Monthly Archives: January 2010

Chinese Tires

By Joe In September 2009, President Obama announced a new tariff on U.S. imports of tires from China. According to the Federal Register, there will be a 35% tariff rate on imports from China under HTS categories 4011.10.10, 4011.10.50, 4011.20.10, … Continue reading

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A Wealth of Data

By Mala When I first started working in the Data Dissemination branch, I couldn’t believe how much trade data we had on our site. I wish I knew about it when I had research projects in college! Trade data can … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Data | 1 Comment

What is required for me to ship charity goods to Haiti?

By Omari On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a major earthquake struck southern Haiti. Many U.S. residents and organizations are generously donating food, water, medicines, and other supplies to aid in the relief efforts. In order to facilitate the movements of … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Regulations | 10 Comments

Reporting Values for Repair

By Selina Picture this…you’re sitting at your computer, in the zone, ready to enter all of today’s export shipment information. You’re completing your Electronic Export Information (EEI) with no problem, just rolling right along from field to field. All of … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Regulations | 10 Comments

Renewable Energy, Employment and Foreign Trade

By Dan The country’s growing need for renewable energy has created a large demand for the export and import of one major commodity, wind powered generating sets. You may have seen these giant sentinels, which span for miles on end … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Data | 3 Comments

Struggle in Making an AESDirect Password

By Kenny After a long week of work, I like to sit back and do a jigsaw puzzle. My friends tease me for liking it, but I enjoy the struggle of putting together a 1000 piece puzzle. Beginning a new … Continue reading

Posted in Export Filing | 12 Comments

November Trade Data Released

By Fay Monthly Overview: The Nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services increased to $36.4 billion in November from $33.2 billion (revised) in October. The increase in the deficit occurred as exports rose less than imports. The rise in … Continue reading

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Welcome to Electronic Export Filing

By Rosanna As the use of the Internet increases throughout the world, the way we process information is evolving. Government agencies and the private sector are transitioning to automated processes and electronic documents. Electronic processing means less paper. Less paper … Continue reading

Posted in Export Filing | 3 Comments

Welcome to Export Regulations

By Omari In the world of exporting, it’s important to be proactive, instead of reactive. Not knowing is not an excuse! Whether you are a small business, first time exporter, or a large multinational corporation, you are in control of … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Trade Regulations | 11 Comments