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Congressman David Valadao

Representing the 21st District of California



California High Speed Rail (HSR), known to many as the “train to nowhere”, hasn’t even been built yet and it has already demonstrated itself to be a waste of taxpayers’ hard earned money. The proposed $98 billion dollar business plan is financially irresponsible and reckless. I strongly opposed its construction from the beginning. As your member of Congress, I will continue to fight wasteful government spending and oppose federal funding for the HSR project. 

State Route 99, “The Main Street of California”, continues to be one of California’s most significant goods movement corridors.  State Route 99 is vital to the Central Valley’s economy. The billions of dollars being funneled into HSR is better spent financing much needed maintenance and improvements to the State Route 99 Corridor. Expanding the 99 Corridor to six lanes along its entire length would contribute to road safety and improve air quality from Sacramento to Bakersfield by relieving congestion.