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Olympic Athlete Susan Francia Shares Photos from Armed Forces Entertainment Tour!

Susan Francia is one of four athletes who recently completed the Olympic Heroes Armed Forces Entertainment tour that took them to Southwest Asia. Having several friends who are Navy SEALS, Francia had heard a lot of stories about what it’s like to be deployed and she was looking forward to thanking soldiers in person for their service.

Operation Laughter's Kristin Key Gives us a Taste of What's to Come on Tour!

The Armed Forces Entertainment's Operation Laughter tour is jam packed with four acclaimed comedians who are ready to make soldiers and their families laugh out of their seats. Kristin Key is one of those comedians visiting troops from February 15th until March 4th with stops in Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Djbouti. Check out this video above to see why you'll want to make it out to the shows!

Sinbad Brings Laughs to Alaska

Longtime supporter of the troops, Sinbad is currently on tour with Armed Forces Entertainment bringing laughs to Alaska now until January 21st. Check out this video as a tease to the good time you could have if you make it out to his shows!

Adam’s Attic Enjoying the “Ride” of Touring
With Armed Forces Entertainment

Adam’s Attic is currently on their 13-day Armed Forces Entertainment tour raising morale in Turkey, and Egypt. full story

The Lowry Sisters Document Armed Forces Entertainment Tour!

The Lowry Sisters recently completed a European tour with Armed Forces Entertainment and documented their time entertaining troops. Watch this video for behind the scenes footage!

Holiday Cheer from Lights Out Comedy!

Our Lights Out Comedy Tour is about to bring some very merry cheer to soldiers in Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. But until then, please enjoy their personal holiday greetings from each comedienne ready to tour with Armed Forces Entertainment.

Justin Berkman
Johnny Cardinale
David Forseth
Luchana Gatica
Mark Serritella

Cirque Dreams Holidaze Tour stop spreads holday cheer to nearly 3,400 soldiers and their families!

Armed Forces Entertainment is proud to have Cirque Dreams Holidaze on a twelve-day tour spreading holiday cheer to soldiers and their families. full story

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Landau Eugene Murphy, Junior adds four backup dancers to his show during Armed Forces Entertainment Tour!

Jazz singer and Season 6 Winner of America’s Got Talent Landau Eugene Murphy, Junior entertained nearly 500 fans over two shows during a recent trip to Europe with Armed Forces Entertainment. During his performance at Stuggart, Landau invited four fans onstage to perform as background singers on several songs which brought huge smiles to their faces. Each 90-minute set had fans enjoying some of their favorite jazz songs made famous by Frank Sinatra as well as a variety of other popular songs.

Here’s a great story from AFN covering Landau’s Armed Forces Entertainment tour. click here

NHRA stars visiting U.S. troops overseas on holiday tour

The 3rd annual Summit Racing Equipment-sponsored holiday troop visit kicked off with an autograph session at the Panzer Kaserne PX...

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Capitol Movement Freedom Tour 2012

The Capitol Movement dancers recently went on tour with Armed Forces Entertainment and performed for our men and women serving in the armed forces.

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wwe tou photos
Five stars of the WWE just returned from an Armed Forces Tour to Southwest Asia. The Miz, Layla, Eve, R-Truth and Chairman Vince McMahon have all toured with Armed Forces Entertainment before and from the looks of these photos, this trip was full of great moments with soldiers.
Enjoy the photo album!

Nashville comes
to Soldiers

By Sgt. 1st Class Abram J Pinnington (101st Airborne)

On a sunny afternoon Soldiers gathered for a brief escape from their surroundings. As they crowded together, acoustic guitars rang throughout the facility. Equipped with a smile, their eyes sparkled: Music, laughter and ease were in the air. full story

Chairman Vince McMahon, Layla, Eve, The Miz, and R-Truth of the WWE are wrapping up their Armed Forces Entertainment tour in Southwest Asia. Before they left, we were able to ask Eve, Layla and R-Truth questions about their upcoming trip and other odds and ins going on in their life. Please click on a photo below to get to know these WWE stars better.

Armed Forces Entertainment checked in with Catchpenny while the band prepared for their show at CSL Comalapa, El Salvador. This is the second time the group has toured with Armed Forces Entertainment, and so far this trip is full of new experiences. Catchpenny played last night (8/22) at CSL Comalapa, El Salvador and then head to AUTEC, Andros Island, Bahamas August 26th. They finish up with a show at Thule AB, Greenland August 30th.

How did the first show at Soto Cano AB, Honduras go?

The first show was awesome. We had troops on stage singing with us and they were stage diving. We’ve run into so many people who have seen us during previous Armed Forces Entertainment shows, which has been really cool.

How long do you guys plan to play each night?

Well, we played for about four hours at our first show. We roll with whatever happens, so if it looks like the troops want more, we give them more. They love to request songs and we’ll play whatever they want, as long as we know it. We’ve been able to get to the locations a day early to set up which has allowed us time to hang out with soldiers before our show. If they mention a song they want to hear, we’ll huddle before the show and make sure all of us are familiar with it. We’re not here to push our music, we’re here to play what they want to hear.

When you’re not preparing for a show or performing, what have you been up to?

We’ve been taking advantage of any activities they’ll let us be a part of. We worked out with the soldiers in Honduras. I think the soldiers get really excited to show us what they do and we’ve enjoyed having them take us around and show us what a day in their life is like.

Since you've toured with Armed Forces Entertainment before, you probably packed better for this trip since you knew what to expect. What item was a must on your packing list?

Um, I would say my camera. We're trying to capture all of these moments and share them with fans so we've had our cameras with us a lot and trying to post pictures when we have internet abilities.

What’s been the highlight of the trip so far?

After our first show in Honduras, we got to hang out with the soldiers – kind of like an after party. Two soldiers brought their acoustic guitars and before you knew it, about 40 to 50 people were sitting around and we all had a sing along of whatever songs they wanted. The two guitars were passed around to other soldiers and it was their time to perform and let us back them up.

Catchpenny member Mark Kelly jams with a soldier during an after show in Honduras.

For more band information visit the Featured Artist Page

Icons World Tour Star
John Wayne Schulz
Armed Forces Entertainment Icons World Tour star John Wayne Schulz is one of eight talented musical artists currently entertaining troops at 27 military installations. Armed Forces Entertainment sat down with John to see how the trip is going so far, and from the answer to these five questions, it sounds like the group is having a great time!

Coming out of rehearsals in Dallas, what was the excitement level for the group leading up to your first performance?

The excitement level has been high ever since we began rehearsals for this tour. I don't think our excitement can be any higher than it is right now to leading up to our first performance.

You're obviously performing in conditions very different than a concert hall in the states, how hard is it to be flexible with the rehearsed show based on the stage size or facility?

We have new challenges every show with sound, staging, and sometimes weather elements, but flexibility is always expected at every performance and we always somehow produce a fun and exciting show for all ages.

Any funny stories from the trip over you can share? Who gets the awards for most efficient packer, worst packer, fear of flying, and can sleep through anything?

I never thought I could ever throw a football in an airplane. We had so much room we could have held a college bowl game inside! We had to pack over five tons of equipment in the plane and the crew did an outstanding job packing it all. Everyone was excited to fly! I think our tour manager Jimmy Swan gets the award for sleeping through turbulence and loud noise.

How are you documenting this once in a lifetime trip?

We are blessed to have a photographer with us. I brought a journal with me to write down the things that happen as we tour from show to show. Every time we have a performance we get a chance to talk to the service men and women and their families afterwards. They never cease to inspire me in some way to be a better person and help me truly realize the sacrifices they make on our behalf. Those are the things that I want to remember the most.

What songs seem to be the biggest hit among the troops, maybe they sing along to it the most.

We always end our performance with "Don't Stop Believing" by the group Journey. They always seem to get on their feet and sing along word for word.

For more tour information visit the Icons World Tour artist page!

Jeff Harris brings spirit of Nashville to Izmir
by Tanju Varlikli
425th Air Base Squadron Host Nation Advisor

8/8/2012 - IZMIR AIR BASE, Turkey — Country singer and songwriter Jeff Harris performed a concert at the Izmir Club Aug. 4, for service members and civilians stationed in Izmir.

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upcoming events

30 January - 12 February
NFL Alumni
(Meet & Greet) Lebanon, Jordan, Italy and Portugal

1 - 12 February
Ali Dee
Netherlands, Germany and United Kingdom

15 February - 4 March
Operation Laughter Tour
Southwest Asia

8 - 17 March
Craig Morgan
Southwest Asia

31 March - 12 April
AFE Fitness Tour
Southwest Asia

3 - 11 April
Tommy Davidson
UK, The Netherlands and Germany

2 - 9 May
DL Hughley
Turkey, Italy and Spain

29 May - 1 September
Geschwister Weisheit High Wire Show
Italy, Germany and UK

2 - 4 July
Italy, Germany, and UK