U.S. Transshipments through Canada or Mexico

Transshipments are shipments of merchandise from a country of origin to a country of ultimate destination through an intermediary country. U.S. transshipment data provide information on U.S. international merchandise transshipped through an intermediary country (Canada or Mexico) prior to reaching its ultimate destination, as well as shipments from their ultimate origin through Canada or Mexico to the U.S.. For example, U.S. rice moved by rail to Canada before being loaded into a vessel for shipment to China, would be classified as a transshipment and included in this database. Only shipments that include travel between the U.S. and Canada or between the U.S. and Mexico via surface modes of transportation are included in this database. Transshipments through the U.S., where the U.S. is not the origin or destination, are not included in this database. For example, a shipment from Canada through the Port of Miami, Florida to a destination in the Bahamas would not be in this database.

Transshipment data are a part of the North American TransBorder Freight Data. More detailed information on background, coverage and sources can be found on the main page of TransBorder website.

This data portal provides specific data elements related to the U.S. merchandise trade transshipped through Canada or Mexico. The portal includes the following data elements:

  • U.S. State of export or import: Provides geographical detail for the U.S. origin or destination of merchandise.
  • Trading partner: The country of initial origin of merchandise imported to the U.S. or the country of final destination of merchandise exported by the U.S.
  • Transshipment country: Canada or Mexico - the intermediary country through which goods move prior to reaching their ultimate destination(s).
  • U.S. port of entry/exit: The U.S. port through which the merchandise enters or leaves Canada or Mexico.
  • Commodity: Type of commodity exported or imported at the 2-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) level.
  • Mode of transportation: Rail, Truck, Pipeline, Mail, Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) and Other.
  • Trade type: Export, import, and total.
  • Measure: Value and weight of the merchandise.
  • Year: Annual data available - starting with 2006.

U.S. State of export and import, U.S. port of entry/exit and Commodity cannot all be analyzed simultaneously due to confidentiality restrictions. However, these data elements can be analyzed in following pairs. Keyboard user interface available by selecting any of the three boxes immediately following this statement otherwise follow the "INSTRUCTIONS" below.

  • U.S. State of export or import & U.S. Port of entry/exit (State - Port Table)
    Keyboard User Interface in a New Window
  • U.S. State of export or import & Commodity (State - Commodity Table)
    Keyboard User Interface in a New Window
  • U.S. Port of entry/exit & Commodity (Port - Commodity Table)
    Keyboard User Interface in a New Window

Export weights for all modes are not available.

INSTRUCTIONS: Make your selections using the dropdown boxes then push submit button. Use the scroll bar or mouse wheel to page down to see the results (table and map). The system will retain your selections in order to speed up the process if you want to change one or more items for another query.

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