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Online Digest March 2000
  • Resources

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Link to Hispanic Health Resources

Find links to Hispanic health resources on a new website for the Hispanic Agenda for Action launched in January 2000 by HHS's Office of Minority Health.

The site, although still under construction, contains extensive background information about the history of the Hispanic Agenda for Action, the presence of Hispanics/Latinos in the United States, and regional cultural distinctions in Latin America. Under "Health Issues," the areas addressed include border health, international health, migrant health, and other health issues. The site includes a link to health information resources in Spanish on the Federal government healthfinder website (, launched by the Surgeon General last year to address the growing Hispanic population in the United States.

The Office of Minority Health is soliciting links and information about HHS activities related to the Hispanic Agenda for Action to post on this site.

The Hispanic Agenda for Action website can be accessed through the Office of Minority Health Resource Center at A companion website of the Initiative to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health is also available through the same gateway at (Editor's note: this link is no longer available, but relevant information can be found at

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