Cedar River Project - Abstracts

Effectiveness of an alluvial wetland on improving water quality in a municipal well field, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1998—2006. [HTML] [PDF]
Simulation of GroundWater Flow in the Cedar Rapids Alluvial Aquifer Flow System, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. [HTML] [PDF]
Groundwater How and Water Quality – A Flowpath Study in the Seminole Well Field, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. [HTML] [PDF]
Evolution from a Conventional Well Field to a Riverbank-Filtration System. [HTML] [PDF]
Herbicides and herbicide degradates in shallow groundwater and the Cedar River near a municipal well field, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, R.A. Boyd. [HTML] [PDF]
Selected nutrients and pesticides in streams of the Eastern Iowa Basins, 1970-95, D.J. Schnoebelen, K.D. Becher, M.W. Bobier and T. Wilton. [HTML] [PDF]
Groundwater Geochemistry in the Seminole Well Field, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, R.A. Boyd. [PDF]
Hydrogeology and water quality in the Cedar Rapids area, Iowa, 1992-96, P.M. Schulmeyer & D.J. Schnoebelen. [HTML] [PDF]
Characterizing groundwater flow in the municipal well fields of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with selected environmental tracers, R.A. Boyd. [HTML] [PDF]
Selected hydrolgeologic data from the Cedar Rapids area, Benton and Linn Counties, Iowa, October 1992 through March 1996, D.J. Schnoebelen and P.M. Schulmeyer. [HTML] [PDF]
Movement of agricultural chemicals between surface water and groundwater, lower Cedar River Basin, Iowa, P.J. Squillace, J.P. Caldwell, P.M. Schulmeyer, and C.A Harvey. [HTML] [PDF]
Observed and simulated movement of bank-storage water, P.J. Squillace. [HTML] [PDF]
Effect of the Cedar River on the quality of the groundwater Supply for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, P.M. Schulmeyer. [HTML] [PDF]
Groundwater as a nonpoint source of atrazine and deethylatrazine in a river during base flow conditions, P.J. Squillace, , E.M. Thurman, and E.T. Furlong. [HTML] [PDF]
Herbicide transport in rivers: Importance of hydrology and geochemistry in nonpoint-source contamination, P.J. Squillace, and E.M Thurman. [HTML] [PDF]
Surface-water quality of the Cedar River basin, Iowa-Minnesota, with emphasis on the occurrence and transport of herbicides, May 1984 through November 1985, P.J. Squillace, and R.A. Engberg. [HTML] [PDF]