Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Pre-Employment Screening Program?

The Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) is a screening tool that allows motor carriers and individual drivers to purchase driving records from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Records are available for 24 hours a day via the PSP web site.

I requested a PSP report and it contains no data. The top of the report indicates that no crash or inspection results were found. How should I interpret this?

Each PSP report request finds crash and inspection data based on the information provided for a driver. Blank reports typically mean that the driver has not been involved in a crash in the last 5 years or an inspection in the last 3 years.

What information does the Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) record contain?

A record purchased through PSP contains the most recent 5 years of crash data and the most recent 3 years of roadside inspection data, including serious safety violations, from the FMCSA MCMIS system for an individual driver. The record displays a snapshot in time, based on the most recent MCMIS data load to the PSP system.

My PSP record shows that I was involved in a crash. That crash was not my fault. Why is the crash listed?

PSP records list all reportable crashes. The list of crashes represents a driver’s crash involvement only, without any determination as to responsibility.

Why did FMCSA develop PSP?

Developing a system to make safety performance information electronically available for pre-employment screening purposes was mandated by Congress in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, Title 49 U.S. Code, section 31150 Public Law 109-59 Section 4117. FMCSA believes that making this driver data available to potential employers and operator-applicants will improve the quality of safety data and help employers make more informed decisions when hiring commercial drivers. PSP provides more rapid access to commercial driver safety performance information than is available via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act requests.

What is the fee structure?

Fee Structure Information
Subscriber Size Subscription Fee Payment Method Billing Transaction Payment Amount
Small (less than 100 power units) $25 annually limited to 10 users ACH debit or check Monthly e-invoice $10/record
Large (100+ power units) $100 annually limited to 10 users ACH debit or check Monthly e-invoice $10/record
All motor carriers coming through a third party provider No fee Pay third party Up to third party to determine As billed by third party
Individual driver (operator-applicant) No fee, no subscription required Credit card or debit card Immediate (driver pays at the time a record is requested). $10/record

Who can request a PSP record?

Motor carriers may request PSP records solely for the purpose of conducting pre-employment screening and only with the operator-applicant’s written consent. Individual drivers or operator-applicants may purchase their own PSP record at any time.

Does a motor carrier have to use the PSP for hiring drivers?

No, the PSP is a voluntary program for carriers. It is also voluntary for drivers.

How do motor carriers obtain PSP data?

FMCSA is working with a contractor, NIC Technologies, LLC (NIC Technologies or ‘NICT’), to provide PSP data to motor carriers with the operator-applicant’s written consent. A motor carrier must enroll to participate in the PSP online program. Then, the motor carrier will be provided credentials to access the PSP online service. A carrier needs an Internet connection and a Web browser to access PSP .

Motor carriers may also continue to obtain driver safety performance information free of charge by submitting a Freedom of Information Act request to FMCSA

Is the operator-applicant informed when this data is released to a motor carrier?

No, the operator-applicant will not receive notice from NIC Technologies that the information was released. However, the motor carrier must obtain the operator-applicant’s written consent before requesting the operator-applicant’s PSP record. Motor carrier audits are conducted to ensure compliance.

Can operator-applicants obtain their MCMIS information?

Yes. Operator-applicants can obtain a copy of their inspection and crash data in MCMIS through the PSP online service for the prescribed fee. Operator-applicants may also obtain their own information free of charge from FMCSA by submitting a Privacy Act request.

How does information get into PSP? Is it only from MCMIS or will city police departments, county safety offices, and other enforcement agencies be able to add crash and inspection information?

PSP only contains MCMIS inspection and crash information that is uploaded to MCMIS by FMCSA federal staff and state partners.

What processes are in place to ensure that operator-applicant data is properly released?

NIC Technologies is required to adhere to the Privacy Act, the applicable sections of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and all other applicable federal laws to protect driver information. NIC Technologies is also required to develop processes and systems to protect the FMCSA-supplied data from unauthorized disclosures, thefts, manipulation, or dissemination. This includes processes to ensure that operator-applicant’s written consent is obtained in accordance with federal security requirements, including the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994.

Can non-motor carrier entities such as insurance companies access this information?

No. Currently, PSP is only accessible to motor carrier account holders and individual operator-applicants.

How does the driver’s record from a State Department of Motor Vehicles fit into the process?

The state Motor Vehicle Record information is not available through PSP. PSP only contains MCMIS inspection and crash information. Motor carriers and drivers must continue to request state motor vehicle records from the state’s motor vehicle department.

How do motor carriers enroll in the Pre-Employment Screening Program?

Motor carriers can enroll in PSP at You will find the enrollment documents available for download on the site. Once the documents have been filled out in their entirety, simply follow the instructions to return them to NIC Technologies.

How do motor carriers return the enrollment forms?

Enrollment materials may be emailed to

Or mailed to:

  Pre-Employment Screening Program
  4601 N. Fairfax Dr, Suite 1160
  Fairfax, VA 22203

Or faxed to:

  (703) 841-6370

How long does the enrollment process typically take?

Though enrollment is usually completed within a few business days, please allow up to 2 weeks for your enrollment to be processed. Once your enrollment is processed, the main contact listed on your account will receive an email with instructions for accessing user credentials.

Is the PSP service available 24/7?

Yes. Aside from periodic maintenance, the site is available 24/7.

How are PSP records provided?

Reports are transmitted almost immediately in most circumstances. Drivers and motor carriers can view the records using a PDF viewer. A PDF viewer allows you to save and print the record. Drivers can also view the record in HTML, with no PDF viewer required. A PDF viewer can be downloaded, for free, at

Does my third-party screening provider participate in the PSP program? If so, can I obtain this information through them?

Please consult your provider to determine if they participate in the Pre-employment Screening Program.

How does a motor carrier pay for the records?

Motor carriers pay via automated clearing house (ACH) debit or by check. ACH debit is also known as ‘e-check’. Motor carriers will receive email notification each month that their invoice is ready to view, and have an opportunity to view their monthly statement prior to the ACH debit initiation. The monthly invoice amount is automatically deducted from the checking or savings account provided by the motor carrier.

I represent a motor carrier who accesses records through a third-party screening provider. How can I pay for the records?

The third-party screening provider invoices the motor carrier directly.

What does the subscription fee cover?

The subscription fee covers the cost of monthly billing and customer service, which is available by phone and email, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET. A motor carrier can have PSP credentials for up to ten individual users with one subscription.

How many user accounts can I have?

Each subscription includes up to 10 user accounts, including the administrator. If you need more user credentials, you may purchase a second subscription for an additional ten user credentials. The cost of the second subscription is the same price as your initial subscription ($100 or $25).

Can a motor carrier request more than one driver’s record at a time?

Yes. A motor carrier user may request multiple drivers at one time. Each driver record costs $10.

What if a driver has held a CDL in more than one state?

The PSP system allows motor carriers to search a driver’s complete history. This means the motor carrier should, and is encouraged, to search any CDL currently held by the driver, as well as licenses held in the most recent five years. The fee remains $10 regardless of the number of states queried for a driver.

Can a motor carrier purchase PSP records for current employees?

No. Records may be requested exclusively for the purpose of pre-employment screening.

When is my motor carrier company charged the subscription fee?

The company will be charged the subscription fee when the account is activated. First, submit the company’s enrollment documents. Then, a PSP customer service representative will contact you with instructions for account activation. You may withdraw from the program at any time after enrollment. If you have never purchased PSP records with your account, your subscription fee can be refunded in full upon request.

Will the motor carrier be able to change the list of users later on?

Yes. Administrative account users can add, edit or delete users. The PSP customer service team is available to assist with these requests.

How can I contact the PSP customer service team?

Please send questions about the Pre-employment Screening Program via email to

Will my company information be used for any other purpose?

No. Company information is only used for enrollment in the PSP system and account management purposes.

I represent a third-party screening provider. I would like more information about how to participate.

Please email

I am an individual driver. How do I enroll?

No enrollment is required for individual operator-applicants. You may purchase your personal record at any time. Please visit

Will a motor carrier company’s drivers be able to access their records?

Yes. Operator-applicants can access their own records at any time. Drivers must visit or submit a Privacy Act request to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

What legal obligations do motor carrier account holders have using this service?

In the enrollment package, you will find documentation of all legal obligations incurred by using the PSP service. Account holders are required to consent, in writing, that the company will only use the records for pre-employment screening purposes, that the company has obtained the written consent of all applicants whose records were purchased, and that the company will abide by regulations provided under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, among others.

What if I want to contest the information in my PSP record?

Reviews of violations that are adjudicated in the State court systems do not automatically result in a change to any Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)-released data, which includes PSP data. In order to have a violation removed from the PSP record, a motor carrier or driver must file a request for data review (RDR) in the DataQs system. When an RDR is made through the DataQs system and the request is granted, the organization responsible for the data makes the appropriate changes. The record is then updated in MCMIS and within 30 more days it will be reflected in PSP . Users may only use the DataQs system to request a data review on data used by FMCSA. The web site for data correction is

What type of information can be contested in my PSP record?

If a PSP record contains inaccurate information, then that should be brought to the attention of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation by submitting a DataQs request for data review. The web site for data correction is Violations that appear on an inspection report can be reviewed for accuracy on the DataQs website. Citations issued to a driver as a result of an inspection or traffic enforcement cannot be submitted to the DataQs website for review. Crashes that involve a commercial motor vehicle are reportable to FMCSA, even if the driver is not at fault. Drivers cannot request a review of a crash event due to no fault of the driver.

Is the “Important Notice Regarding Background Reports from the PSP Online Service” form mandatory in order to participate in the PSP ?

No. The template provided in the enrollment packet is a “sample” disclosure form that NIC made available to motor carriers. The account holder is not required to use this sample. FMCSA/NIC only requires that the release used by motor carriers contain certain information relating to the applicable sections of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA; 15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.) and covers the Pre-Employment Screening Program. These requirements are addressed in the Monthly Account Holder FCRA Employer Certification and the Monthly Account Holder Agreement on pages 7, 13-14. FMCSA and NIC encourage motor carriers to seek their own legal counsel with respect to the format and content of the notice.

I had a roadside inspection very recently. Will this be available in the report?

Data from MCMIS is uploaded to the PSP system approximately once a month. This is considered a MCMIS data snapshot. The date of the most recent MCMIS data snapshot is available on the bottom of your PSP report. Reporting times vary by state. If you do not see a crash or inspection that you expect, you may consider accessing your PSP record again approximately a month after the snapshot date printed on your PSP report.

I was the co-driver for an inspection. Does the PSP report show my inspection or violation?

Yes. Each inspection record shows all violations associated with that inspection. If the requested driver is listed as a co-driver for the inspection, then the violation will show “Listed as Co-driver”. The Violation Summary section will display and count violations attributed to a co-driver only if the co-driver was the individual requesting the PSP report. When the primary driver requests their record, any violations charged to a different co-driver will be shown with a single red asterisk (*) in the inspection detail portion of the report.

How are violations resulting from an inspection following a crash shown in the PSP report?

Typically after a crash an inspection will occur. Violations that result during an inspection following the crash are shown with two red asterisks (**) in the inspection detail portion of the report. These post-crash violations are neither displayed nor counted in the Violation Summary section.

I drive a large vehicle, over 10,001 pounds, but do not have a CDL. Could I have crash or inspection history in a PSP report?

Yes. The MCMIS database contains incidents recorded when driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) and trailing units that weigh 10,001 pounds or more. This includes drivers of CMV’s that may or may not have a CDL. A driver is not required to obtain a CDL unless they drive a vehicle that meets at least one of the following distinctions:
    - the vehicle weighs at least 26,001 pounds, or
    - the vehicle contains hazmat materials, or
    - the vehicle is designed to transport 16 or more persons (including the driver), or
    - the vehicle is a tanker truck, or
    - the vehicle has air brakes.

I am an account holder and was notified that I am being audited. Why?

According to federal law, PSP users must obtain the driver's written consent prior to accessing their PSP record. The audit process, as explained in the PSP enrollment agreement, is in place to ensure that the written consent is being captured.

I am a driver; can I be the subject of a PSP audit?

No. Drivers may request their PSP report at any time and provide electronic consent for the PSP record request. Therefore, drivers do not need to be audited.

What information must be on a driver's written consent form to meet the obligations of an audit?

In addition to being legible, every driver's written consent form must contain:
    - Driver's Name
    - Driver's Signature (electronic or handwritten)
    - Date (signed on or before the PSP record request date)
    - Reference to "PSP" or "Pre-Employment Screening Program"

How do I submit a driver's written consent form in the audit process?

Driver's written consent forms can be faxed to 1-703-841-6370 or emailed to Call the customer service team at 1-877-642-9499 if you need an alternative submission method.

How will I know if I pass the audit?

You will receive an email after your audit has been finalized with the results of your audit.

How many driver's written consent forms will I need to submit for an audit?

One or multiple driver consent forms may be requested during an audit.

What happens if I am not able to provide a driver’s written consent document?

FMCSA penalties vary and include warnings, PSP account suspensions or terminations.

Does the audit include an on-site visit to my company?

No, at this time FMCSA does not plan on making on-site audit visits related to the PSP driver’s written consent.

I wasn't able to meet the obligation of an audit and have been subject to a penalty, now what?

The PSP customer service team can assist you so you are prepared for your next audit. Account holders are returned to good standing after 12 months of acceptable audit activities.

How do I know if my account is being audited?

Your account’s primary contact will be notified via email if/when your account is selected for audit. You will also have to acknowledge the audit when you log into PSP. If you have not received notification, then you have not yet been selected for audit.

Have More Questions?

Contact our customer service center by emailing or toll free at 1-877-642-9499.

If you represent a pre-employment screening provider and would like to learn more about PSP participation, please contact


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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339