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Suicide Prevention Conference

Team DCoE recently completed an important session in San Antonio, co-hosting with the VA a suicide prevention conference. A first-time joint effort, it enhanced awareness of some of the best practices and methods for suicide prevention. The conference ran Jan 12-15 covering clinical intervention, practical applications and tools, and research and academics.

I’m pleased to note that attendees included suicide prevention program managers, professional health care consultants, counselors, chaplains, unit suicide prevention officers, substance abuse professionals, and unit leaders. It gave all attendees a terrific opportunity to share innovative ideas and new treatments related to suicide prevention. DoD has some of the finest mental health services available anywhere in the world and takes the issue of suicide very seriously. Our highest priority is the life and well being of every man and woman in uniform who honors us with their service. Also, we are delighted to see the new partnership between the Army and the National Institute of Mental Health that will hopefully help to reduce suicides and enhance prevention. This new military/civilian partnership calls for a five-year study that will advance our understanding of suicide through research and the development of prevention programs and practices.

Working hand in hand with the academic and scientific communities we are consolidating and standardizing the way we gather information from the services and using this improved data to bring a more holistic perspective to the issue. See the related article in the current (Jan/Feb) issue of the “DCoE In Action” newsletter.

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