Jefferson Lab Theory Center

Theoretical research at Jefferson Lab is critical to the lab's efforts to fulfill its scientific mission.

Theory Center

The Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics pursues a broad program of research in support of the physics being studied at Jefferson Lab and related facilities around the world.

The Theory Center provides opportunities for interested scientists and students to visit the lab and work closely with theoretical and experimental colleagues.The center also advises the lab on the scientific merit of its program and its plans for future development.

The center provides scientific leadership on these key research issues:

-Spectra and Decays of Hadrons, and Confinement in QCD

-Hadron Form Factors and Quark-Gluon Distributions

-Transverse Momentum Dependent and Generalized Parton Distributions

-Lattice QCD

-Strangeness and Parity Violation in Hadrons and Nuclei

-Few-Body Nuclear Physics and the Nucleon-Nucleon force

-Many-Body Nuclear Physics and the Nuclear Medium

-Standard Model Tests and Beyond.

For more information about Theory Center, click here.