Imagine the Universe!

Imagine the Universe Site Map

    Current News
        News Archive
    Current Featured Scientist
        Featured Scientists Archive
    Current Satellite Showcase
        Satellite Showcase Archive
    Multimedia Theater

    Other Special Features----
        On the Edge...
            Archive of 'On the Edge' topics
        Focus On...
            Archive of 'Focus On' topics

    The Basics----
        The Electromagnetic Spectrum
        Lightcurves, Spectra, and Images
        Multiwavelength Astronomy
        Gamma-Ray Astronomy
        X-Ray Astronomy

    Cosmic Objects----
        The Sun
        X-Ray Binary Systems
        Cosmic Rays
        Black Holes
        White Dwarfs
        Neutron Stars and Pulsars
        X-Ray Transients
        Active Galaxies & Quasars
        Dark Matter
        Diffuse Background
        Gamma-Ray Bursts

    Cosmic Questions----
        Origin and Destiny of the Universe
        Evolution of Known Structures
        Growth of Massive Black Holes
        Nature of Dark Matter
        The Solar Corona
        Dark Energy

    The Search for Answers----
        X-Ray Telescopes
        X-Ray Detectors
        Gamma-Ray Telescopes & Detectors
        Spectral Analysis
        Timing Analysis

Advanced Science
    Advanced Fundamentals----
        The Electromagnetic Spectrum
        Lightcurves, Spectra, and Images
        Multiwavelength Astronomy
        X-Ray Astronomy
        Gamma-Ray Astronomy
        X-Ray Generation
        Gamma-Ray Generation

    Cosmic Objects----
        The Sun
        X-Ray Binary Systems
        Supernova Remnants
        Black Holes
        White Dwarfs
        Cataclysmic Variables
        Cosmic Rays
        Active Galaxies & Quasars
        X-Ray Transients
        Dark Matter
        Diffuse Background
        Gamma-Ray Bursts

    Cosmological Questions----
        Matter in Extreme Conditions
        Development of Elements in the Universe
        The Lumpy Universe
        Nature of Dark Matter
        Validation of Relativity

    The Search for Answers----
        X-Ray Telescopes
        X-Ray Detectors
        Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Detectors
        Spectral Analysis
        Timing Analysis
        Greater Collection Area
        Higher Resolution
        Exploring New Wavelengths

Special Exhibit
    Multimedia Theater----
        Our Current Feature
            Multimedia Theater Archive

        You be the Astrophysicist

    Satellite Showcase----
        Current Showcase
            Satellite Showcase Archive

    Special Features----
        Archive of Featured Scientists
        Focus On...
        On the Edge

Satellites and Data
        X-Ray Astronomy Satellites and Missions
        Gamma-Ray Astronomy Satellites and Missions
        Cosmic Ray Astronomy Satellites and Missions

Teachers' Corner
    Lesson Plans----
        What's the Frequency, Roy G. Biv?
        How Big is That Star?
        Detective Digit and the Slap Happy Computer Caper
        Lotto or Life: What Are the Chances?
        Get The Picture!
        Time That Period!
        Stars and Slopes
        Spectroscopy of Supernova Remnants
        Supernova Chemistry!
        How Far... How Powerful

    Posters and Activities Booklets----
        Life Cycles of Stars
        The Anatomy of Black Holes
        Gamma Ray Bursts
        The Hidden Lives of Galaxies
        What is Your Cosmic Connection to the Elements?

    Other Educational Materials----
        Got Calcium? Lithograph

    Further Information----
        Adopt an Astronomer
        NASA Education Initiatives and Opportunities
        Other Education Resources
        Other General Science Web Sites

    Listed by topic, in alphabetical order----
        Topics A-G
        Topics H-R
        Topics S-Z

Ask an Astrophysicist
    Index of "Ask an Astrophysicist" answers, sorted by topic----
    Note: each topic contains multiple questions and answers. To submit a question, please go to the appropriate topic page
        Astronomy as a Profession
        Binary Star Systems
        Black Holes
        Cosmic Rays
        Dark Matter
        Earth and Moon
        Gamma-Ray Bursts
        General Astronomy and Astrophysics
        Milky Way and Other Galaxies
        Neutron Stars/Pulsars
        Night Sky
        Physics of Stars
        Quasars and Active Galaxies
        Satellites and Space Technology
        Solar System
        Space Travel and Exploration
        Supernovae and their Remnants
        X-rays and Gamma-rays

If words seem to be missing from the articles, please read this.

Imagine the Universe! is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Alan Smale (Director), within the Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Imagine Team
Project Leader: Dr. Barbara Mattson
Curator: Meredith Gibb
Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman
All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2013.
Last Updated: Wednesday, 03-Feb-2010 17:11:22 EST