
Education, Worker Training & School Choice

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Education, Worker Training & School Choice

Now more than ever, quality education is vital to success in life. As our economy changes, we must provide the skills and training necessary to prepare today's workers and future generations for new technologies and developing industries.

Congressman McHenry has succesfully helped increase federal investment in Western North Carolina's community college system.  Vocational training programs help enhance workers' skills and marketability. A well-trained and well-educated workforce will help attract new businesses and jobs to Western North Carolina.

The federal government can play a role in education, but schools should be controlled to the greatest degree possible at the local level. The No Child Left behind Act sets priorities for accountability and allows for children to escape failing schools, but Congressman McHenry believes the legislation is overreaching and establishes a cumbersome and expensive bureaucracy.

Congressman McHenry supports innovative education reform ideas such as charter schools and vouchers. He believes that parents should have the ability to move their child from an under performing school to an educational institution of their choosing. As a strong supporter of home schooling, Congressman McHenry is working to protect the rights of those who wish to teach their children at home.