NOAA 96-R704

Contact:  Matt Stout               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


Commercial fishermen may now submit applications requesting compensation for fishing gear or vessels damaged by hurricanes, floods, or their after-effects, according to the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

NOAA's Fisheries Disaster Program will award up to $5 million in emergency aid grants to commercial fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico for such uninsured losses or damages occurring from Aug. 23, 1992, through Dec. 31, 1995.

"These disaster funds were authorized by the Inter- jurisdictional Fisheries Act for the purpose of assisting fishermen who suffered uninsured losses as a direct result of fishery resource disasters," said Rolland Schmitten, director of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service.

Last year, the Commerce Department declared a fisheries disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and made available emergency aid totaling $15 million. This aid was part of a larger, $53 million aid package for fishermen that also included the Northwest and Northeast.

"We have worked with the Gulf delegation in Washington, state fisheries directors, and members of the industry to design this compensation plan," said John Bullard, director of NOAA's Office of Sustainable Development and Intergovernmental Affairs. "While applications are being reviewed, we will develop a program for the remaining $10 million to achieve long-term benefit to the industry."

As a result of public comments following announcement of the current $5 million program, revisions were made to the program to better address Gulf fishermen's needs. The revisions increase the percentage of loss that may be compensated, raise the limits on compensation, extend the application period, and now enable charter boat owner/operators to participate.

Pursuant to the Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act, amended in April, awards will be granted for up to 100 percent of fishing gear or vessel repair or replacement cost, or for an amount not to exceed $7,500. All applications must be submitted during a 120-day period beginning June 6, the date the final notice was filed in the Federal Register. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Interested parties can obtain applications by contacting the National Marine Fisheries Service Financial Services Division at (301)713-2396. Applications should be sent to Charles L. Cooper, Chief, Program Leader, Financial Services Division, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.


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