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Punchios v. Am. Fed. Government Employees, Local 2383, 97-SOC-1 (ALJ Sept. 2, 1997)

U.S. Department of Labor
Office of Administrative Law Judges
John W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
Room 507
(617) 223-9355
(617) 223-4254 (FAX)

Date: September 2, 1997

Case No.: 97-SOC-1

In the Matter of:

Elizabeth Punchios


American Federation of Government
Employees, Local 2383


Carl T. Hayden VA Medical


Randy Brumm, President


    On April 28, 1997 Elizabeth Punchios (hereinafter Complainant), former member of the American Federation of Government Employees (hereinafter AFGE), Local 2382, filed a complaint alleging that she was denied a fair hearing in her expulsion from the AFGE. Specifically, Complainant alleges she was denied due process in violation of 29 C.F.R. Part 458.2(5) which states, in pertinent part, that no member of a labor organization may be expelled or otherwise

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disciplined unless the member has been afforded a full and fair hearing.

    The parties appeared before the undersigned Administrative Law Judge for hearing in Phoenix, Arizona on July 15, 16 and 17, 1997. On the third day of hearing, this Judge was presented with a fully executed Settlement Agreement dated July 17, 1997 (JX 2), which was identified and authenticated by all concerned. (TR 220-21, 223-24) The parties seek to amicably resolve this matter by agreeing:

1. All charges against Complainant preferred by the respondent shall be dropped. There shall be no reprisal or recrimination against Complainant for action previously taken.
2. Complainant shall be reinstated as a member of Local 2382 with no loss of time (seniority). Complainant shall not be required to pay back dues. Local 2382 shall be responsible per capita taxes due as a result of this reinstatement.
3. Complainant shall not act as a union representative for any AFGE Local 2382 bargaining unit member until she receives stewards training.
4. Complainant will not interfere nor contest election of officers currently in progress.
5. There shall be no further appeals or other actions in the matters giving rise to captioned case.
    This Judge, having determined that Complainant freely and willingly signed this agreement, free from coercion, fraud and/or duress (TR 224), hereby recommends that the Settlement Agreement, the terms of which are specifically incorporated herein, be APPROVED. In accordance with 29 C.F.R. Part 458.70, I hereby transmit this Recommended Decision and Order, along with the entire case file, to the Assistant Secretary of Labor for appropriate action.

       Administrative Law Judge

Dated: Sept. 2, 1997

Boston, Massachusetts


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