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EDC 2012 Initiatives

Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects

To aid Local Public Agencies (LPAs) through the complexities of the Federal-aid Highway Program's requirements and processes for establishing and administering Federal-aid projects, a three-pronged strategy has been developed to assist these local agencies.

First, to improve the Federal-aid projects administered by LPAs and mitigate the potential for noncompliance, State Transportation Agencies (STAs) have developed certification/qualification-type programs. These programs use criteria for LPAs to ensure that the LPA is certified and/or qualified to manage project activities that use federal-aid funds.

The benefits of a certification/qualification program are:

Second, STAs and LPAs have the flexibility to use consultant services to manage, develop, and deliver the locally administered Federal-aid program and projects. Understanding these available options may allow agencies to lower project costs, shorten project development and delivery times, improve the quality and performance of contracted services, and ensure projects meet the necessary Federal and State requirements. The approach taken to manage a STA's local program or to develop and deliver specific LPA administered projects will depend on a range of factors (e.g., State laws; STA local program policies and resources; and LPA resources).

The STA manages the IDIQ and has the responsibility for ensuring the decisions that affect contract/order performance. The STA also ensures the conditions of performance are consistent with the contract/order and assures that the selection process will meet Federal consultant-selection requirements.

STAs are encouraged to develop and specify the policies, procedures, and training to support LPAs in determining when to use consultant services, what services may be needed, and which procurement methods and contracting options may be appropriate. To advance the use of consultant services for local programs and projects, STAs may:

Third, communication, coordination and cooperation are the keys to successfully implementing any funding program. Clarity of the FHWA's requirements in conjunction with the State's requirements is also paramount, especially with LPA-administered Federal-aid projects. To aid in this partnering effort and collaboration goal, a "Stakeholder Committee" comprised of FHWA, STA and LPA representatives may be established to ensure dialogs of understanding are created, to ensure appropriate training is provided, and to review and refine project development and delivery processes.

Updated: 10/03/2012

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