FS Series Branchless Banking

Chemonics International Inc.
Document Type: 
June 1, 2010

FS Share produced a draft FS Series on Innovations in Financial Services Delivery: Branchless Banking, including a primer, diagnostic checklist and model scopes of work to provide U.S. government (USG) program designers with a basic understanding of branchless banking as a sustainable approach to increase access to financial services.

The primer and its case studies cover business models and partnerships, including Bradesco Bank's use of the postal network to increase its outreach to the rural poor in Brazil and Eko India's role as a business correspondent and payment platform provider for the State Bank of India,

The diagnostic checklist helps programmers evaluate preconditions and options to consider when designing branchless banking interventions.

The model scopes of work provide templates for program officers who are considering short-term or longer-term technical assistance.