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    Col. Joseph M. Martin

    Welcome to OTC, the Army's only independent operational test organization.  Our motto is Truth in Testing, and we uphold the creed that we are the trusted agent of the Soldier.  The OTC workforce is responsible for ensuring each piece of equipment is operationally tested before being placed in the hands of Warfighters.  We can think of no greater calling.  Learn why people have been gravitating to OTC for over 40 years.

    OTC's ultimate customers are the Soldiers--our sons and daughters--who will judge our efforts with their lives and their mission accomplishment.

    This is a sacred trust which will not be compromised.

    Col. Joseph M. Martin
    Commander, OTC
    Fort Hood, Texas


    U.S. Army Operational Test Command plans, conducts, and reports rigorous operational tests, assessments, and experiments in order to provide essential information for the acquisition and fielding of Warfighting systems.


    Ensure that the United States Army's one and only Operational Test Command conducts its mission with a high degree of truth and proficiency, in order for the Army to acquire and field systems for the current war fight and future war fights. In order for OTC to remain highly proficient in its mission, the command must be relevant to the Army and DOD, be knowledgeable and able to articulate the Army's doctrine, and remain true to the test without compromise.

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