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KAHC Welcomes COL Thomas S. Bundt as Clinic Commander




Kenner Army Health Clinic

Appointment Line:  1-866-533-5242   

After Hours Information Desk:  (804) 734-9000

Command Group: (804) 734-9256/9277

Medical or Behavioral Health Emergencies: Dial 911

Suicide Hotline: 1 800 273-TALK (8255)



As the heart of a system for health, we are committed to promoting, sustaining and enhancing the wellness of the Fort Lee community, keeping our patients’ trust through quality and compassion.


We aspire to be Fort Lee's health care provider of choice and the DoD's premier integrated system for health.


2011/2012 Seasonal Flu Information TRICARE Mail-Order Pharmacy (TMOP)
TRICARE Mail-Order Pharmacy (TMOP)
Medical Home Banner 2011/2012 Seasonal Flu Information
Suicide Prevention Information
Welcome to Fort Lee and Kenner Army Health Clinic. Kenner proudly serves the Fort Lee Community with primary health care for all our beneficiaries. Kenner provides a full array of outpatient primary health care services for you and your family. Our near-by military medical facilities and our network civilian health care partners provide specialty care and in-patient hospitalization.

To reach the Kenner Army Health Clinic Information Desk please call 804.734.9000.

To make an appointment, please dial the Patient Appointment Line at 1-866-LEE-KAHC (533-5242) during the hours of 0700 to 1700, Monday through Friday or for more information visit the appointments page.

After duty hours you can reach the On Call Provider by speaking to the Administrative Officer of the Day (AOD) at 804.734.9000.

Have a Concern, Question or Suggestion contact the Kenner Patient Advocate at 804.734.9512 or text her at (804) 267-0338. 


Kenner Goes Red for Women's Heart Health 
by Wade, Tereasa I Ms CIV USA MEDCOM KAHC
 2/11/2013 9:05 AM
KAHC President's Day Holiday Hours 
by Wade, Tereasa I Ms CIV USA MEDCOM KAHC
 2/7/2013 8:03 AM
Reminder! Clean Hands Save Lives! Attachment
by Wade, Tereasa I Ms CIV USA MEDCOM KAHC
 1/30/2013 4:04 PM
Norovirus Facts for Food Handlers Attachment
by Wade, Tereasa I Ms CIV USA MEDCOM KAHC
 1/30/2013 3:53 PM
Norovirus Illness Know the Facts Attachment
by Wade, Tereasa I Ms CIV USA MEDCOM KAHC
 1/30/2013 3:52 PM
(More Announcements...)

High Fives

Patient Comments

See what our patients are saying! In January 2013, overall visit satisfaction for Kenner AHC was 95.3%. We continue to strive for 95% or greater. The comments come from APLSS, ICE, Facebook and Twitter feedback straight from our patients. Please continue to send in your comments and input!
Dermatology Services
Stacy Williams is a tremendous doctor. She was very knowledgeable regarding my ailment and went into great detail and effort in explaining the situation to me and the different sources of treatment available, along with the expectations for each available treatment. I am extremely grateful to her as she cured my ailment and I would strongly recommend her to anyone needing dermatology care.
Occupational Health Clinic
Mr. Stephen Pinkerton could not have treated me any better during my visit! Great job!
Eagle Eye Clinic
Major Stephen Schlegel took the time to explain why our vision changes as we age and the best solution for the changes in my vision. Major Schlegel is very knowledgeable!
Eagle Eye Clinic
John Press was very professional and polite. He answered my questions in a way that was easy to understand.
Eagle Eye Clinic
David Mohrman was very professional and provided excellent service to me during my recent visit. He took the time to ensure I had another prescription for eyewear that would enhance working with computers. I am extremely pleased with the great service I receivd from Mr. Mohrman.
Physical Therapy Clinic
Cyrus Kardouni was very knowledgeable and thorough during the appointment, provided answers and explanations. He also displayed good patient rapport skills.
Physical Therapy Clinic
Mary Hassell is very good, great explanations, targeted my issue and provided directions for improvement.
Orthopedic Clinic
Patrick Parks provided me with excellent treatment and care during my child's recent visit. My child was very comfortable with him. This was very important to me that my child was able to develop a good opinion and expereience which will make future visits easier to adjust to. We appreciate it and thank Mr. Parks so much!
Orthopedic Clinic
Robert Burrus took the time to treat my condition as well as run blood tests and made recommendations that would assist me in being treated more thoroughly. Mr. Burrus is a great asset to the Kenner healthcare team.
Department of Behavioral Health
Prakash Nathu is a care provider, whom I trust to resolve any medical issues.
Department of Behavioral Health
Pamela Kirkman is a very caring professional that demonstrates a continued service to not just myself but to all her pateients. Kenner is lucky to have a true professional like her. She saved my life!
Department of Behavioral Health
Dr Robert Brown is the best. I do not know how he does what he does, but he is truly a saint. I can't express without coming to tears what he means to me. He literally saved my life. Ii would recommend him to anyone needing help.

Additional Feedback

Constructive Patient Comments with Kenner Resolutions
Pharmacy Services
The Pharmacy needs to accept prescriptions from providers/doctors electronically since they are required by Medicare to be provided electronically.  My doctors do not want to write hard copies of prescriptions
Kenner Response:  We are not allowed by TRICARE and Department of Defense to accept electronic prescriptions due to security concerns. This applies to all military pharmacies. Unless the rules change, our Kenner pharmacy is bound by them. Perhaps in the future, these rules will change.
Outside providers who see MEDICARE patients are required to use an electronic system for writing scripts in order to reduce errors related to poor handwriting. For us to accept an electronically generated prescription, we need a hand-written signature on the script.  This is law by the State of Virginia.
Please let your provider know of our requirements.  I will have my team reach out to all providers in the network to reinforce these requirements. Hopefully we can minimize further inconvenience to you.
You can read more about our Pharmacy rules and other sections/clinics at Kenner in our Patient Guide at http://kenner.narmc.amedd.army.mil/kahcdocuments/Patient%20Administraton/Patient_Guide_Mar_2012.pdf (page 16 talks about the Pharmacy).  Thank you for your feedback!
Family Medicine Clinic
At the end of my appointment I was given a hand out and told, I should lose weight and it would help resolve my knee issue.  I have had issues with my knee when I weighted 120 pounds.  The provider was rude, even after I told him I eat healthy and not processed foods, his response was "well you can eat 2000 calories of lettuce a day, and it's still 20000 calories."  I do eat 2000 calories a day, because I breastfeed my daughet, and was told to consume 300-500 more calories a day to accommodate the breastfeeding. Before passing illogical judgements on patients this provider might want to get the full history before implying someone is FAT.
Kenner Response:  We are sorry about this negative interaction between you and your provider.  We are committed to having our providers be as sensitive as possible to their patients' concerns, while maintaining the frankness necessary to sustain a trusting, productive provider-patient relationship.
Women definitely need to maintain a healthy weight and diet after having a baby, especially if they are breastfeeding.  One issue of recent ntional focus is on recognition of overweight and obese. The most recent data publishied in the CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/overwt.htm) is scary.  Nearly 7 out of every 10 Americans over age 20 are overweight or obese (69.2%), definied as a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25.  For an adult who is 5'9"tall, a weight of 169 pounds or more is in this category.  It is clear from the data, that Americans may not all take maintaining a healthy weight seriously, and we hope to help Kenner patients appreciate how important that it is to maintain overall health.
Thank you for your feedback!
Army Medical Clinics in General
This comment is directed to Army Medical Clinics in general.  When I go to my appointment for my medical issues, the problem doesn't get resolved.  they only do the bare minimal of treatment and that doesn't resolve the medical issue.  So, that means I continue to come back to the clinic to set the same results, more medication
Kenner Response:  We are sorry that you are less than satisfied with your care within Army Medicine.  Please keep in mind that occasionally a tough medical problem may require several visits to address while multiple issues may require more than one visit.  Resolution or the cure may not be possible nor necessarily be the goal.
Army Medicine and KAHC are excited to introduce the new initiative called the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH).  This model places a stronger emphasis on creating a health care team (provider, nurse, technician) that develops a relationship with each patient.  The goal is for patients to get to know their team, and to interact with the health care team regularly, which can also be by phone and secure messaging in addition to office visits.  We  want patients to actively participate in their health care, and for the health care team to meet all of a patient's needs.
Thank you for your feedback!
Pharmacy Services
Recently my child was seen in the Wilkerson Pediatric Clinic for a routine exam.  My childs records are kept at Kenner and his PCM is a Kenner provider.  The provider ordered a prescription to be picked up at the Kenner Pharmacy.  When I tried to pick the prescription up, I was told I needed my child's ID card in order to verify eligibility.   I would like to know under what circumstances my child would not be eligible for the prescription.  My child's records are there at Kenner and is also enrolled in DEERS, yet in order for me to pick up the prescription I was made to fill out a promissary note and required to make yet another trip to the Pharmacy in the next thirty days to present my child's ID card.  This is a seemingly reasonable policy carried to the extreme.  I also did not see a policy notice posted anywhere informing of this requirement.
Kenner Response:  Kenner apologizes for your recent less than satisfying experience.  As you may know, it is DoD policy for the intended patient's ID card to be presented to Pharmacy for any prescription if the patient is 10 years old or older.  It is inconvenient, but it is DoD policy.  Kenner obviosly has not been explicit enough in our signage so that our beneficiaires can be more aware of this important policy.  The Kenner marketing staff will work with both the Pediatric Clinic and Pharmacy to have this information more available to patients and parents.  Please check refer to the Kenner website, under the Pharmacy page and it states:  the Kenner AHC Pharmacy does require the patient's ID Card in order to process a prescription/refill pick up.  A HIPAA violation would result if Pharmacy staff allowed the script to be filled and picked up without proper identification.  In the future, we recommend that beneficiaries picking up scripts for family members have a copy of the dependent's ID card (front and back), with them to preclude this from happening again.  All DEERS-registered beneficiaries 10 years of age and older require their own ID card (or copy of it) for their medications to be picked up.  Under 10 years of age, the parent or legal quardian beneficiairy can pick up the medication for the child.  Please see the link below for more information:  http://www.tricare.mil/mybenefit/ProfileFilter.do;jsessionid=PfJPbyQN1475279y23rH2BJCQq8FmZJknjp47ty8dMCgynkmgd21!316466488?puri=%2Fhome%2Foverview%2FEligibility%2FIDCards
Thank you for your feedback!

KAHC Seasonal Flu Video

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NORTH Winter Issue 2012-2013