Trends on Tuesday: Multi-Screen Views

Gone are the days of people sitting passively in front of their TVs. Today, people are interacting with what they are watching, using the devices in their pockets.

According to a Yahoo/Nielsen survey

86% of mobile Internet users (and 92% of 13-24s) are using their mobile devices simultaneously with TV. A quarter of them say they are browsing content related to what they are watching, presenting a compelling opportunity for content providers and advertisers alike to complement the viewing experience on the mobile platform. – Read more from the Survey.

While watching TV, 33% use mobile apps, 37% browse Internet (non-related content), 40% social networking, 56% texting with friend or family

This is important for government for two reasons.

First, are you optimizing your content so that people can find answers to their questions. How can you tie your content into big TV events?

And, second, when people do find your content related to what they’re watching, are you driving them away with a bad user experience–unnavigable content all smashed on their small screens?

Bonus important thing in honor of Social Media Week: A common multi-screen activity is posting comments on Twitter, Facebook, and new social watching tools like GetGlue.  Do you know what people are saying about you?

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