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Congressman David Valadao

Representing the 21st District of California

Defense and National Security


The primary role of the United States government is providing for our national defense.  September 11th, 2001, reminded us that our military must have the resources it needs to defend our nation’s interests abroad and protect us from those who would attack us at home.  Even in these times of fiscal austerity, we must ensure our men and women in uniform receive the training and equipment they need to defend the freedoms we as Americans enjoy every day.

All of America owes a debt of gratitude to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and to those veterans who served before them.  America’s veterans have made immeasurable sacrifices in defense of our liberty.  We have a responsibility to honor their sacrifices by providing the highest level of care possible for our veterans and military retirees.  As Congress works to get our nation’s fiscal house in order, we must work to minimize the impacts of our fiscal realities on those who have worn, and continue to wear, the uniform of the United States of America.