Recently Published Regulations

January 29, 2013
BIS posts public comments received for the Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of Military Electronic Equipment and Related Items the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List. Comment period closed January 28, 2013. 
icon Public Comments

January 29, 2013
BIS posts public comments received for the Proposed Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) To Make the Commerce Control List (CCL) Clearer. Comment period closed January 28, 2013 
icon Public Comments

January 16, 2013
BIS publishes Final Rule Amendments to Existing Validated End User Authorizations: Advanced Micro Devices China, Inc., Lam Research Corporation, SK hynix Semiconductor (China) Ltd., and SK hynix Semiconductor (Wuxi) Ltd. in the People’s Republic of China; Clarification of Scope of Entries in Supplement.
icon Final Rule

January 16, 2013
BIS publishes Final Rule Removal of Persons From the Entity List Based on Removal Request; Implementation of Entity List Annual Review Changes; and Implementation of Modifications and Corrections to the Entity List.
icon Final Rule

January 8, 2013
BIS posts public comments received for the Proposed rule Time Limit for Completion of Voluntary Self-Disclosures and Revised Notice of the Institution of Administrative Enforcement Proceedings. Comment period closed January 7, 2013 
icon Public Comments

December 10, 2012
BIS publishes final rule on Editorial Corrections to the Commerce Control List of the Export Administration Regulations.
icon Final Rule

November 29, 2012
BIS publishes final rule on Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List.
icon Final Rule

November 29, 2012
BIS publishes proposed rule on Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) To Make the Commerce Control List (CCL) Clearer. Comments must be received by BIS no later than January 28, 2013.
icon Proposed Rule

November 28, 2012
BIS publishes proposed rule on Control of Military Electronic Equipment and Related Items the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List. State Department publishes a related proposed rule on Revision of U.S. Munitions List Category XI and Definition for “Equipment.” Both proposed rules are part of the President’s Export Control Reform Initiative. Comments on both rules are due on January 28, 2013.
icon BIS Proposed Rule | icon State Proposed Rule

November 7, 2012
BIS publishes proposed rule on deadline for completing voluntary self-disclosures of EAR violations.
icon Proposed Rule

October 9, 2012
BIS publishes a final rule Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List.
icon Final Rule

September 20, 2012
BIS publishes final rule Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List; Removal of Person From the Entity List Based on Removal Request; and Implementation of Entity List Annual Review Changes
icon Final Rule

July 23, 2012
BIS publishes final rule that updates export and reexport controls for Rwanda and United Nations Security Council arms embargoed countries under the EAR.
icon Final Rule

July 9, 2012
BIS publishes a final rule amending three existing validated end-user authorizations in the People's Republic of China.
icon Final Rule

July 2, 2012
BIS publishes final rule to implement Wassenaar Arrangement 2011 agreements.
icon Final Rule

July 2, 2012
BIS publishes final rule to implement Australia Group 2011 agreements.
icon Final Rule

June 22, 2012
BIS posts public comments received on proposed rule to add to the Commerce Control List energetic materials and related articles that the President determines no longer warrant control under the United States Munitions List.
icon Public Comments

June 21, 2012
BIS publishes proposed revisions to the Export Administration Regulations: Implementation of Export Control Reform; Revisions to License Exceptions after Retrospective Review.
icon Proposed Rule

June 19, 2012
BIS and State Department publish proposed rules for "Specially Designed" Definition
icon BIS Proposed Rule  icon State Proposed Rule

June 19, 2012
BIS publishes advanced notice of proposed rulemaking on Feasibility of Enumerating "Specially Designed" Components 
icon BIS Proposed Rule

June 7, 2012
BIS and State Department Publish Proposed Rules Addressing Personal Protective Equipment, Shelters, and Related Items that the President Determines no Longer Warrant Control on the United States Munitions List
icon BIS Proposed Rule  icon State Proposed Rule

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