Jefferson Lab > COO > JR/IS
Privacy and Security Notice
All High School Studenta and Undergraduate students must also complete the Student Safety and Security Training prior to gaining access to work areas. This course cannot be taken online. Contact the Science Education Office ( to schedule this training.

Training Requirements

In order to provide a safe and secure place to work, Jefferson Lab requires all individuals to complete training courses which are designed for each specific on-site work area.

The minimum required training, after registration or employee orientation, for access to CEBAF Center, Support Service Center, and the ARC building is;

For access to all other areas, please see your JLab Host for specific required training. If required training is not complete, access to the specific work area will not be assigned to the individual.

To review and complete the training for your assigned work area; please see our web-based training page. All of the training courses can be accomplished online except for the RadWorker 1 Test. This test is administered in the User Office (Cebaf Center, Rm. L111) or in the JLab Registration/International Services Office (Support Service Center, building 28)

If you have any questions regarding training, please see your sponsor. Individual current training status can be reviewed at the Insight page. Login to the system with your JLab username and password. Training skills can be found on the left side of the page, under Personal Information.