Parents and Families

Family and Community Engagement (FACE)

Welcome to the online link to Title I, Resources - Family and Community Engagement (FACE). Decades of research support that family engagement positively impacts student outcomes. However, the challenges associated with scarce resources coupled with other factors often impede progress. The Title I - FACE team consists of representatives from Title III – English Language Learners, Title I Part D – Neglect and Delinquent, McKinney-Vento Homeless Education, and Title I Part A. This online link provides a forum for sharing FACE tools and resources with States, school districts, parents, and communities in an effort to encourage partnerships between families and schools. Enjoy the journey and continue to embrace the challenge!

“We often talk about parents being partners in education. When we say that, we're usually talking about the healthy and productive relationships that can develop between the adults in a child's life at home and the adults who work with that child at school. I can't overstate how important this partnership is.” Secretary Arne Duncan

Newsletter Publication
  • Tips and Resources - The Partnership
  • Parent Power
  • Helping Your Child Series
  • Countdown to School Success
  • Net Cetera Chatting with Kids about Being Online: English Guidebook
  • Net Cetera Chatting with Kids about Being Online: Video
  • Events

    Teaching and Learning Resources from Federal Agencies


    Collaborating with ED

    • If you’d like to work with the department, please contact

    Plan a Forum

    • If you’d like to host a parent forum, please read the guide, PARENT FORUMS: A PLANNING GUIDE WORD 176 KB

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    Last Modified: 08/28/2012