Congressman Randy Weber

Representing the 14th District of Texas
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Tax Reform

For more information concerning my work and views on Tax Reform, please contact me.

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More on Tax Reform

Feb 13, 2013


Washington, D.C. – Tonight, the President gave his annual remarks for the State of the Union. In response, Congressman Randy Weber (R-Texas) made the following statement:

“Tonight, President Obama put forth an agenda that he believes will boost the economy and create good-paying jobs without costing a dime. However, we’ve heard the exact same story for the last four years. Instead, President Obama’s failed policies have exploded our debt, increased unemployment and stifled economic growth.

Feb 6, 2013


Washington, D.C. – Today, the House voted on the “Require a Plan Act” that would require the President to submit a budget that would balance at some point during the 10-year budget window.  If the President’s budget does not reach a balance, he would then be required to submit a supplemental budget that shows when his budget request would reach a balance. Congressman Randy Weber (R-Alvin) released the following statement: