Monthly Archives: September 2012

What Is A Used Vehicle?

By: Eric It is always a great moment when you buy a car. It does not matter if it’s used or the dream car that you always wanted since you were a kid. Even if it has over 100,000 miles, … Continue reading

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A Tool for Foreign Trade Zones

By: Archie If you want to know why Foreign-Trade Zone programs are important to the U.S. economy, try OFIS. OFIS stands for Online Foreign-Trade Zone Information System. The program was demonstrated at the 2012 National Association of Foreign Trade Zones … Continue reading

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July 2012 Trade Data

By Jeff For July 2012, the trade deficit in goods and services increased to $42.0 billion from $41.9 billion (revised) in June, as exports decreased more than imports.  Exports decreased to $183.3 billion and imports decreased to $225.3 billion. July … Continue reading

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