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Billy Long - Washington, DC

Billy Long
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  1. What is the most important issue to you as we begin the 113th Congress?
  2. I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me, and I am humbled to continue to serve as your liaison to your government. I will continue to bring Southwest Missouri values to Washington. Your voices do not go unheard. I am committed to making decisions which reflect the values of the 7th District and am fighting right beside you to restore fiscal sanity and moral diligence to Washington.

    W...e face a critical moment in our nation’s history as our economy continues its lackluster growth while government continues its excessive spending. We must rein in our spending while providing pro-growth solutions to help our economy fully recover. Our tax code is far too complicated and burdensome for small businesses and individuals. We need comprehensive tax reform that simplifies the tax code and eases the strain felt by families and business owners.

    In the 113th Congress I will serve on the Energy and Commerce Committee, where I will work to find solutions to help small businesses, create jobs, reduce burdensome regulations, and boost domestic energy production. Accomplishing these goals will move us towards a self-sustainable energy future, providing relief at the pump, and jobs for Missourians. We have the resources to achieve this future; it is time for the government to get out of the way so we can.

    The people of Missouri’s 7th District expect me to make the difficult decisions our country desperately needs to return to financial stability. Just as the American people must balance their own checkbooks each month, our government must live within its means. I will continue to address the budget deficit with a sense of urgency, and I hope that you will continue to be engaged in this process and share your views with me.
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  3. I am humbled by the trust the people of Southwest Missouri have again placed in me. I will continue to work hard for the people of our district in Washington. It’s a true honor to serve and represent our Southwest Missouri values in the nation’s capital.
  4. Yesterday I supported legislation to block President Obama’s executive order giving Congress a pay raise. The House passed H.R. 6726 in a 287-129 vote.
  5. Increasing taxes and not addressing Washington’s out of control spending problem will not avert the fiscal cliff. The problem is not that people are taxed too little; the problem is that Washington spends too much. We must get serious abo...ut our nation’s fiscal situation. That means reforming the tax code to make it fairer, flatter, and simpler, and having an honest discussion with the American people on entitlements and Washington’s reckless spending. We must make tough choices now to ensure we do not destroy our country for future generations. Squeezing more money from hard-working Americans does not address the real problem, which is out of control spending.See More
  6. Christmas is a special time of year. We see the joy and the spirit of the season in children’s eyes when they look with wonderment at the holiday decorations.

    During the Christmas season many of us will gather with family and friends to celebrate this special time of year. I ask we all take a moment to remember those who cannot be with their families and friends this Christmas.

    My wish this Christmas season is for all of us to remember what this season is about and not get wrapped up in the material part of the holiday.

    I wish you and your family and friends a very Merry Christmas!

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