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English Language Fellows in Russia
  • Eric Lundell
    Belgorod - Eric Lundell

    Erik Lundell is a Senior English Language Fellow in Belgorod. His primary responsibility is conducting teacher training workshops for pre-service English language teachers at Belgorod State University. This is Erik’s second time in Russia working in the English Language Fellow Program. More »

  • Andy Noonan
    Kazan - Andy Noonan

    Andy Noonan hails from Portland, Oregon, and has spent the last 15 years teaching EFL, ESP and training teachers in the US, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Most recently, he was an English Language Fellow in Tainan, Taiwan, where he implemented an English for Medical Purposes program through curriculum design, co-organizing an international conference, writing a handbook of teaching tools and doing professional development for language and science teachers. More »

  • Toni Hull
    Moscow – Toni Hull

    Toni Hull is Senior English Language Fellow in Moscow, Russia. As Senior Fellow, Toni conducts in-service workshops supporting Russian teachers of English in their professional development. As a teacher she has taught Survival English in the USA, academic English in Morocco and China, ELT methodology in Vietnam, and a bit of everything in Russia. More »

  • Rafel Naseer
    Tyumen – Rafel Naseer

    Rafel Naseer ( M.S , Florida International University) was an English Language Fellow from 2008-2010 in Balti, Moldova, where he taught courses in second language learning and teaching. He is State of Florida Professionally Certified Teacher. Mr. Naseer worked with the public school system in Miami County for eleven years . His interests include ESL Methods, collaborative learning, and American Criminal Justice System.