
People and Culture

Solar cell picture

Quality people, quality work

Integrity, excellence, and exceptional service in the national interest.

At Sandia, creativity, multidisciplinary thought, and diverse ideas are encouraged. Our unique work requires the collective minds of the nation's top scientists, engineers, and support staff. Each year, Sandians are recognized for developing a range of breakthrough technologies with commercial applications of global importance.

Sandia embraces diversity, inclusion, and respect as part of our organizational culture. We value individual differences, and we believe that our success depends on the collaborative efforts of a diverse workforce. We also strive to meet the highest standards in workforce fulfillment, safety, security, fiscal accountability, and environmental responsibility.

Our core values
  • Serve the nation. We continually render "exceptional service in the national interest" by fulfilling our government's requests, anticipating its future needs, and benefitting the nation and the world.
  • Deliver with excellence. We deliver superior technical and managerial performance that meets our nation's needs and advances the frontiers of science, engineering, and technology.
  • Respect each other. We applaud and nurture the intellect, skills, diversity, and can-do attitude of each individual member of our workforce.
  • Act with integrity. We are honest in times of disagreement and fully discharge our trust rather than compromise for the sake of temporary expedience.
  • Team for great results. We join together on flexible, multidisciplinary teams and value each member's expert contribution toward our overall success.

Meet some Sandians



Systems and Electrical Engineer, Satellite Systems Engineering
Darren's work spans entire project life cycles from cradle to grave. He conducts assessments to evaluate system performance against well-defined systems-engineering expectations.

"I like my work because I interact with both customers and designers. I also have opportunities to think creatively as I determine how to meet various requirements. Sandia has given me amazing coworkers who challenge me daily."



Mechanical Engineer, Biotechnology & Bioengineering

Jeanne's team is exploring lipid membranes to discover the physical mechanisms used to vary their architecture and biochemistry. Her team's work has valuable implications for biological defense and the design of membrane-based materials.

"I enjoy designing and carrying out experiments that help answer important questions. At Sandia, I am surrounded by resourceful people who share my passion for research and are willing to work together to solve problems."




Nuclear Engineer, Radiation & Fusion Experiments

Matthew has a background in radiological sciences with a concentration in plasma physics. His team conducts experiments that generate intense x-ray pulses on the Z machine, creating plasma that is hotter than the sun. Controlled inertial confinement fusion has applications in stockpile stewardship and inertial fusion energy.

"My research allows me to work with cutting-edge equipment and world-class scientists. I have access to the world's largest pulsed-power machine. Sandia offered me a lot of responsibility fairly quickly, while letting me choose the projects that I find most interesting."



Financial Analyst, Safeguards & Security Business Operations

Hieu enables managers to carry out their missions within authorized program budgets. She also helps identify opportunities for investments and efficiencies.

"I help technical staff concentrate on what they do best without worrying about the funding and other financial aspects. My team members value my support, and I appreciate knowing that my work impacts our mission."



Electrical Engineer, Semiconductor Technology Development

Matt specializes in semiconductor device physics. His team is investigating new semiconductor technologies and is examining next-generation replacements for flash memory.

"I love researching at the cutting edge of technology. We are investigating ideas that in some cases sound like science fiction, such as a computer that can mimic the function of a human brain. At Sandia, I have the freedom to pursue projects in areas of my strongest interest and expertise."



Software Developer and Mechanical Engineer, Reacting Flow Research

Karla is drawing upon her mechanical engineering background in her position as a software developer. She is creating a scalable, open-source framework for novel programming models that apply computational fluid dynamics to multiphysics flows.

"There is always something new and exciting to learn — an idea or concept to explore. Sandia gives me the opportunity to collaborate with the best scientists and engineers in bioscience, climate, microsystems, and combustion."



Aerospace Engineer, Aerospace Systems and Analysis

Kelsey's tasks change daily — from planning wind tunnel experiments to brainstorming about vehicle fuel-efficiency. Her research improves turbulent aero-acoustic models, which are valuable for designing next-generation cars and missile defense systems.

"Sandia provides amazing educational opportunities and career path flexibility. All of my teammates are motivated and passionate about our work. I look forward to a long and rewarding career here."



Electrical and Computer Engineer, Threat Analysis Technologies

Daniel works in Sandia's cyber security group where he designs tests and tools to find vulnerabilities in hardware and software. He also conducts static and dynamic analyses of software and reverse-engineers hardware and software.

"The work we do is really important to our nation. At the end of the day, I am left with a deep sense of satisfaction. I love many things about Sandia: the relaxed environment, the flexibility to control my own career, and most of all, the incredible work-life balance."

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