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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Marine Mammal Entanglement

Marine Debris and Marine Mammal Entanglement

juvenile Steller sea lion entangled
humpback whale entangled in crab gear Steller sea lion with neck wounds from a packing strap (top) and humpback whale (below) entangled in fishing gear.

Marine debris adversly impacts at least 260 marine species, including marine mammals, sea turtles and seabirds. Marine debris is any man-made object discarded, disposed of, or abandoned that enters the marine environment.

Marine Debris and Marine Mammals

How to Report Marine Mammal Entanglements

Please let us know if you see injured, entangled or dead marine mammals in the water or on the beach. The most important information to collect is the date, location of animal (including latitude and longitude), number of animals, and species. Please don't move or touch the animal.

  • NMFS statewide 24-hour Stranding Hotline: (877) 925-7773 or (877) 9-AKR-PRD
  • Online Notification Form
  • Protected Resources Office:
    • Juneau: (907) 586-7235
    • Anchorage: (907) 271-5006
  • Alaska SeaLife Center Stranding Hotline: (888) 774-7325