Office of the Inspector General (OIG)


The Investigative Unit of the Office of the Inspector General performs investigations of criminal, civil, and administrative misconduct related to NARA programs and operations. Investigations examine specific allegations, reports, or other information indicating possible violations of law or regulation. In accordance with statutory requirements, we refer apparent criminal violations to the Department of Justice for prosecution.

Investigations conducted by OIG criminal investigators usually are the result of allegations received from:

  • agency management and other agency employees
  • referrals from other parts of the NARA OIG
  • Inspectors General of other agencies
  • the Congress
  • the general public

The Investigative Unit works closely with the OIG's Audit Unit, the OIG Counsel, and other subject matter experts as necessary. When appropriate, the Investigative Unit works with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.


The Investigative Unit also maintains the OIG Hotline. This is a confidential channel for complaints about NARA programs and operations, concerning:

  • violations of law or regulations
  • gross waste of funds
  • abuse of authority
  • substantial and specific dangers to public health and safety

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