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Jean E. Sansonetti,1 Craig J. Sansonetti,1 Joseph Reader,1 Nicolo Acquista,1
Alicia M. Sansonetti, and Robert A. Dragoset 2

1Quantum Measurement Division
2PML Information Office
Physical Measurement Laboratory, NIST
Gaithersburg, MD 20899


The spectrum of a platinum hollow-cathode lamp containing neon carrier gas was recorded photographically and photoelectrically with a 10.7 m normal-incidence vacuum spectrograph. Wavelengths and intensities were determined for about 5600 lines in the region 1130 Å to 4330 Å. An atlas plot of the spectrum is given, with the spectral lines marked and their intensities, wavelengths, and classifications listed. Lines of impurity species are also identified. The uncertainty of the photographically measured wavelengths is estimated to be ± 0.0020 Å. The uncertainty of lines measured in the photoelectric scans is 0.01 Å for wavelengths shorter than 2030 Å and 0.02 Å for longer wavelengths. Ritz-type wavelengths are given for many of the classified lines of Pt II with uncertainties varying from ± 0.0004 Å to ± 0.0025 Å. The uncertainty of the relative intensities is estimated to be about 20%.


  1. Foreword
  2. Introduction
  3. Photographic Observations
  4. Photoelectric Observations
  5. Description of the Atlas
  6. Accuracy of Wavelengths
  7. References
  8. Acknowledgments
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Online: June 20, 1994 - Last update: July 2003


Jean E. Sansonetti
phone: 301-975-4725

Joseph Reader
phone: 301-975-3222

Craig J. Sansonetti
phone: 301-975-3223

Atomic Spectroscopy Group
fax: 301-990-1350

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8422
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8422