Monthly Archives: October 2010

If It’s Not Civil, It’s War

By: Dan Aircraft engines are one of the highest valued commodities being imported and exported to and from the United States. Occasionally, some of these aircraft engines are being exported to the armed forces of a foreign country. For the … Continue reading

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Where Are Your Goods From, Originally?

By: Ryan Are you an exporter?  Do you own a warehouse that is not in the same location as your offices?  Do you designate the address of your headquarters as the address of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest(USPPI) in … Continue reading

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Mala’s Data Digest – Mexico and China

By: Mala Hello all! This entry marks the very first of a new series, “Mala’s Data Digest”. Each month I’ll be featuring a different country and show you some of the interesting data you can pull using our sites, … Continue reading

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Trade Deficit Increases in August 2010

The U.S. international trade deficit increased to $46.3 billion in August 2010, as imports increased more than exports. While exports increased slightly, from $153.5 to $153.9, imports were up $4.1 billion to $200.2 billion. The increase in exports was driven … Continue reading

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Who is the USPPI Anyway?

By Sean Determining who the USPPI is in an export transaction can be challenging at times. There are five different parties that can be the USPPI. Those parties include: U.S. Seller U.S. Manufacturer U.S. Order Party U.S. Customs Broker Foreign … Continue reading

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Search Key Economic Indicator Database

By Janet You may have noticed the “New! Search database” bullet in the “News” section on the Foreign Trade  Main page. So what’s that all about? The Economic Directorate of the U.S. Census Bureau is excited to provide a user-friendly … Continue reading

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