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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Southeast Alaska landscape. Photo: Mandy Lindeberg

NOAA Fisheries News Releases

January 15, 2013
Julie Speegle, 907-586-7032 w., 907-321-7032 c.

NOAA issues new call for nominations for International Pacific Halibut Commission seats

NOAA Fisheries is re-initiating the public nomination process to fill two vacant commissioner seats on the International Pacific Halibut Commission.

In their official IPHC duties, commissioners represent the interests of the United States and all of its stakeholders in the Pacific halibut fishery, while working to develop the Pacific halibut stocks to levels that will permit the optimum yield from the fishery jointly managed with Canada. U.S. Commissioners are appointed for a term not to exceed two years, but are eligible for reappointment. Commissioners receive no compensation for their services, but travel expenses for two to three trips per year are paid for by the U.S. Department of State.

In Spring 2012, NOAA Fisheries publicly solicited nominations for two presidential appointments to serve as U.S. commissioners to the IPHC. It was the first time ever that nominees for IPHC commissioner seats were sought through an open, public nomination process.

While the initial nomination list included many strong candidates, the combination of a number of factors resulted in the decision to re-initiate this public nomination process. These factors include the lapse of time since original nominees expressed interest in an appointment, and considerations of balanced representation on the commission.

The notice of new call for nominations published in the Federal Register today. Nominations will be received for 30 days. Nominations may be submitted by one of the following methods:

Email: IPHC2013nominations@noaa.gov
Mail: Mr. Patrick Moran
National Marine Fisheries Service Office of International Affairs
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
FAX: 301-713-2313

Nominations must be received by February 15, 2013. A list of nominees will be published on the NMFS Alaska Regional Office web site on February 19, 2013. Public comments relating to this list of nominees will be accepted until March 18, 2013. All public comments must be sent to IPHC2013comments@noaa.gov.

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