
Crime, Drug Policy & the Courts

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Crime, Drug Policy & the Courts

Congressman McHenry is a member of the Congressional Caucus to Fight Methamphetamine, which works to stop the use and production of this dangerous drug. Congressman McHenry previously organized a conference with sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel from every county in the Tenth District, along with federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents and State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) agents to discuss solutions to the increasing methamphetamine problem in North Carolina. The Congressman supports stiffer penalties for drug dealers and offenders, and better management of federal grants to assist the efforts of local law enforcement to eradicate this problem.

Congressman McHenry voted for the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act, which provides $25 million in annual grants to equip our law enforcement officers with bulletproof vests.  He is a supporter of the death penalty.
The role of the judicial branch of government is to interpret the law, not create it.  That responsibility belongs to democratically-elected representatives who are accountable to the American people.  However, activists judges continue to write public policy from the bench in defiance of the Constitution and against the will of the American people.  Congressman McHenry supports term limits for federal judges.