U.S., E.U. Face Issues Ahead of Summit || New Trends in Farming || President Obama on MTV

The United States and the European Union prepare for a summit. Woman are taking the lead in agriculture in many developing countries. Meet Modadugu Gupta, a pioneer in the field of aquaculture. And President Obama appears on MTV.

Critical Issues Ahead of the G20 Summit
In October 2008, at the peak of the financial crisis, world financial leaders cooperated to take “exceptional action” to stabilize the global financial system. However, in recent months, trans-Atlantic differences have emerged over a variety of international financial issues. Now, less than one month before the summit of the Group of 20 major economies in Seoul, South Korea, the United States and European Union are facing a critical test of their will to agree on financial issues critical not only to their own economies, but to the rest of the world too. Above, Obama with other G20 leaders.

Growing Opportunities for Women Farmers
In rural Kenya, women have very few resources of their own, but are primarily responsible for feeding their families and doing the bulk of the household and farm work. Now, 80 percent of the farmers are women. In this feature, we profile women who have taken the initiative to change their lives, and, in the process, increase the perception that women can contribute economically to their society.

Photo Gallery: A Pioneer in Fish Farming
Modadugu Gupta, who witnessed the struggles of local fisherman while growing up in eastern India, is a biologist and humanitarian whose work has multiplied the quantity of edible fish in Asia and improved the lives of farmers. Gupta was also instrumental in getting women involved in fish farming, and now they outnumber male fish farmers in many countries. “My father used to take me to the seashore, and I saw the fishermen coming in. They could hardly meet their daily needs. That’s where my interest in fisheries started,” says Gupta, who received the World Food Prize in 2005. Learn more about Gupta and his techniques in this photo gallery.

President Obama on MTV
President Obama led a discussion on MTV last week; an appearance that helped him connect with the country’s youth.  Approximately 250 people attended the event, and many more tuned in on MTV, Country Music Television (CMT) and Black Entertainment Television (BET), all of which are known to attract young audiences.