• Maxwell Elementary-Middle School Header

Employment Opportunities

  • Mailing Address
  • Maxwell AFB Elementary/Middle School
  • 800 Magnolia Blvd
  • Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6147
  • Principal: Robbie Swint
  • Phone: (334) 953-7804
  • Fax: (334) 953-4339

Continuous School Improvement

School Improvement Goals:

Problem Solving: All students will improve mathematical problem solving across the curriculum.

Writing: All students will improve written communication across the curriculum.

The MEMS Continuous School Improvement (CSI) Leadership Team

CSI is a collaborative process through which the Maxwell Elementary / Middle School staff and parents work together as stakeholders to develop and manage school improvement goals.  Parents are invited to attend weekly CSI Leadership team meetings and/or the quarterly collaborative stakeholder meetings. Your input is vital in continuing our school improvement efforts. This home/school connection supports, encourages, and reinforces your child(ren)’s learning.

  • Weekly leadership team meetings are held Tuesdays, 3:00 – 4:30, in the conference room.  Parents are invited to attend these meetings, but are not obligated to be there every week.  Please contact the school if you are interested in participating.
  • Quarterly collaborative stakeholder teams will meet Thursdays, 2:15 – 3:15. Please notify your child’s teacher if you are interested in serving as a parent representative for the quarterly stakeholder meetings.   
    • October 11, 2012
    • January 31, 2013
    • March 14, 2013
    • May 9,  2013


Your input is vital in continuing our school improvement efforts. This home/school connection supports, encourages, and reinforces your child(ren)’s learning.

Looking forward to your presence as well as your participation!

CSI Information

The Maxwell Elementary-Middle School Continuous School Improvement Plan

Accreditation Guide for Parents

Advanced Ed: Standards for Quality

Maxwell Elementary Middle School: School Profile (School Year 2011-2012)

This document was last updated January 29, 2013 7:15 AM Contact the site Webmaster with questions or comments about this website.

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