Etiquetas: criminal

¿Alguna vez encontró retiros inesperados en su resumen de cuenta bancaria — o una cuenta nueva desconocida en su informe de crédito? Usted podría ser una víctima del robo de identidad. Esté atento a las actividades inesperadas en sus registros...

Have you ever found unexpected withdrawals on your bank statement — or a strange new account on your credit report? You could be a victim of identity theft. Keep an eye out for unexpected activity on your financial records, medical bills or IRS...

It's important to act quickly once your identity is stolen.

There are immediate steps you can take to help minimize the damage to your account and credit.

If your identity is stolen, there are three steps you can take to minimize the damage and help bring the identity thief to justice.

Identity theft affects millions of people each year. You can learn how to make protecting yourself from identity thieves part of your daily routine.

In the unlikely event that an identity thief uses your name, date of birth, Social Security number, or other personal information during an investigation or arrest, the information is added to your state’s criminal database. The information also...

En el caso poco probable de que un ladrón de identidad usara su nombre, fecha de nacimiento, número de Seguro Social, u otra información personal durante una investigación o un arresto, la información suministrada por el ladrón será agregada a...