinois. Additional USACE Districts with permitting authority in Illinois, are considering issuing a Regional Permit to cover their jurisdictional areas. The Regional Permit supports FHWA's Every Day Counts initiatives in Illinois to shorten the project delivery process.

New Jersey

First Pilot Project, a Milestone in EDC Progress

In line with the Every Day Counts initiative, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), FHWA and other key partners have been developing a pilot Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) specification. On March 29th, 2011 the final pilot specification was completed and ready for implementation on several planned WMA pilot projects. On June 30th, 2011, the NJDOT advertised the first WMA project on Route 184 in Woodbridge Township & Perth Amboy City, Middlesex County. Being the first pilot project, the contract plans call for half of the total tonnage to be WMA and the other half to be Hot Mix Asphalt. This will allow the Department to monitor the condition of each section and compare results.


Colorado Joins CM/GC Peer Exchange

Two Colorado DOT engineers, along with two Colorado Division personnel attended a Construction Management/General Contractor or CM/GC Peer exchange in Salt Lake City in late June. The event was attended by 12 state DOTs, representatives from FHWA Division offices, Central and Western Federal Lands and Industry partners. The emphasis of the Peer Exchange was to advance the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative designed to identify and deploy innovation aimed at shortening project delivery using CM/GC as a project delivery method. Colorado DOT plans to utilize CM/GC on two contracts in the near future as part of their Every Day Counts initiatives. The agenda included opening remarks from Deputy Administrator Greg Nadeau, who spoke about the CM/GC EDC initiatives' efforts to date and FHWA's goals for advancing this Project delivery method: perspectives and best practices from UDOT (a highly experienced state DOT) and General Contractors; case studies from state DOTs who have used CM/GC successfully; and group exercises targeted at pairing experienced states with those states who have plans to implement this tool.

The Week of June 22, 2011

New Hampshire Hosts 22nd Annual Northeast Materials & Research Engineers' Meeting

NHDOT Bureau of Materials & Research hosted its 22nd annual Northeast Materials & Research Engineers' Meeting in Concord, NH. The 1-day event included presentations by each of the six New England States on recent research, pooled-fund studies, field trials, Warm-Mix Asphalt, Safety EdgeSM implementation and challenges each of the transportation departments are facing during the current economic climate. The FHWA Resource Center assisted in sponsoring the meeting with help from the New Hampshire Division Office in an effort to promote collaboration between the States and advance Every Day Counts initiatives. A key outcome of the meeting was a unified interest in pursuing more in-depth interaction between the States to share experience, research, and testing resources using a web-based collaborative platform to leverage quality assurance concerns.

The Week of June 10, 2011

Colorado Making Progress to Implement CM/GC

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and FHWA are making strong progress towards implementation of CM/GC for the first time. A Programmatic Special Experimental Project Number 14 (SEP-14) work plan for the use of the Construction Manager General Contractor (CM/GC) technique on transportation projects has been developed and approved. CDOT currently plans on exceeding their commitment to Every Day Counts by using CM/GC as the delivery method on up to eight projects in the next three years. Using a Programmatic approach to SEP-14 for CM/GC will allow the CDOT to consolidate information from multiple projects into a single annual report to develop consistency statewide. A CM/GC manual will be the end product of this process.

Massachusetts Successfully Completes the First in a Series of 14 Accelerated Bridge Superstructure Replacements on I-93 in Medford

Over the weekend of June 3 – 5, the Massachusetts DOT successfully completed a superstructure replacement of the I-93 Northbound Bridge over Riverside Avenue in Medford, MA. This bridge is part of a $92 million "Fast 14" project to replace 14 bridge structures on I-93, during a series of weekends over the summer of 2011. An Every Day Counts showcase of both Design-Build and Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems technology, this project's contract uses prefabricated, modular superstructure units, eliminating years of work that would occur in the roadway if conventional construction methods were used. The bridge was closed to traffic on Friday evening, with the I-93 traffic reduced to 4 lanes (2 in each direction). The demolition of the superstructure was completed by Saturday morning, followed by installation of the prefabricated, modular superstructure units and associated concrete pours. The bridge construction was completed on Sunday, June 5 at midnight, and the Interstate was open to traffic in time for the Monday morning commute.

New York Division Makes Presentation at Highway Superintendent Conference

On June 6, FHWA presented "The Basics of Roadside Design – How to Create a Forgivable Roadside" to the Highway School Conference of the 11 Cornell Local Roads Program (New York's Local Technical Assistance Program). The presentation included an overview in the morning and two 1.5 hour workshops in the afternoon, which detailed the general guidelines associated with roadside design and the Safety EdgeSM, an Every Day Counts initiative technology. The conference was attended by over 700 county and local agency highway superintendents.

The Week of June 3, 2011


FHWA Participates In the Baltimore-Washington Regional Traffic Signal Forum

On May 25th, 2011 the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board and the FHWA sponsored the Baltimore-Washington Regional Traffic Signal Forum, which was held at the Maritime Institute Conference Center in Linthicum Heights, MD. More than 100 traffic signal professionals from federal, state and local government and the private sector attended. This event provided a showcase for the Every Day Counts Technology, Adaptive Signal Control, via sessions aimed at improving signal timing through new technologies and the challenges faced by signal operators. Jeff Lindley, Associate Administrator, Office of Operations provided the keynote address at the event.


FHWA hosts Every Day Counts (EDC) Open House in Ocala, Florida to showcase Safety EdgeSMTechnology

The purpose of the event is to introduce State and local government officials to the Safety EdgeSM shoe, which is a tool used to shape the edge of pavement at a 30-35 degree angle. According to research, the optimal angle will allow drivers to re-enter the roadway safely. The FHWA is working with the State to develop specifications and adopt this new pavement edge treatment as a standard practice on all new and resurfacing pavement projects. The open house event featured a paving demonstration, job site visits and a peer to peer exchange.

The Week of May 27, 2011


First Use of Safety EdgeSMin Connecticut - EDC Initiative

On May 26, 2011, a municipal-funded project to resurface a local divided road in Farmington became Connecticut's first Safety EdgeSMproject. The town's contractor, Galasso Materials, LLC of East Granby used the TransTech Shoulder Wedge Maker (SWM), one of a limited number of devices fabricated and distributed to FHWA Division Offices for experimental use. This latest device was fabricated using a slight refinement of earlier experimental designs to achieve a higher density, pre-compacted, tapered pavement mat edge with a final angle, after rolling, of less than 25 degrees to the horizontal. The Connecticut Division Office has made this device available for loan to Connecticut municipalities through the Local Transportation Assistance Program at the University of Connecticut Technology Transfer Center.


EDC Roadshow stops in Florida

FHWA Administrator Victor Mendez took the Every Day Counts (EDC) Roadshow to Florida May 25-26, 2011. The Administrator spoke on the topic of EDC with a group of stakeholders from the public and private sectors in attendance at the Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers (FICE). He also met with the FHWA Florida Division Office EDC staff as well as members from the Florida Department of Transportation Leadership Team and the State's EDC State Implementation Team.

The Week of May 20, 2011


FHWA promoted the Every Day Counts (EDC) Safety EdgeSM recently at a joint conference of the American Public Works Association and others in Bozeman, Montana, on May 9. Marcee Allen, Safety/Traffic/Design Engineer, displayed a Safety EdgeSM shoe, used computer video, and featured a unique theme (Suckers for Safety) to create an attractive and popular booth. The booth was visited by public works officials, engineers, technicians and consultants from the transportation community, as well as many other disciplines.

Rhode Island

FHWA Administrator in RI to discuss Every Day Counts Program with RIDOT Director

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Administrator Victor M. Mendez was in Rhode Island on Thursday, May 19, to discuss better, faster, and smarter ways of completing transportation projects. These key elements are part of FHWA's Every Day Counts (EDC) program.

As part of National Transportation Week (May 15 – 21, 2011) Mendez, along with Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) Director Michael P. Lewis, spoke about implementing EDC in Rhode Island and how improving roadway safety, protecting our environment, and shortening project completion times are part of an effort to meet this State's 21st Century transportation demands.

EDC is designed to find ways to deliver projects as fast as possible so that the public can then enjoy the benefits. RIDOT is already using the program's Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (employing this method on the Burrillville's Round Top Bridge replacement project -- this bridge was built in just 41 days); Design Build (construction and design are combined providing significant time savings -- used in projects such as the Wickford Junction Train Station in North Kingstown and the Laurel Avenue Bridge in Coventry); and Warm Mix Asphalt (uses lower temperature asphalt than conventional hot mix methods thereby reducing costs and greenhouse gas emissions -- already in use on Block Island).

The Week of May 13, 2011

Florida Division Office

FHWA Administrator Mendez to discuss Every Day Counts (EDC) at the Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers (FICE) Conference

The FICE conference to be held in Orlando, Fl, May 25-26, is focused on "Coping with Changes in a Stagnant Economy." In addition to learning about the EDC initiative and how it will make a difference in the State, conference attendees will also hear from the Florida Department of Transportation's leaders about the future of transportation in this economy, new policies, and new State programs. Transportation engineers, consultants and construction leaders from the private and public sectors have been invited to participate.

Oregon Division Office

EDC: Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) Innovative Contracting uses Accelerated Bridge Construction Methods to Reduce Time, Cost and Environmental Impacts

In the Record of Decision for the Sellwood Bridge project the selected alternative would replace the Sellwood Bridge on its existing alignment, while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction. Maintaining traffic, however, required stage construct of the new bridge. In response to the Request For Proposal for the CM/GC contract, a number of proposals included an accelerated bridge construction method to eliminate the staged construction of the replacement bridge. In the FEIS the construction of the replacement bridge was described as staged construction: The south half of the new bridge would be constructed adjacent to the existing structure, and traffic switched to the new bridge. The existing structure would then be demolished, and then the north half of the new bridge would be constructed. A number of the CM/GC proposals instead proposed to construct temporary piers to the north of the existing piers and then slide the existing deck truss about 40 feet north onto the temporary piers, and then construct the new bridge on the existing alignment in one stage. Traffic would then be routed onto the new bridge and the existing bridge would then be demolished saving construction time and cost as well as reducing environmental impacts.

Puerto Rico Division Office

Safety Edge technology implemented in Puerto Rico

On May 10, the Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Department was pleased to implement its first Safety EdgeSM on the island. A local contractor used the Safety EdgeSM shoe provided by the FHWA Puerto Rico Division Office on an existing asphalt overlay project on State Route PR-182. As a result of using the Safety EdgeSM, no shoulder reconditioning was necessary resulting in economic savings. And, most importantly, the project resulted in a safer road being provided to the motoring public.

Montana Division Office

The Montana Division promoted the Every Day Counts (EDC) Safety EdgeSM recently at a joint conference of the American Public Works Association and others in Bozeman, Montana. FHWA displayed a Safety EdgeSMshoe, used computer video, and featured a unique theme (Suckers for Safety) to create an attractive and popular booth. The booth was visited by public works officials, engineers, technicians and consultants from the transportation community, as well as many other disciplines.

The Week of May 6, 2011

Arkansas (UPDATE!)

Arkansas Division Staff Receive FEA Team of the Year Award for EDC Deployment

On May 4, the Arkansas Division "Every Day Counts" Deployment Team was recognized as the Arkansas Federal Executive Association's "Team of the Year" for 2010. Four other teams were nominated from various federal agencies in Arkansas under the Team Award category. The Arkansas Division team was presented with a plaque for its efforts in advancing and deploying several Every Day Counts initiatives that will help accelerate project delivery, foster innovation, and improve safety. The team members recognized with this award are Terry Daniel, Brent Dather, Randal Looney, Lester Frank, David Blakeney, and Joe Heflin. The Federal Executive Association's "Employee of the Year" award was created to recognize and celebrate outstanding achievements made by the Federal community in Arkansas.


EDC ROADSHOW: Promoted EDC at Oklahoma Transportation Commission Meeting

Administrator Mendez addressed the Oklahoma Transportation Commission on Monday, May 2nd, where he explained the Every Day Counts program. He emphasized that the "Every Day Counts" program is aimed at having state and federal agencies work together to accelerate construction projects and implement new technologies. He also discussed some of the benefits achieved by the EDC program initiatives. The Administrator is the highest-ranking federal official to attend an Oklahoma Transportation Commission meeting in recent memory. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and Oklahoma Department of Transportation Secretary Gary Ridley presented Administrator Mendez an Oklahoma flag, signed by the Governor, in recognition of his participation in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon and of his visit.

TENNESSEE (TDOT Press Release)

TDOT Partners with FHWA to Ensure "Everyday Counts"
New Federal Initiative Works to Speed Project Delivery

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The Tennessee Department of Transportation is partnering with the Federal Highway Administration on a new program designed to shorten the time necessary to complete major highway projects.

FHWA Administrator Victor Mendez launched Every Day Counts (EDC) in November 2009 to bring a better, faster and smarter approach to highway and bridge construction. The objectives of EDC are three-fold: to shorten project delivery; to accelerate technology and innovation deployment; and to make FHWA a "greener," more environmentally conscious Agency.

The EDC initiative is designed to transform the way FHWA does business-and to encourage national partners and stakeholders to do the same.

"Our society and our industry face an unprecedented list of challenges," says FHWA Administrator Mendez. "Because of our economy, we need to work more efficiently. The public wants greater accountability in how we spend their money. We need to find ways to make our roads safer. And we have an obligation to help preserve our planet for future generations."

TDOT is supporting EDC to ensure the delivery of timely transportation projects by advancing the following innovative practices into routine use in Tennessee:

  • Expanding the Use of Programmatic Agreements
  • Planning and Environmental Linkages
  • Clarifying the Scope of Preliminary Design
  • Flexibilities in Utility Relocation
  • Construction Manager/General Contractor
  • Design Build Project Delivery

TDOT is also working to leverage the following 21st century technologies and solutions to improve safety, reduce congestion, and keep Tennessee moving and competitive in the world market:

  • Warm Mix Asphalt
  • Safety EdgeSM
  • Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems
  • Adaptive Signal Control
  • Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil

"These goals are worth pursuing for their own sake. But in these challenging times, it's imperative that we pursue better, faster, and smarter ways of doing business," said TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. "Under Every Day Counts, we are working together to do just that. The traveling public deserves no less."

To learn more about the national Every Day Counts initiative, please visit the FHWA web site at

The Week of April 29, 2011


Division Office EDC Champions nominated for Arkansas Federal Employee of the Year

Division office staff members acting as EDC Champions in the State-- David Blakeney, Terry Daniel, Brent Dather, Lester Frank, Joe Heflin, and Randal Looney -- were nominated as a team for the Arkansas Federal Executive Association (FEA) Federal Employee of the Year Award. The Federal Employee of the Year Award was created to recognize and celebrate outstanding achievements made by the Federal community. These EDC Champions were nominated for their accomplishments implementing EDC initiatives in Arkansas. A committee selected by FEA members will judge the entries and present the awards at the Annual Federal Employee of the Year Awards Banquet on May 4 in Little Rock.


MassDOT adopts EDC

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has adopted eleven focus areas and implementation plans were recently finalized. In addition, the MassDOT and the FHWA will work with the MPOs on incorporating Planning and Environmental Linkages into the State's and MPO's planning processes.

The Week of April 22, 2011


Michigan DOT Showcases PBES on US 31 at Open House

On April 22, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) held its first open house on Prefabricated Bridge Element and Systems (PBES) in support of the Every Day Counts initiative. This PBES open house showcased the fabrication of precast superstructure elements in a precast plant in Grandville, MI. The superstructure elements are part of a bridge replacement project on US-31/Colby Street over the White Lake Pathway in Whitehall. A second open house is tentatively scheduled for early May to showcase the installation of the superstructure elements in their final location.


FHWA Resource Center presents Every Day Counts overview and Adaptive Signal Control Technology initiative at Oklahoma APWA conference

On April 14, Paul Olson ITS Technology Engineer with the FHWA Resource Center delivered a general overview of the Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative and a technical presentation on the Adaptive Signal Control Technology (SCT), at the Oklahoma American Public Works Association (APWA) conference in Oklahoma City (OKC) at the request of the Oklahoma Local Technical Assistance Program. A brief demonstration of the "ITS Console," which is the Oklahoma Department of Transportation's decentralized Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) management console, followed at the Oklahoma Division Office.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico's First Test with Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA)

The Puerto Rico Division has taken a lead in promoting Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology among all local asphalt producers with successful results. This week, just 5 weeks after the team from the FHWA and the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority introduced this technology for the first time, the first WMA trial section was constructed. On Interstate highway PR-2 in the Municipality of Yauco, about 700 tons of Superpave Surface Mix (SPS) was used with a dosage of 1.5 percent by weight of binder of a WMA chemical additive. In terms of production temperature, a reduction of 50 degrees F, as compared to conventional Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA), was achieved. This "green paving technology" translates to about 30 percent reduction in fuel costs. In addition, less compaction effort was required and results were more consistent.

First WMA Workshop in Puerto Rico

This week the FHWA Office of Pavement Technology and the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) provided a workshop on Warm Mix and Ground Tire Rubber Technologies (GTR). The Puerto Rico DTOP Secretary provided opening remarks showing his full support to this technology. The workshop included presentations from the local asphalt paving industry on their recent experience placing WMA and GTR.


The Wisconsin Division Office and WisDOT held their annual Interagency Meeting April 20-21 in Madison.

Each agency had an opportunity to provide updates on existing activities and pending rules and regulations. The Wisconsin Division Office staff and an HQ representative from the Office of Planning and Environment (HEPE) devoted time on both days to discussing the Every Day Counts initiatives and the benefits of its implementation in Wisconsin.

The Week of April 18, 2011


Every Day Counts initiatives highlighted at the Illinois Association of County Engineers (IACE) Spring Meeting

The Illinois Association of County Engineers (IACE) spring meeting provide an opportunity for FHWA to give a presentation on Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge Systems technology which is one of the five EDC innovative technology initiatives. Other State DOT experiences, as well as, the expected benefits of the technology were shared with the attendees, to encourage local agency experimental usage as permitted by IDOT contract specifications. In addition, the Safety EdgeSM technology was presented at the IDOT Bureau of Local Roads and Streets breakout session the following day. IDOT's work on the Safety EdgeSM initiative has resulted in a specification for use of the Safety Edge on State projects with paved shoulders less than 3-feet and a permitted specification for the local agencies to use on hot mix asphalt projects.

Every Day Counts Warm Mix Asphalt Scan (Illinois visits Texas for knowledge exchange)

A scanning tour visit to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) was conducted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to advance the state-of-the-practice using warm mix asphalt (WMA) in Illinois. IDOT identified Texas as a State well advanced in the use of WMA, and the Texas DOT (TxDOT) as having good controls to assure the long-term performance of asphalt pavements and overlays. The FHWA, IDOT, and an Illinois contractor met with TxDOT to discuss and review specifications, procedures, and actual field experience to confirm the approach being pursued in Illinois along with areas for improvement.

New Hampshire

NH ACEC Technical Conference

New Hampshire held its 12th Annual ACEC-NH Technical Exchange Conference on April 12, 2011. In support of the FHWA's "Every Day Counts (EDC)" initiative, this years' conference theme was "Innovative Project Solutions, Delivery and Construction." FHWA Deputy Administrator Greg Nadeau was on hand to talk about FHWA's EDC Initiative while Commissioner George Campbell announced the New Hampshire Department of Transportation's "Every Day Counts" Implementation Plans.

New York

Proposed Transportation Regional General Permit for Federal Wetland Permitting

As part of the Every Day Counts "Shorten Project Delivery" initiative, FHWA has proposed a Transportation Regional General Permit for Federal wetland permitting to the New York and Buffalo Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. FHWA, the New York State Department of Transportation, and the New York State Thruway Authority developed the Transportation General Permit document to clearly define roles and responsibilities, standardize wetland permitting timeframes and products, and provide better consistency and predictability for the statewide transportation program.


Oregon DOT Holds Productive Annual Environmental Conference

Oregon DOT Holds Productive Annual Environmental Conference During the week of April 4 the Oregon DOT Geo-environmental unit held its statewide environmental conference. Attendees at the conference included State and Federal resource agencies, State and local transportation agencies, and consultants. FHWA provided Every Days Counts presentations focused on environmental related EDC initiatives being pursued in Oregon--specifically, 1) programmatic agreements, 2) linking planning and NEPA, and 3) in-lieu fee and mitigation banking. The conference also provided information exchanges on various topics, training opportunities, and time to share valuable ‘lessons learned.'


Virginia Gets Up Close View of PBES & SPMT's At Work on Utah project

On March 26 and 27, 2011, the FHWA Virginia Division sent Assistant Bridge Engineer, Chris Marston, to attend the Sam White Bridge move and workshop in Utah as part of the Every Day Counts Initiative. The workshop offered a better understanding of accelerated bridge construction techniques, as well as, the implications these techniques could have for decreasing the maintenance of traffic impacts and reducing the critical path of project delivery. Through the use of prefabricated bridge elements and systems (PBES) technology, self propelled modular transporters (SMPT) were employed to carry the superstructure from its build location, outside of traffic, to its final location over interstate 15 utilizing a one night complete closure of the interstate. The move was conducted in less than expected time and was the largest two-span structure moved in the western hemisphere.

The Week of March 11, 2011

Netherlands –(Netherlands – Should be first in the list this week) March 21

The Office of International Programs has received a request from the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, for Mr. Jan Hendrik Dronkers, General Director for Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), to meet with FHWA Administrator Victor M. Mendez and Executive Director Jeff Paniati. The goal of the meeting is to discuss ongoing collaboration between the FHWA and RWS. FHWA's recent activities with the RWS under the 2009 Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) have focused on safety and performance management. Although the collaboration will be a primary focus for the discussions, Mr. Dronkers is also interested in Every Day Counts and possible similarities with the Dutch program to shorten project delivery.

Nevada Legislature (Nevada)

The 76th session of the Nevada Legislature began on February 7, and will end on June 6. The 120 calendar day gathering is held in odd-numbered years, with 63 elected officials (21 Senate, 42 Assembly) now in Carson City. The biggest item on their agenda is to balance the state budget, with newly-elected Governor Sandoval continuing his support for no new taxes. The 2010 Census data will be used to redraw the boundaries for both state and federal election districts – Nevada will have a fourth Congressional District. Transportation issues include reviewing options for more funding, strengthening safety laws, and expanding project delivery choices. Our daily review of the pending legislation shows that gas tax increases and tolling will again be considered. Distracted driving measures, such as a ban on texting, have already been introduced. NDOT will also ask for the authority to use the Construction Manager General Contractor (CMGC) procurement method FHWA has recommended as part of Every Day Counts. Other public agencies in Nevada have that authority already. The transportation committees meet each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, and we can attend in person or view the proceedings live over the Internet.

New Hampshire Hosts Regional Safety EdgeSMForum (New Hampshire)

On Tuesday, March 8, in support of the "Every Day Counts" initiative, the New Hampshire Division and New Hampshire DOT hosted a Safety EdgeSMForum that brought paving contractors and Safety EdgeSMdevice vendors together with State and local pavement design, materials, and construction engineers. The purpose of the forum was to address perceived issues with the implementation of this technology and level the knowledge base of all parties that would be involved in its application. The Acting Division Administrator provided opening remarks and Resource Center safety and pavements experts provided a national perspective and outlined experience amongst the various States that have achieved success applying this pavement feature. A contractor and facility owner from a neighboring state that had utilized Safety EdgeSMshared their experience. In addition, Safety EdgeSM application device vendors were provided time to showcase their products and address questions on use of them. In all, more than 100 people participated and early indications point to the forum being a great success.

Virginia Concrete Conference concentrates on Making Every Day (& Dollar) Count (Virginia)

FHWA co-sponsored and participated in the Virginia Concrete Conference on March 3-4. The theme for the year's conference is "Concrete: Make Every Dollar Count." There were over 300 participants for the conference with representatives from the State, local agencies, academia, FHWA, consultants, suppliers, and contractors. The conference had a general session on Thursday afternoon, March 3, highlighted with presentations on Every Day Counts, self consolidated concrete, construction lessons learned on the Chincoteague Bridge, and ACI Concrete Award Presentations.
Concurrent pavement and bridge breakout sessions were held on Friday morning. The pavements session had presentations on advanced concrete pavement technology, quite concrete pavements, life cycle analysis, and reclamation of pavements. The bridge session had presentations on the long term bridge program, high performance concrete performance specifications, long term creep and shrinkage effects, accelerated construction, and lightweight concrete. The conference provided the opportunity for materials, pavement and bridge engineers to network with the industry's leading professionals as they learned about the latest developments in concrete to make every dollar count. Please contact the Virginia division office with any questions at 804 775-3320.

PennDOT launches Innovation Team; Compliments Every Day Counts (Pennsylvania)

In complimentary fashion and consistent with a continued excellent working relationship, the Pennsylvania Division and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), will be launching an Innovation Team. The purpose of the Team is to look for tools and techniques that can shave time, save money and broaden the state of practice when it comes to engineering techniques for high value solutions. Given the budget shortfalls that plague most State DOTs, PennDOT is preparing to invest personnel time and effort to identify innovative ideas, discuss, and implement them where practical. The Division Office is quick to add to the effort. As often the case, frequent sharing of information is the key to change. As such, the Innovation Team will be meeting monthly as an open forum to discuss ideas. This is par for the course when it comes to the working relationship between the two offices, and ease of acceptance of each other's ideas. For example, under this climate the Division was quick to deploy workshops, training sessions and one-on-one meetings to explore the ideas of Adaptive Signal Controls, an Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative. We have also been able to implement low cost innovative solutions that result in significant safety and operation improvements at intersections to eliminate bottlenecks, and propose interchanges solutions, such as ramp metering and diverging diamond interchange design. Under the Every Day Counts activities, the two offices have embraced Warm Mixed Asphalt, Safety Edge, Adaptive Signal Control, Flexibilities in Right-of-Way and Utilities, and the two bridge techniques of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutments and Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems. Together, there is promise of deploying new practices and fully mainstreaming all these innovative techniques over the next two construction seasons.

The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Wisconsin and the WisDOT hosted their annual Transportation Improvement Conference in Milwaukee on March 9 and 10 (Wisconsin)

The conference presented best practices and transportation cutting edge technologies, strategies, and program updates targeted to the Transportation Design Community in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Division Administrator presented the Every Day Counts (EDC) Initiative, highlights of the Transportation Reauthorization Proposal, and presented FHWA 2010 Excellence in Highway Design Awards recognizing the design teams for two Wisconsin Projects. In addition, Wisconsin Division Staff contributed as speakers and moderators to several of the sessions. The workshop was attended by approximately 300 Transportation Partners.

The Week of March 4, 2011

Significant Upcoming Activities - Iowa Division to Host Adaptive Signal Control Technologies (ASCT) Showcase (Iowa)

On March 30, the Iowa Division, with assistance from the Office of Operations, will host an ASCT Showcase in West Des Moines. ASCT is one of five technologies being promoted under FHWA's Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative. As a follow-up to the EDC Regional Summits attended by top-level management, this free one-day Showcase will provide more specific information to practitioners involved in traffic signal operation in the states of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Topics to be discussed include: motivation for adaptive control, an overview of ASCT systems, a methodology to effectively evaluate ASCT systems, procurement options, and recent implementation experience from local agency deployments. More information is available at

Arkansas Division to Present EDC Initiative at Little Rock MPO (Arkansas)

Assistant Division Administrator Jim Sinnette will speak on Arkansas EDC initiatives at Metroplan's monthly Technical Coordinating Committee meeting on March 9. Metroplan is the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Little Rock metro area. The Technical Coordinating Committee is composed of technical representatives from the counties and cities that are members of Metroplan. In addition to Mr. Sinnette's presentation, FHWA Arkansas Division EDC champions will be attending the meeting to answer any questions about the EDC initiatives.

New Hampshire Hosts 2-day Regional Design-Build Workshop in Support of EDC (New Hampshire)

On March 1-2, FHWA co-hosted a design-build seminar with the New Hampshire DOT and Maine DOT with opening remarks provided by the New Hampshire Acting Division Administrator. There were approximately 150 participants from the New England area consisting of FHWA Divisions, State DOTs, contractors, and consultants. The first half-day was open to contractors and consultants and it included presentations by the FHWA Resource Center explaining the Design-Build process and respective roles and responsibilities. The remaining time consisted of implementing design-build in New Hampshire on the Memorial Bridge project. The workshop was very well organized and well received by all attendees.

EDC Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) Initiative (Puerto Rico)

The PR Highway & Transportation Authority (PRHTA) and the local asphalt industry started testing different WMA mix designs using chemical additives. The initial testing showed that this technology could be applied in Puerto Rico successfully. The drop of the WMA temperature was about 50 degrees, as compared with a conventional hot mix asphalt designs.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is sponsoring a Wisconsin Tribal Transportation Safety Summit (Wisconsin) at the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College near Hayward, WI on March 24th. The Division Safety engineer is participating on the planning committee that is led by the TTAP at Michigan Tech University. Others on the planning committee include the WisDOT Tribal Liaisons, FHWA Federal Lands Tribal Liaisons and BIA. We will present the EDC topic and "Safety EdgeSMExperience" on the 2010 STH 55 project on the Menominee Indian Reservation.

The Week of February 25, 2011

Alabama EDC Executive Committee Meeting (Alabama)

On February 28, the Division Office and the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) will host the first meeting of the Alabama Every Day Counts Executive Committee. The meeting will include presentations and discussions on the Shortening Project Delivery and Accelerating Technology/Innovation initiatives including benefits, as well as evaluation of current practices. Committee representatives include the FHWA Division, ALDOT, State Historic Preservation Office, Alabama Road Builders Association, County Transportation Engineers, Auburn University, University of Alabama, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Tuscaloosa MPO, Montgomery Public Works, and Sain Consulting Services.

DelMar Staff Attend DelDOT Winter Training (Delaware)

A number of DelMar Division staff attended and participated in Delaware Department of Transportation's Annual Winter Training on Friday February 25th. Among the several topics discussed was FHWA's Every Day Counts initiative which was presented by Tom Harman of the Baltimore Resource Center, as well as a DelDOT presentation on changes brought about by the new MUTCD. For further information please contact Basharat Siddiqi at (302) 734-1946.

Every Day Counts (Florida)

FHWA Florida Division was invited to speak about Every Day Counts and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise at the Florida Transportation Builders' Association Construction Conference. The annual event was held in Orlando on February 15 and 16. The purpose of the event was to update industry, government and special interest officials on transportation issues, exchange best practices and learn about new technologies. Some of the general session topics included asphalt, concrete paving, high speed rail, Design Build and CM@Risk.

FHWA Administrator provides remarks at Illinois' Annual Transportation and Highway Engineering (T.H.E.) Conference (Illinois)

Illinois held their 97th Annual T.H.E. Conference at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana on February 22-23, 2011. This Conference is the largest annual highway community event in Illinois with an attendance this year of approximately 1,100. The second day featured a "Federal View" presentation provided by FHWA Administrator Victor Mendez, in which he addressed a number of issues including the Administration's FY 2012 budget proposal, prospects for reauthorization, and FHWA's Every Day Counts initiatives. In addition, the conference featured sessions providing more specific information on various initiatives including connected vehicle technology, co-presented by Monique Evans, Director of FHWA's Office of Safety Research and Development, and Jim Wright of AASHTO. Detailed information for the Conference: Point of Contact: Jon-Paul Kohler, Planning & Program Development Manager (217) 492-4988.

Success in the implementation of EDC initiatives in Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)

The PR Division has taken a lead in promoting two Every Day Counts Initiatives; Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) and Safety Edge, among all asphalt producers in Puerto Rico. With the collaboration of Andres Alvarez-State Materials Engineer and Don Watson from the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT), the team visited each asphalt producer in the Island during the last week of February. The team introduced these two new EDC technologies on a half-day workshop to all contractors and technical personnel from the Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority (PRHTA). The team answered all their questions and misconceptions with regards the use of WMA, clarified many concepts and invited all producers to an upcoming 2-day workshop scheduled for April that will include the new WMA Mix Design Guide, and use of Crumb Rubber Asphalt. Feedback from the industry management and technical personnel from local contractors was excellent and they showed real interest in embracing these new technologies, which will result in safer and environmentally friendly highways.

Topeka, KS Makes Use of EDC Technology (Kansas)

The City of Topeka is taking advantage of new adaptive signal control technology (InSync), as recommended by FHWA's EDC initiative. New traffic signals, equipped with cameras and processors, have been installed along stretches of SW 21st Street and SW Wannamaker Road. These traffic signals will be able to communicate with each other to help coordinate traffic and reduce delays at red lights. The City has posted a video on YouTube, "Seven traffic signals in two minutes", to showcase how this technology improves the driving experience along these heavily traveled roads ( This project was funded by an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. The cost of the project was $678,000.

Promotion of EDC initiatives continues in Oklahoma (Oklahoma)

Continuing its effort & commitment to EDC, the Oklahoma Division office participated in Oklahoma Asphalt Pavement Association (OAPA), annual asphalt workshop held in Oklahoma City February 22 & 23. Over 230 participants attended the workshop. Different state agencies construction engineers, contractors, consultants, and other allied asphalt industry members were in attendance. The Oklahoma Division setup and staffed a booth promoting EDC initiatives with a specific focus on Safety EdgeSMand warm mix asphalt (WMA) technologies. Many handouts, available in the booth, contained technical information on the benefits and usage of the technologies with examples of different manufacturers products. Additionally, copies of the standards and specifications used in construction by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) were available. The technical information and handouts provided guidance about construction aspects of Safety EdgeSM& ODOT's implementation plan of safety edge. Booth staff also presented information on the performance and economic benefits from usage of WMA and a course on the safety aspects for the travelling public on pavements with safety edge. Examples included demonstrated improvements in asphalt compaction and density consistency obtained by applying Safety EdgeSMon the un-restrained side during new pavement which results in better performance and increased durability of Oklahoma roads.

The Week of February 18, 2011

State's Annual Environmental Conference (New York)

On March 8, representatives from the New York Division will give a presentation about FHWA's Every Day Counts initiative at the New York State Department of Transportation's (NYSDOT) Annual Environmental Conference. At this conference, NYSDOT regional office staff will talk about a number of the State's projects and environmental initiatives. This year's Wayne McCready Environmental Innovation and Stewardship Award will also be presented. (Contact Jeffrey Berna, 518-431-4125, Extension 219)

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) Workshop as part of Every Day Counts (Puerto Rico)

The FHWA Turner-Fairbanks Highway Research Center sponsored a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil workshop during February 7-9, 2011. The Puerto Rico DOT Secretary Ruben Hernandez Gregorat and Administrator Mendez opened the workshop emphasizing how important is the implementation of EDC initiatives. Engineers from the Puerto Rico Highway & Transportation Authority, contractors, consultants, and the academia participated in this workshop. This was a great opportunity to get the word out on EDC initiatives.

New Hampshire Hosting a 2-day Regional Design-Build Workshop in Support of EDC (New Hampshire)

The New Hampshire Division is advancing the Memorial Bridge (TIGER II) project with assistance from the Resource Center and Highways for Life program by hosting a 2-day regional Design-Build Workshop on March 1-2, 2011 in Portsmouth, NH. The first half-day will be devoted to educating Contractors and Consultants on the general Design-Build process, while the next day and a half will allow multiple State DOT's and FHWA staff to walk through critical D-B processes using Memorial Bridge project details (e.g. RFQ/RFP, design, and construction.) The results of this workshop are envisioned to add value to not only the Memorial Bridge project, but also future Design-Build efforts around the country.

The Week of February 11, 2011

Arkansas to Evaluate Design Proposals for Reconstruction of Little Rock's Broadway Street Bridge

The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) received formal interest from ten engineering firms to design a new Broadway Street Bridge across the Arkansas River between Little Rock and North Little Rock. AHTD will ask four or five firms to follow up with formal presentations. The AHTD preliminary estimate to replace the 90-year old Broadway Street Bridge is $45 million and will include both federal and state funds. Currently, the ADT on the bridge is 24,000. Local officials have expressed an interest to improve pedestrian and bicycle access to the existing trail system along both sides of the Arkansas River and to consider a "signature bridge" design. Right-of-way constraints will require the new bridge to be built within the footprint of the existing bridge. Construction is expected to begin in 2013. Due to the high volume of traffic, its function as a major river crossing in Little Rock, and the desire to thoughtfully consider aesthetic treatments, the AHTD will explore innovative methods and technologies to reduce project delivery time and to minimize impacts to the traveling public. Division Administrator Sandra Otto met with AHTD Director Dan Flowers to discuss implementation of relevant Every Day Counts initiatives to meet these project goals.

Florida's EDC State Implementation Team (SIT) recently held its first meeting

The purpose of the meeting was to decide which EDC technologies the State will focus on implementing and to develop plans of action. As a result of the meeting, the SIT created four implementation teams that will focus on each specific EDC program area selected by the SIT. Those areas of focus include Safety EdgeSM, Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems, Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil and Clairifying Preliminary Design. The FHWA Florida Division Office has assigned individuals to work with each of these teams.

FHWA Massachusetts Division Concurs in Award of MassDOT's request to award a Design Build Contract for the I-93 "Fast 14" Project in Medford Massachusetts

On Monday, January 31st, 2011, FHWA provided a concurrence in award of contract letter in 8 response to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) – Highway Division request to award a Best Value Design-Build Contract to the joint venture of J.F. White /Kiewit Infrastructure Co. in the amount of $ 78,450,100.00. The project also will include a $ 7 Million incentive/disincentive clause for achieving timely Monday morning roadway openings and various on time project completion milestones. The project will provide for the rapid replacement of 14 deteriorated bridge superstructures on I-93 Northbound and Southbound in the City of Medford, Massachusetts. The majority of superstructure replacements will take place on weekends during the months of June, July and August, 2011 in order to expedite construction and minimize the impact to residents and commuters on this heavily traveled Interstate highway. To achieve this aggressive schedule, MassDOT and the Design Build team will utilize accelerated construction techniques including the use of modular, precast bridge units and heavy lift equipment to install the modular bridge units over the course of a weekend and open the roadway to full traffic on Monday mornings. Traffic management and public outreach efforts will be essential components of the project to reduce construction related impacts with the goal to inform travelers of alternate routes and other means of transportation during the proposed weekend traffic diversions. This project was added to MassDOT's $ 3 Billion dollar Accelerated Bridge Program (ABP) after a significant bridge deck failure on one of the I-93 bridges back in August 2010. MassDOT and the FHWA Massachusetts Division Office worked cooperatively to develop and advance the project from concept to award in an accelerated time frame expediting both the NEPA process and the Design Build procurement process. This project will be advanced using a combination of State ABP and Federal aid GARVEE financing. This project is also noteworthy as it supports and highlights FHWA's Every Day Counts (EDC) initiatives of supporting Accelerating Technology and Innovation Deployment (pre-fabricated bridge components) and Shortening Project Delivery (Design-Build Project Delivery), as well as being highlighted by MassDOT's Transportation Secretary and CEO, Jeff Mullan, as a signature project for the new MassDOT. MassDOT's adoption and implementation of these innovative techniques were partly the outcome and result of several workshops (Innovative Contracting Workshop - held in March 2010 and Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer Workshop - held in late 2008) hosted by the Massachusetts Division Office with the assistance of the FHWA Resource Center personnel.

Nebraska EDC focused Systems Engineering Workshop

On February 7-9, 2011, a Systems Engineering (SE) workshop was conducted for the proposed Adaptive Signal Control project on US-6 in Omaha. The SE technical assistance provided on this project, which includes 15 intersections on US-6 and three major crossing arterials, was conducted under the auspices of the Every Day Counts initiative. SE technical assistance was also provided for a major camera/sensor project. The workshop was ably conducted by Paul Olson, Rick Denney and Eddie Curtis of the FHWA Resource Center Operations Team. Participating agencies included the FHWA Nebraska and Iowa Divisions, Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), Iowa Department of Transportation, University of Nebraska, Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area Planning Agency, and the Cities of Omaha, Nebraska, and West Des Moines and Council Bluffs, Iowa. The workshop will help to institutionalize SE analysis as a practice in Nebraska and Iowa. Additionally, Emiliano Lopez of FHWA Operations met with NDOR on their effort to integrate SE on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects into the state's Clarity project scheduling system. This was a follow-up to the SE for ITS Workshop held in July 2010. The objective is to prepare a guide to assist other states with the integration of ITS projects into their Clarity project scheduling or other similar systems.

Every Day Counts Initiatives Highlighted at Asphalt Conference in Columbus, Ohio

On February 2 & 3, the Ohio Division participated in the joint North Central Asphalt Users/Producers Group & Ohio Asphalt Paving Conference in Columbus. This conference brought together approximately 350 members of the asphalt paving industry from 10 states, with a focus on introducing them to new concepts and technologies. Members of the Ohio Division staff provided the introductory remarks which included emphasis on the use two Every Day Counts areas: Warm Mix Asphalt and Safety Edge. This was followed by presentations from Headquarters and the Resource Center on the national perspective for asphalt paving along with both of these Every Day Counts areas. The Division also had a booth in the exhibition space which permitted Division Office staff to answer individual questions about Warm Mix Asphalt and Safety EdgeSM.

Updated: 10/03/2012

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