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National Service Blog
Keyword: September11
America Serves and Remembers

Ambassador Ron Kirk and Wendy Spencer, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, joined AmeriCorps NCCC members at a Washington,DC area service project on September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. (CNCS Photo, 9/2012)

In the aftermath of September 11th, we came together as a country to show that we were there for each other. This year's National Day of Service and Remembrance once again reminded us of that unity.

Service can be a healing experience, and I was honored to work at a service project in Seat Pleasant, Maryland alongside so many dedicated individuals, including veterans who served our country so proudly.

This project reflected the best of partnerships, as AmeriCorps NCCC Atlantic Region members joined with representatives of MyGoodDeed, The Mission Continues, and the Volunteers of America-Chesapeake in making a difference.

Together, we made repairs and landscaping improvements to an apartment complex that offers supportive services and resources to economically disadvantaged individuals and families who seek a path to economic opportunity.

I also wanted to share with you examples of the impact the CNCS family made across the country. See below for media coverage of the great work we did last Tuesday.

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Projects and ceremonies took place in all 50 states. So many moving and inspirational stories of the impact you all made came in that only a fraction could be presented in the highlights below:

  • Joplin, Missouri, a community that has suffered the devastation of a natural disaster, sent volunteers to the community of Minot, North Dakota to aid with that community's disaster recovery effort.
  • In Clarksville, Tennessee over 700 volunteers came together to complete 15 community-enhancing projects throughout the area.
  • The Foster Grandparent Program of Abilene, Texas surprised Abilene Police Department dispatchers with some sweet treats in gratitude for serving their country after September 11th.
  • Eric Totty, an AmeriCorps Fellow in Baxter, Arkansas, joined firefighters in reading to children about the importance of September 11th.
  • AmeriCorps VISTA members across Montana spent days collecting toiletries and other high demand items for local non-profits, including Northwest Veterans Food Pantry, Samaritan House and the local VA clinic.

9/11 Volunteer Reads to Children

Eric Totty, an AmeriCorps Fellow, reads a book about 9/11 to Mountain Home Kindergarten students on Tuesday. Totty and Mountain Home Fire Chief Ken Williams both read to the students. Kevin Pieper/The Baxter Bulletin

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Inspired to Serve: Tina Kiehn
For Tina Kiehn, an AmeriCorps NCCC member in Aurora, IL, the morning of September 11, 2001, started out as a day like any other. She was at her service site, helping a class of first graders adjust to the new school year. With summer just behind them, Kiehn and her team expected a normal daily schedule: classes, recess, homework help.
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Weekly Address: Coming Together to Remember September 11th
President Obama marks the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks by remembering the innocent lives lost, and honoring the first responders and men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed to keep our country safe.
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From Our National Tragedy, a Path Forward in Service
Eleven years later and the tide has surely turned, at least in one very significant way. The anniversary of September 11th is no longer only a day known for a horrific tragedy on our national landscape. It is now also America’s largest day of charitable service and good deeds, in honor of my late brother and all those who perished that sunny September morning.
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Inspired to Serve: Olive Eckstein
Olive Eckstein was making copies of her resume at a Kinko's in Queens on the morning of September 11, 2001. After serving for a year with AmeriCorps NCCC, she was looking for a job in her native New York.
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9/11 Day: Get Out and Serve!
For the last few weeks, we’ve been discussing how and why you should serve on the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance. Now with 9/11 Day just around the corner, it’s time to roll up your sleeves, get out there, and serve!
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9/11 Volunteer Opportunities From Coast to Coast
The September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance arrives in less than a week, but service projects have already begun, and more will take place this weekend and continue through 9/11 Day. If you don't have plans and are looking to serve, we have an overview of how volunteers across the country will pay tribute to and honor the victims and heroes of September 11th across the nation.
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Get Resources to Bring 9/11 Lessons to the Classroom
September 11th can be a challenging topic for educators. For younger students who weren’t born or were very young in 2001, it’s history. For older students and teachers, it’s a vivid memory that may feel like a current event. Finding a way to make the day meaningful across the generations requires finesse and planning.
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How-To Tuesday: How to Dedicate Your 9/11 Service
With the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance just around the corner, many Americans will begin to reflect on the inconceivable tragedy of 9/11 and the incredible unity and service that emerged from it. While some of us may get lost in the quantitative measures of this disaster, it is important to appreciate the individual victim, hero, or survivor, as each has a unique story and personal testimony.
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9/11 Day: Frequently Asked Questions About Service Projects Answered
The September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance is less than one month away! Many communities and organizations around the nation are in the final stages of coordinating remembrance ceremonies and service activities to observe and reflect on the day.
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How-To Tuesday: Plan Your 9/11 Service Project
As the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance draws closer, you may be making plans to join in with a service project of your own but then realize that you have no idea where to start. We can help you with that.
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'I Will': What Will You Do in Honor of September 11th?
Originally presented in 2002 by 9/11 families and support networks, the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance honors the victims, survivors, and families of 9/11 through service-oriented programs. The 9/11 Day of Service has come to symbolize the culmination of our nation’s enduring unity, engaging millions of volunteers and communities each year.
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Why Serve on 9/11?
As we look ahead to this year’s September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance, let’s step back and consider why service is such an important part of this day.
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Portraits of Service: Washington DC Serves on September 11th
This past weekend, hundreds of thousands of Americans participated in service projects to pay tribute to the victims and heroes of 9/11. In all 50 states, volunteers turned out to paint and refurbish homes, run food drives, spruce up schools, reclaim neighborhoods, and support and honor veterans, soldiers, military families, and first responders.
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Service News Digest: CNCS In the News, September 11th Day of Service Edition
The Service News Digest is a regular feature on the Serve.Gov blog. In this series, we showcase news highlights that feature national service and Corporation for National and Community Service programs. In this edition, take a look at some of the great stories that feature September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance activities.
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The First Family Pays Tribute to 9-11 Victims by Joining a Service Project
To honor those we lost in the worst attack ever on our soil, September 11th has been designated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance, and like many Americans across the country this weekend, the First Family paid their respects by joining a service project.
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AmeriCorps: Preparing Communities for the Unexpected
As a native of Long Island, the attacks of September 11th, 2001 hit close to home for Tracy Connelly. Loved ones working in the World Trade Center were missing. Family members responding to the attacks were injured. For 36 hours, she had no idea where her father was. Days after the events, Connelly learned of friends' deaths by passing their memorials in Penn Station.
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An Emergency Response Team is Born
While many people scrambled to escape through the Holland Tunnel from Manhattan to Hoboken after the 9/11 attacks, a few students and their teacher from Hoboken High School traveled to Ground Zero to help.
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AmeriCorps Alum Victoria Sharp: A Portrait of the Artist as an Emergency Responder
“A volunteer called to alert us about the first plane. We went into the classroom, which had the only TV and turned it to a local news channel. After adjusting the rabbit ears on top, we all witnessed the second plane hit just a few moments later. I think we all had the same reaction and that was pure terror."
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AmeriCorps Alum Donald Trantow: Serving at Ground Zero
In the wake of chaos and tragedy following the September 11th tragedy, AmeriCorps members from the National Preparedness and Response Corps of the Atlanta Red Cross were deployed to Ground Zero. Among those who served was then-70-year-old Donald Trantow.
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Saluting Our Heroes: How to Serve on September 11th
With the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001, approaching, memories of the tragic events that occurred that day feel particularly powerful. For most Americans, the anniversary will always be full of history, emotion, and reflection but 10 years later it's become a symbol for the spirit of unity that America demonstrated in the aftermath.
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Michelle Obama: Serve on September 11th
For most Americans, September 11th is a day of complicated emotions. It may recall painful memories and heart-breaking images. But it should also remind us of the patriotic pride and resilient American spirit that shined that day.
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September 11th: Need Volunteers?
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Organizations across the country will honor those who were lost and those who rose in service in response to the tragedy by participating in the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance.
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National 9/11 Flag: A Symbol of Unity and a Call to Service
Last week, the Corporation for National and Community Service participated in a historic moment when acting CEO, Robert Velasco II joined Members of Congress, service leaders, and 9/11 Day of Service partners on Capitol Hill where the National 9/11 Flag made a stop on its nationwide tour.
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A Day of Service and Remembrance
Earlier today, First Lady Michelle Obama sent this message to the White House email list about the September 11th National Day of Service. Tomorrow the First Lady will be participating in a service event with Mission Serve, a civilian-military service initiative, to help renovate a community center at a retirement community for veterans. Visit Serve.govto get involved and find service opportunities in your area.
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Giving Today for a Greener Tomorrow
More than 1,800 George Washington University students have signed up to participate in the university’s 2010 Freshman Day of Service, which for the second year will take place on and in conjunction with National Day of Service and Remembrance, September 11.
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How to Use Social Media to Remember 9/11
Are you willing to be an online ambassador for volunteerism? Will you leverage your social networks to encourage your readers, followers and friends to memorialize the victims, survivors and heroes of the attacks of 9/11 through A National Day of Service and Remembrance?
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Turning Tragedy Into Something Positive
Somewhere along the way, we all face tragedy in our lives. Few are spared. People handle tragedies, though, in different ways. I often marveled at but was somewhat puzzled by those who found ways to turn personal tragedy into something positive. But now I understand.
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9/11 and Beyond
The Corporation for National and Community Service, in partnership with My Good Deed, Scholastic, and the Points of Light Institute are announcing the release of comprehensive education resources realted to 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance to teachers and mentors. These tools will help educators and youth leaders provide constructive lessons on 9/11 and inspire their students to engage in community and volunteer service in observance of 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance each year.
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Running to Remember
On September 11th, 2001 I was sitting in my 9:00 am class when the president of my college suddenly opened the classroom door to inform us that two planes had hit the World Trade Center and a third had crashed into the Pentagon. It was my third week of college, and I had just completed ten months of service with AmeriCorps NCCC, based out of the Pacific Region campus.
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